Chapter 1936 Chasing the Prey

Qiao Xuan even discovered a wild boar with a huge body and thick and rough hair. The huge body was almost the size of a calf. The long fangs were long and sharp, and the small green bean-like eyes were exquisite and ferocious. , people can't help but be frightened when they look at it more.

Tigers, wolves and the like were not found for a while.

In fact, Qiao Xuan most wanted to discover wild sheep or wild deer. There are many of them, and such prey will be very convenient to hunt, and the meat is also delicious.

Soon, the group had a harvest. Hare, pheasant, and grouse already had several more in their hands in a blink of an eye, and Aye also hunted a muntjac weighing about forty pounds. Everyone was very happy. After all, he had hunted a big guy!

Even if you can't hunt other big guys, with this, and hunt some hares and pheasants, today's day is not in vain.

In such mountains, there are many kinds of medicinal materials.

But they are not particularly valuable, and Qiao Xuan has no way to get rid of the crowd to pick them quietly, and then earn them into the space, so she can only let them go.

In such an unfamiliar forest, it is absolutely impossible for Shao Yunyun to let her walk alone. He even took her step by step and pulled her beside him, holding her hand and hardly letting go.

Qiao Xuan felt a little regretful in her heart, and she lost her desire to act secretly. The husband was too entangled, and he was helpless.

Later, I found two Great Lingzhi growing together. It is estimated that it is more than 300 years old. This is a good thing. I must not let it go. Qiao Xuan pretended to lead everyone to the general direction there, and then far away "Accidentally" discovered Ganoderma lucidum, and everyone was overjoyed. Zheng Sanger personally climbed the cliff and picked it carefully.

It was wrapped in several layers of large leaves and carefully placed in a small back basket.

Everyone laughed and said that following the adults and madams is really right, this Ganoderma lucidum has grown so big, I don't know how many years it has grown! It's invaluable, it's good to see and feast your eyes.

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "Everyone has a share in all the harvests today, and the same goes for this Ganoderma lucidum. After going back and evaluating the price, everyone has a share!"

As for this Ganoderma lucidum, of course, it belongs to her, and everyone else converts it to silver.

The rule of entering the mountain is that those who see it have a share, even children will have a corresponding share, but Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun are the masters, not equal teammates, and it is entirely up to the two of them.

Qiao Xuan said Everyone was naturally happy and thanked them with smiles.

No one will despise a lot of money!

Next, he found about ten kilograms of wild Gastrodia elata. If Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun didn't know each other, they would have missed it. Others have heard of Gastrodia elata, but they don't know the director of this mountain. Everyone is even more overjoyed. In this deep mountain, luck is really good.

Because she was thinking about hunting, and then encountered some medicinal herbs that were like chicken ribs, Qiao Xuan pretended not to find it and didn't make a sound.

There are too many treasures in the deep mountains, and it is impossible to finish them all! If you want everything, this hunt will be impossible!

In addition to various medicinal herbs, there are also a lot of wild fruits!

Qiao Xuan even discovered wild kiwi fruit trees.

But now there are kiwi fruit trees in her space, and some are already planted in the orchard of Yuzhang provincial capital, so she doesn't care anymore.

At that time, horizontal and vertical will be planted in the Liuhezhuang area.

(End of this chapter)

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