Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2114: This Sun Meng is a piece of shit

Chapter 2113 This Sun Meng is a jerk

"No!" Sun Meng objected without even thinking about it, and became even more angry, sneering: "I must take the food away! I don't care where he is! Take it to the provincial capital first, and let our general make the decision. !"

"What do you mean? Threatening me with the Northwest Army?"

What about the Northwest Army? That is also the servant of their emperor!

Isn't that what the emperor wants for his subjects? And, is that called want? That's called tribute!

The emperor is currently short of food, and if the Northwest Army has a conscience, it should take the initiative to pay tribute.

The emperor asked for such a small amount of food, if they are not satisfied, that is disobedience! Disobedient thieves are executed by everyone.

Shao Yunyun: "..."

Jia Heming: "..."

The two didn't exchange glances, but they both had the same idea in their hearts.

Pit, too pit!

This Sun Meng is a piece of shit.

But it is such a **** that doesn't understand anything, and it's the most troublesome.

Rao is that Shao Yunyun is patient enough, and at this moment, he has no desire to continue talking.

Makes no sense.

Seeing this, Sun Meng was a little proud and hummed softly.

Do you really think he's stupid and easy to deceive? If you want to fool him, there is no door!

"Then it's settled! Lord Shao, don't miss this chance to show your loyalty!"

Sun Meng left those words, and strode away triumphantly.

"Who the **** is this! Is that General Sun crazy? He actually sent such a person out to do business? Isn't he worried that he will make a mistake!"

As soon as Sun Meng left, Jia Heming couldn't help but complain.

Shao Yunyun smiled helplessly. In the second prince's territory, the Sun family is the first family. What's so scary about the Sun family?

Sun Pu didn't know how much Sun Meng weighed, but he still dispatched such a person with confidence. It seemed that Liu Zhifu's eye drops were very successful, and Sun Pu must have hated himself.

What's more, he used to be a person of His Royal Highness, and his relationship with the second prince and the Sun family was originally a hostile faction...

Shao Yunyun felt that the situation was worse than he expected.

"Sir, what should we do now? We can't all go to the provincial capital, that would be too passive! There is still food, so we can't give them."

One hundred thousand stones is not a small amount, how distressed it is to give it away.

And the Sun family has tasted the sweetness, will they give up?

No one can say bad.

Based on past experience, no.

So, to give or not to give?

If you don't give it, you have to turn around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Give it, I can't afford it.

Since I can't afford to turn my face sooner or later, it doesn't matter now.

The tiger-skin banner of the Northwest Army can still be used well at that time, but it may not be of any use...

Besides, with An Zezhou's current strength, no one can do whatever they want!

Jia Heming has a lot of anger in his brain, and he also has a temper!

Shao Yunyun said slowly: "I will go out of the city quietly tomorrow morning and take Aye and Zheng Sangge to the provincial capital - you listen to me first, Aye will follow me into the city, and Zheng Sanger will bring people in disguise and disguise. Respond outside the provincial capital, don't worry, I won't fight them head-on, I know it well. Madam will declare that I am sick and cover up, I believe she will be able to stop Sun Meng. You stay here and try to bring Sun Meng and the others together. Stay a few more days and don't let them leave Anze. No matter what method is used, they must be kept!"

This idiot is too bad, since it doesn't make sense to him, let him stay here so as not to get in the way, and he goes to talk to Sun Pu in person.

(End of this chapter)

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