Chapter 1937 has its own reason

Wu Guan found the tracks of a group of wild deer, and everyone cheered up. It was noon yet, so he could catch up, so he resolutely chased forward.

Everyone discussed and planned very well, catching up with this group of wild deer, hunting five or six, six or seven, and then resting on the spot, roasting a few pheasants and hares for lunch, and then you can return after lunch.

Everyone is looking forward to it. They must know that deer herds are rare. They heard that there are occasional wild deer herds in the big forest in Anze Prefecture, but they are very rare.

Even the most experienced hunters would not dare to say that wandering around in the mountains will surely find wild deer herds, it all depends on luck.

They were lucky today!

The speed of the deer is neither fast nor slow, but in the mountains, it is conceivable that the speed is not fast, and the deer have always been the most vigilant. If there is a slight disturbance in the grass, they will be frightened and run away, disappearing like a forest. Also disappeared.

Therefore, the closer you are, the more careful you must be, and the speed will be slower!

So it was like this, unconsciously, more than an hour had passed, but it was still difficult to get close to the deer at a distance of nearly a thousand meters.

For fear of making a big noise, the deer will be scared away.

If you really want to do this, you will lose too much today!

You've been chasing for so long, haven't you?

Even if you are in a hurry, you don't dare to act in a hurry, and it is impossible to give up. Everyone just continues to chase without giving up. In a blink of an eye, another half an hour has passed.

Zheng Sangge looked up at the sky, it was past noon, and it was not suitable to chase forward at this time, otherwise, it was very likely that he would not be able to leave the mountain in time.

In such a deep mountain and old forest, it is winter again, the sky will be dark soon after noon, and the temperature will drop rapidly. If you can't leave the mountain in time, it is very dangerous.

It’s okay for a boss like him to be rough, but there are adults, madams and a few maids accompanying them. They are also amazing. They walk without complaining, but their physical fitness is obvious. It is definitely not suitable for driving in the dark. .

"My lord, ma'am, why don't you two wait here with a few people, I'll go to chase, in another quarter of an hour, if we can't catch up with us, I'll be back, it's not early, it's time to prepare to go out... "

Zheng Sanger whispered to Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun.

Shao Yunyun thought about it too. Today's harvest is really quite a lot. His wife should be satisfied, right? He then said to Qiao Xuan, "Miss, what do you think? I think it's time to prepare to go Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be dark at night..."

Qiao Xuan was entangled for a while, but she said, "Let's go ahead and chase, it's all here, what a pity if we don't catch up? If it's too late, let's just spend the night in the mountains. Okay, it's not difficult to find a shelter from the wind. With so many people burning a bonfire, the night will soon pass!"

"If you are lucky enough to find a more spacious cave, don't worry!"

In fact, not long ago, they saw a rather spacious cave with a good location.

And this is going into the mountain, because I was afraid that something would accidentally wet my clothes and shoes, so I brought an extra pair of shoes and a few thick clothes, which should be enough for the night.

Shao Yunyun: "..."

The reason why Qiao Xuan said this was her own reason. It's just that I can't say it right now.

Anyway, there is absolutely no problem in finding a suitable cave for the night!

(End of this chapter)

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