Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2286: Jiang Ning's idea

Losing Hangzhou City means that a large area to the east of Hangzhou City cannot be preserved, and Shaoxing, Ningbo, Zhoushan and other places have all been lost.

This loss is too great, too heavy, too heavy to bear.

But soon, the third prince and the courtiers who were in shock and disbelief had to accept the fact that this matter...is true!

Not only did Hangzhou City fall into the hands of Shao Yunyun, but Su Huai's group was almost wiped out, and even Su Huai himself was unable to escape. , Seven or eight out of ten are buried in the belly of a fish!

It is not a pity for him to die. It is an unforgivable sin for him to lose such a large city and a large area as the emperor!

The courtiers were all heartbroken and hated Su Huai and others, and the memorial to impeach him flew to the third prince's case like a snowflake. If Su Huai was present at this moment, everyone might rush up to grab him, and then bite him to death one by one.

After venting their anger and scolding, the difficult question before everyone is: what should I do?

In this regard, the courtiers' eyes flickered, expressions were embarrassed or dodged, and no one could come up with a good idea.

To take back the city of Hangzhou? Easy to say! Almost all the soldiers and horses were damaged in Su Huai's hands, and he spent so much money, grain and supplies. How can he still afford it now?

What if the city of Hangzhou is not recaptured, but the fourth prince or the second prince is brought in against the party?

You must know that the emperor came from the Zhonggong Palace and is the rightful heir to the throne. Both of those two traitors are very afraid of the emperor, and what they want most is the emperor's life!

Once there is an opportunity and a loophole to exploit, they will never give up.

Just swallow this breath? That is Hangzhou City! Even with a large area in the south of the Yangtze River, a land of fish and rice, how can you be willing!

Someone suggested that it is better to send an envoy to Shao Yunyun and ask him to return the city of Hangzhou.

Others simply said that it is better to increase the stakes to persuade Shao Yunyun to submit. After all, he is a minister of Daqin. The first emperor and the first prince have been very kind to him. He has read so many sage books, how can he not understand the truth of sages? ? Do you really want to be a scoundrel?

After arguing in the court for two or three days, the courtiers still tended to persuade Shao Yunyun to surrender. In any case, if they could turn battles into jade and silk, of course they had to try hard first.

Everyone agreed that this time, Shao Yunyun could be given some more treasures, a larger official position, and even a Hou Fengbo...

Maybe it will be done?

After discussion, the reward booklet listed a long list. Shao Yunyun was conferred as Marquis of Zhongyong. His wife, father, and mother were all canonized. Several brothers also all received rewards. official.

As for Xiao Qi, he was directly conferred the general of the fourth rank.

The only regret is that Shao Yunyun's younger sister is already married, otherwise, wouldn't it be better to take her into the palace and enshrined as a noble concubine?

The three princes had no objection to this, and said that Shao Yun deserved it.

After he surrenders, he will make contributions, and there will be more rewards.

The courtiers said again, Liao Mingzhong had been there last time, so why not let him go again this time.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Liao Mingzhong and Lord Han of the Ministry of War brought the imperial decree to the city of Hangzhou with the Su brothers, and now they are also trapped in the city of Hangzhou.

This is embarrassing!

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