"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

Many times, she feels that it is more refreshing and enjoyable to do it by herself!

However, her fierce slap still failed to reach Li Xia's face, and the two maids who followed Li Xia still blocked her raised arms.

"You are presumptuous!" Su Lifei roared, this was something she had never experienced before! Someone dared to stop her, the queen concubine?

"It's the other way around! I think you just want to rebel! Come on, come on! What are you still doing, don't do it for me! Today, Ben Gong Fei is ruthlessly teaching these three cheap servants who have no masters in their eyes. No! I can't stop this palace even when I come!"

Mammy Ling was also furious. She had never felt so aggrieved before, and immediately ran out to call someone: "Come on, come on!"

Soon, a large group of palace maids and eunuchs poured in.

Li Xia was taken aback, and she thought that Madam hadn't expected the concubine Li, who was from a bandit girl, to be so fierce...

If this was bullied on her own territory, she would have been by his wife's side for so many years in vain.

Li Xia rushed forward, grabbed the tea cup and smashed it **** the ground. With the crisp cracking sound, the fragments scattered, and all the palace maids and eunuchs were startled.

Li Xia glared at them and sneered: "This is Huaixi Province, not Jiangning, let alone Hangzhou City! I'm the steward next to my wife, if you dare to touch me, think about how many heads! The second prince's people are still here with our master. If you can't get cheap, what are you guys!"

The palace maids and eunuchs are not fools. After entering the border of Huaixi Province, they have experienced the treatment of their group clearly and clearly.

Huaixi Province's attitude towards them is quite satisfactory and reveals disgust and caution. It is definitely not friendly. As for flattery and flattery, it is even more of a dream.

In this case, if you really move the people around Mrs. Shao, I am afraid it will really cause trouble...

The palace maids and eunuchs suddenly hesitated.

Seeing this, Concubine Su Li became even more furious!

"It's the other way around! Do you all want to be the other way around! Can't you forget who your masters are? If you don't listen to Ben Gong, believe it or not, Ben Gong wants you to die!"

The palace maids and eunuchs were all startled. I don't know who was leading the charge, and they rushed forward without any hesitation.

They couldn't be more clear about the temperament of this master. She said that if she wanted them to die, she would really kill them. This was definitely not an angry word.

After all, this is the master who even the concubines in the palace can beat up, and the emperor is still protecting her. What are the lives of these servants worth...

A maid who followed Li Xia hurriedly ran outside, shouting as she ran, "Come here! Come here! Where are all the people serving in the inn!"

There were originally a number of servants and maids in this inn, most of them were sent by Qiao Xuan after some selection.

After all, Concubine Su Li's group were all the people of the third prince, and they belonged to the enemy, so it was impossible to send someone to serve them casually.

Therefore, when the people heard the call, they immediately dropped their work and rushed in.

Li Xia was in a hurry to get out, and when he saw this, he shouted loudly: "Hurry up and stop them!"

In fact, she didn't need to make a special noise at all. Everyone rushed in and was shocked when they saw it, and they went up to help without thinking.

Those who can be selected to serve here are all facing Huaixi, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun. Li Xia is Qiao Xuan's confidant, who doesn't know her?

How could it be possible to watch her being bullied!

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