Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1939: Wonderful place like paradise

Chapter 1938 A good place like a paradise

Although it is dangerous to spend the night in the mountains, it is not impossible. There are so many of them, and they are well prepared, so they won't be afraid of any beasts.

The main thing is that the night is too cold to bear, but if you can find a suitable cave, then it is not a problem.

Shao Yunyun disapproved at first, but just like the enlightenment he had received before, he couldn't beat his wife.

Qiao Xuan lingered for a while longer, and Shao Yunyun's refusal was shaky and finally fell.

So, everyone continued to chase the deer in full spirits.

Anyway, if you want to spend the night in the mountains, there are not so many scruples.

With such a large group of deer right in front of us, no one is willing to give up.

After this chase, about half an hour later, the herd of deer suddenly disappeared and disappeared from sight.

Everyone was greatly surprised, and hurried forward to take a look.

Only then did I discover that this was a very hidden entrance to the valley. The deer did not disappear, but entered the valley from this entrance.

Everyone move on.

The entrance to the valley is hidden and small, and above it are high, almost intersecting cliffs, and only a thin line of sky can be seen when looking up.

After walking about 40 to 50 meters from the winding entrance, turning around a winding formed by a boulder blockage, the eyes suddenly opened up!

"Ah! What is this place!"

"It's too beautiful!"

"Deer herd! Deer herd! Ah, and sheep! Look!"

"Is there a herd of wild horses on the **** in the distance? Did you see it?"


Everyone was stunned, they never expected it to be so unique!

In front of them is an incomparably vast basin of grassland. In the extreme distance, towering valleys can be seen on the gentle slopes and surrounded by clouds. In this large basin, the pastures are extraordinarily verdant, plump and juicy. Occasionally there will be one or two bushes. The shrubs that are more than half a person high, and the gentle slopes in the distance gradually rise up, and then some tall trees gradually grow.

A satin-like river swept away from the basin in graceful and soft arcs. The slowly flowing water surface flickered and jumped silver light in the sunlight. In the distance, there was a lake with a wide water surface.

Silver light flickered on the lake, and flocks of white-spot-like waterbirds rose up or landed on the water.

The green gauze-like reeds on the edge of the lake are still green, looking from a distance, it is very gratifying.

There are also countless animals living here, such as flocks of sheep, deer, wild horses, as well as hares, pheasants, wild ducks, etc.

The temperature here is obviously several degrees higher than outside.

Suddenly coming here from the bleak, cold, north wind howling big forest, the contrast of the somatosensory feeling is especially obvious.

Everyone was excited, and they all laughed and said that it was like being in a fairyland! I didn't expect that there is such a paradise-like place deep in the forest!

Come here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The prey is really casual hunting, and it doesn't matter if you spend the night here.

Qiao Xuan was also excited, and in her heart there was still a sense of pride and joy when she had gone away and hid her merit and fame.

She had sensed this place through supernatural powers before, and saw that the water plants here were extraordinarily green and tender, and the area was vast.

But because the place is so big, she can't see everything in the basin through her abilities when she is outside.

Curious in her heart, she insisted that she must come and have a look.

It's rare to come here, if I don't come, I don't know when I will come again in the future.

?? Ask for a monthly pass! See you tomorrow O(∩_∩)O~



(End of this chapter)

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