Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2135: 1 family reunion

Chapter 2134 Family Reunion

Qiao Xuan felt warm in her heart and said with a smile, "I am relieved after hearing your words! My mother, brother and sister-in-law are also relieved, as long as you live here well, everything has your husband, Xianggong will consider everything carefully, no matter what. Now or in the future, mother, brother and sister-in-law don't have to worry!"

"That's that. Goro does things, I'm the most at ease!" Fang Shi smiled and nodded.

Qiao Xuan smiled at Shao Dalang and Mrs Xu again: "I will arrange for Junyan to go to school and let him study hard, so I won't delay him."

Xu Shi was completely relieved now, nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "Okay, fine, in the future, Junyan will ask the fifth brother and fifth younger brother to teach him more!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "Sister-in-law, don't worry! My husband loves these nephews and nieces very much!"

With Mr. Fang's statement, the whole family was relieved, and they have lived in Anze Prefecture with peace of mind since then.

They came just in time. Taotao used to work with them a lot when they were at home. Now that they are here, they can still work together.

This time is not the same. Anze Prefecture has fewer people and more land, and countless wastelands and swamps have not yet been developed. Whether Zhao Shu or Shao's family is not short of money, they can just show their strengths.

Shao Dalang, Shao Sanlang, Xu Shi, Yang Xiaoni, etc. will not feel bored all day with nothing to do, they can have work to do every day, and they are very busy.

Seeing this, Qiao Xuan was particularly relieved to hand over land reclamation and planting in Anze Prefecture to them.

Land reclamation is definitely going to be done, after all, God knows if we can buy enough food, medicinal materials, and cloth from outside.

The state of Anze must be self-sufficient.

Under her suggestion, Shao Yunyun has ordered that in the entire Huaixi Province, as long as the people open up wasteland within the past two years, it is as much as they can open up, and they don't have to spend a penny. No tax will be charged for the wasteland that has been opened for five years.

Everyone's enthusiasm was quickly mobilized, not only in Anze Prefecture, but also in other counties.

As long as there is a labor force in the family, and all the lazy people who are not idle and lazy, they will open up wasteland one after another.

Even if you scatter a handful of beans or plant a few peanuts, you can get as much as you can.

Not to mention good things like potatoes.

While Qiao Xuan asked people to build roads, they continued to build warehouses and store supplies.

Taking advantage of the absence of Shao Yunyun and Jia Heming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was too easy for her to move. So a lot of food and medicinal materials were taken out of the space and stored in the warehouse.

I plan to focus on planting medicinal materials and cotton in my own wasteland, and also expand the pasture, aiming at wild horses. If this can be tamed, it will be a great help...

Under the leadership of the Shao family's vigorous wasteland reclamation activities, Anze Prefecture is full of vitality, and not only the people, but also major families have responded.

Everyone knows that accumulating more supplies at this time has only advantages and no disadvantages!

At the same time, the number of people who handed salutations to the state government office was more than ever before. There were countless people who greeted, visited Qiao Xuan, or the Fang family.

Fang is more willing to take care of his grandchildren and quarrel with the old man from time to time. He doesn't like seeing those people too much.

Qiao Xuan was similar to her. After listening to her complaints, she simply handed over the matter to Li Xia to deal with. She would come again later. If there is no serious matter, just let Li Xia see her.

Like Mrs. Fang, where does she have the free time to waste time on it every day?

(End of this chapter)

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