Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2226: It's time to start

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

One after another, more than ten servants came in, and the situation eased in an instant. It would not be so easy for Concubine Su's people to embarrass Lixia!

For a time, the entire hall was crowded and noisy.

Concubine Fu Shu was completely frightened, she sat stiffly on the chair, dumbfounded, her heart was pounding and she didn't dare to move.

Concubine Su Li was also dumbfounded.

Since beating her into the palace, the most despised thing is the behavior of the so-called daughters of noble families and noble families, who only dare to fight and quarrel, and dare not do anything at all. Obviously he is weak and a weak chicken, but he still wants to say something high-sounding about a gentleman who speaks and does not do anything, and what a shrew in the market does.

She despised it very much and thought it was sour!

When it's time to do something, she doesn't care about it, she's never vague.

Because of this, she was invincible, and now no one in the harem would dare to provoke her.

But I don't think, why is Huaixi so savage? Where did these people come from, they dared to do it!

Concubine Su Li roared in a fit of rage, the lowly servants couldn't stop scolding them, kept yelling at the palace maids and eunuchs to take down each other, and scolded Lixia and other lowly servants for rebellion, and even dared to do something to their master...


The result was rather ugly. Her troops were not able to fight against Lixia's side. In the end, she had to retreat in embarrassment, or she was knocked to the ground and reluctantly got up and couldn't be beaten...

Concubine Su Li's face was white and red, and her fingers pointing at Li Xia were trembling: "It's the other way around! You, you are so bold! How dare you be so presumptuous in front of this palace! This palace wants to tell the emperor, I want all your heads!"

The servants in Huaixi, look at me, I look at you, some people can't help but bite their lips and hold back their laughter, some people roll their eyes secretly, and some people secretly curl their lips, all of which are regarded as jokes.

This is Huaixi Province!

Does this Concubine Su Li really think she can play any prestige in Huaixi Province? She is nothing without buying her account.

It's no wonder that everyone saw her "emperor" without the slightest sense of awe.

When three emperors appeared in Daqin, the majesty of imperial power completely collapsed and shattered into **** in the hearts of the common people.

Not to mention that the three emperors also accused each other of splashing dirty water, which was very unbearable. In the eyes of everyone, each of them was unclean.

Seeing this Su Li Concubine so arrogant and domineering at this moment, everyone naturally disdainful.

Before Li Xia came, he was instructed by Qiao Xuan to treat each other with courtesy. It would be best if the big guys knew it well, got along well, and did not violate each other, but if the other party made too much trouble, then there was no need suffer and endure.


Even if she was mentally prepared, Li Xia was still shocked when she really got in front of this Concubine Su, and after her turbulent battle, Li Xia was still shocked.

She said in her heart that she had been with Madam for so many years, and she had seen and experienced things at any rate, otherwise, she was afraid that she would be frightened by this Concubine Su Li.

What kind of imperial concubine is this? She's even more troublesome than the daughter of the butcher's family in the market who is helping to sell meat...

At this moment, it was expected that Concubine Su Li had nothing to do with herself, and after hearing her mad words, Li Xia scolded her and said: "Concubine Li keeps telling the emperor that he wants our heads. I don't know which emperor the empress wants to report to?"

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