Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2134: Is that what she meant?

Chapter 2133 Is that what she meant?

Xu shi's face turned pale, her eyes panicked.

Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni nodded again and again.

"Mother is right, the fifth brother can't be wronged and bullied for nothing, right? If there is something, who will avenge him? What a grievance!"

"Yes, Fifth Brother will definitely not be wrong!"

Shao Dalang looked at his father, then at his mother, scratched his head and said, "...I, I also think that Wulang is not that confused and ignorant, there must be his reasons for what he does. Dad, since we are here, Just stay here, don't make trouble for Goro..."

Xu Shi quickly nodded frantically: "Yes, yes yes yes!"

She didn't quite understand what the fifth siblings and mother said, but they sounded reasonable. Then again, when would mother's words be unreasonable?

She understood what her father said. Dad said, the fifth brother, he, he, rebel!

Rebellion...is that what she meant?

Although she hadn't read or read, she could still understand what she said.

And this time the fifth brother sent someone back to pick up all the elders and children of the whole family. Originally, she really thought that the fifth brother was missing the family, so she specially picked up the whole family to stay there.

I understand now...

Uncle Shao had no way to fight with Fang on weekdays, and he couldn't fight. The whole family turned to her.

But he didn't expect that it was Shao Yunyun who made a mistake this time. Fang's loving mother protected him with arrogance, and the whole family still protected him.

Uncle Shao couldn't help blowing his beard and staring, and he was so angry that he couldn't say anything at all: "You, you can do it! You can do it hard! Goro is like this, and you still say he did it right!"

"What's wrong with Goro? You just don't understand the child's difficulties at all, and you don't know how to feel bad for the child!" I don't know which heartstring was touched, and Fang's eyes turned red for a while, wiped his eyes and choked and complained: "Our family If there is no Goro, and Gouro's wife, how can we be today? Why don't you think about Gouro's good? Gouro is wronged. In this troubled world, it can kill him. If you don't say help, forget it. And say such cold-blooded words!"

"What do you like? Anyway, I'm on the side of Goro. No matter what happens in the future, I'll be with Goro. It's a big deal—I'll be with Goro anyway!"

Uncle Shao: "..."

He was not convinced, but he didn't know why things had become like this again! It's him who is clearly right, why does it seem like it's his fault again?

"That's not what I meant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you talking nonsense? You! When did I say Goro-cough, I'm too lazy to say it, what do you like!"

Uncle Shao was so suffocated, he got up angrily and walked away.

"You just leave, who cares about you! Anyway, I tell you, you can't do it if you want to make trouble!" Fang Shi was not angry, and smiled reluctantly at Qiao Xuan, and said lovingly: "Qiao Shi, you and Wulang don't want it. Don't take it to your heart! Your father is confused, let's ignore him. Goro is what or what, I believe in my own son. No matter what he does, I will be on his side!"

Shao Sanlang, Shao Dalang and others also nodded, their eyes warm and concerned.

"That's right, let's all listen to the fifth brother and the fifth younger brother and sister!"


"Anyway, I don't understand anything. Fifth brother and fifth brother and sister say whatever they want."

"Me too!"


(End of this chapter)

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