Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2246: The Su family is not easy to say.

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

With a smile in Qiao Xuan's eyes, she complained with Shao Yunyun.

The reason why she was fearless when facing Concubine Su Li was because she was sure of what Shao Yunyun meant. Thinking about the other people who eat under the hands of the third prince, need to endure the idiots of the Su family, it is really sad and lamentable.

She doesn't know about others, it's all based on her imagination, but Concubine Fu Shu hardly speaks in front of Concubine Su Li.

The daughter of the dignified prefect's family has ended up being bullied at will by a vulgar girl from a bandit family. Isn't it sad...

The two talked for a while, and the little guy An An finally woke up. He was looking for his mother and father outside the door. Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun looked at each other and smiled, and quickly got up.

Back in Huaixi provincial capital, Shao Yunyun was busy again.

The next day, he immediately repaired a letter and ordered someone to send it to Zheng Sanger, ordering him to strengthen patrols and defenses, especially for the business travelers from Jiangnan, they must be strictly investigated. Suspect target, don't slack off...

At the same time, he discussed with Jia Heming and others, and ordered to take stock of food, herbs, medicines, clothing, etc., to check the production of weapons. Previously, relying on Zhao Shu's caravan, he secretly transported a lot of pig iron from outside through some channels to make weapons and farm implements. Not used up yet.

The reason why Shao Yunyun did this was to guard against the Third Prince.

The third prince may not have the courage, but the Su family is hard to say.

From what Qiao Xuan described, Concubine Su Li was so stupid and domineering, and the third prince still spoiled her so unboundedly, one could imagine how much he relied on the Su family.

In other words, how much authority the Su family has reached!

What happened to Concubine Su Li who was "bullied" by his wife, and suffered such "big" grievances, how could she not complain when she went back?

Her temper is not good, and the Su family's temper is probably similar, so it's hard to say whether the Su family will launch a surprise attack in anger.

After all, the temperament of someone who has been a water bandit and dominated one side is not much better.

If the Su family must use force, even if the third prince opposes it, it may not work.

When Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan discussed this matter, Qiao Xuan was quite surprised and a little disbelieving: "This, can't be, now is the busiest time of spring farming, Jiangnan is rich, fertile fields are thousands of miles away, and silkworms are also the time to take care of them. , At this time, starting a war, the Third Prince will definitely not allow it."

No matter how mediocre and incompetent the third prince was, he was still a prince, and he could not understand the most basic principles.

How can anyone start a war when they are busy with spring farming? Didn't you see that the second prince and the fourth prince have not started fighting yet? According to the spy's report, the second prince is also rushing for time to plough the spring.

The two brothers will never give up unless they fight for a winner or loser.

Shao Yunyun smiled: "The third prince will not do this, but the Su family may not!"

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Shao Yunyun smiled again: "Why don't we make a bet?"

Qiao Xuan widened her eyes: "What bet?"

"Well, bet on whether the Su family will start a war, if it does, I will win, lady—"

Qiao Xuan gave him an angry look, "I don't want to bet with you!"

If he wins, he will have to listen to him himself. She has been on the scene several times, and she will never do it again. Even if she wins, he listens to her, she doesn't feel that she is taking advantage of her, anyway, he listens to her!

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