Chapter 2114 Decided to go

Jia Heming was silent for a while.

"My lord, I still think this is too dangerous! No matter how powerful Aye and the others are, they are on someone else's territory. Whether General Sun or Liu Zhifu are full of hostility towards us, I'm afraid they won't be right then. Your Excellency is polite. If you move your hands, wouldn’t it be—”

"An Zezhou can't live without the adults! If the adults are not here, An Zezhou will be gone. Let me go."

Shao Yunyun chuckled: "I didn't intend to be polite to them, just act according to chance! Xiaoqi is still in the Northwest Army, unless the surnamed Sun is flooded, he will never do anything to me. But you are different, you If you go, it will be bad. Besides, Sun Pu may not be willing to have a good talk with you."

In the beginning, the identities that were opposed to each other, coupled with the prefect of Liu who provoked eye drops, even if Shao Yunyun wanted to have a good talk, would they be willing?

Inevitably, he had to take advantage of the identity of his family's Xiaoqi to be a fox and a tiger.

Jia Heming was speechless.

What Shao Yunyun said was the truth. Sun Pu would not even give Shao Yunyun's face, and even if he did, it would be nothing but jealousy. It was strange that he would be polite to Jia Heming.

Maybe if I go to this life, I will explain it there.

After a long silence, Jia Heming sighed and said, "This matter, the lower officials are incompetent and cannot share the worries of the adults. The adults must protect themselves. If the situation is critical, it is important to try to escape first..."

Shao Yunyun smiled and nodded: "I know all this, don't worry! Then An Zezhou will leave it to you."

"Don't worry, my lord, I promise that I will never let Sun Meng and the others leave half a step."

Fortunately, the head of Li catcher was injured and couldn't move, otherwise he was arrogant and cunning, and it was really not easy to deal with.

Shao Yunyun discussed some details with him again, dealt with some official affairs, and called Sun Bai, Sun Qian, Zheng Sangge, etc. to come over to discuss arrangements.

By the time I got back to Houya, it was already dinner time.

Qiao Xuan has already instructed the kitchen to prepare the meal.

The family sits around, the lights are amiable, and the three family members have a warm dinner together.

Fresh and delicious food always makes you feel better.

After dinner, Shao Yunyun checked and checked An An's homework. The three chatted and laughed for a while. An An obediently went to take a bath and sleep. Shao Yunyun also took Qiao Xuan's hand and went back to the bedroom.

"Ma'am, I'm going to go to a distant place at dawn tomorrow. I'm going to the provincial capital."

Qiao Xuan's face changed suddenly, "You—do you have to go?"

Shao Yunyun nodded, kissed her face lightly, and smiled softly: "Sun Meng's conditions are too much, this idiot just can't make sense, so I have to go over and make it clear to Sun Pu myself. Try to keep Sun Meng and the others in Anze Prefecture, if Sun Meng is making trouble to see me, and the lady blocks me, she will say that I am sick..."

Qiao Xuan listened to him quietly. She didn't hear a lot of words She didn't want to hear them clearly, it didn't make much sense to her.

She only knew that Shao Yunyun told her that he was going to the provincial capital.

In this case, he is going to the provincial capital.

Qiao Xuan's mind suddenly became empty, and her heart was a little flustered and confused.

"Can't we not go... Can't we? Then I'll go too, I'll accompany you! Jia Zhoucheng is to deal with Sun Meng, let's go early and return early, it's just a few days' effort, Jia Zhoucheng will definitely be able to do it!"

"Ma'am," Shao Yunyun put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her and said solemnly, "Jia Zhoucheng can't handle it, that person Sun Meng can't do anything, he doesn't dare to treat Mrs. Zhizhou, but he will never Concerned about the state prime minister."

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(End of this chapter)

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