"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

Shao Yunyun laughed loudly, showing a little "what a pity!" look.

Regardless of whether the Su family will go crazy, spring ploughing is indeed a top priority.

After Shao Yunyun arranged various affairs, he took Qiao Xuan to select a few counties and went down to inspect the situation of spring ploughing in person.

Shao Yun had a vague feeling about various tasks in the mountains and fields. He seemed to be more familiar with the skills than his wife.

Although he was exposed to farm work since he was a child, his wife was locked in the inner house for half a step and could not be free when she was a child.

But sometimes things like "talent" don't make sense at all, and his wife just likes to grow things and go to the mountains. It's not that he was puzzled and wondered, and he also observed it secretly, but he didn't see any clues, and he had to be convinced: something like talent is sometimes really magical!

He didn't think it was too difficult to accept this kind of thing. Books such as "Strange Stories" and "Strange Stories" may not exist in this world. His wife might just happen to be planting them. What about something that no one can do?

This is his blessing, and it is enough for him to accept and cherish this blessing.

In any case, the lady is his lady, the lover he likes and likes him.

Qiao Xuan happened to have never been to many other places in Huaixi Province, so she was very happy to take this opportunity to walk with Shao Yunyun.

The two didn't take An An with them. An An had just followed Shao Yunyun to Huaixi Pass, and his heart was playing wildly. It was time to sit back in the school and study peacefully for a while. Second, Shao Yunyun just wanted to travel with his wife and wife.

He only asked An'an to go to Anzezhou City after they left for about half a month, and they would drop by to Anzezhou to see their family.

And An Zezhou has so many industries Qiao Xuan, Qiao Xuan can think about in her heart!

Just six or seven days after Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun left the provincial capital, Su Lifei and her party finally returned to Jiangning.

Finally home!

Not only Concubine Su Li thought so, Concubine Fu Shu and everyone accompanying her also thought so.

When the big guy left Jiangning, he was full of energy and confidence. After all, he was a direct subordinate of the emperor, and escorting the imperial concubine to travel represented the face of the Tian family.

Who would have guessed that it would become a joke in Huaixi Province, each and everyone like a quail with their tails tucked in their tails, and they were extremely depressed.

After all, it is still cool on its own territory!

Look, this time, they have become the high-ranking emperor again. Who can't see them with a good voice and a careful smile?

For this, the most profound feeling is of course, Su Lifei.

When Concubine Su Li met the third prince, she was crying and crying, describing Qiao Xuan as rebellious and heinous. In short, there was no suitable punishment other than punishing her nine clans.

And the reason why Qiao Xuan dared to humiliate her, bully her, and mock her like this, she kept saying, "What is the emperor? Does he care about Huaixi Province?", "There are three emperors in the world, which one is a traitor and say no? Exactly!" The wait is simply unbearable, other than what Shao Yunyun explained, who else could it be?

If it wasn't for Shao Yunyun, that's what she meant, she was just a housewife who lived by her husband, how could she have such courage?

But if Shao Yunyun regarded the emperor as the emperor in the slightest, he would not be so decisive...

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