Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2287: Su Huai returns to Jiangning

Liao Mingzhong is not here, who will go to Huaixi Province?

Everyone dared not look at the third prince, for fear of being chosen.

This kind of thing... no one wants to go.

Today's Shao Yunyun, where is the former Shao Yunyun? If you don't agree with one word, if you cut off your own head, it will be no use...

It's hard to believe that when the time comes, you still expect the emperor to avenge yourself!

The third prince was so angry when he saw this, everyone had a few words in their mouths, and no one would lose if they were playing tricks.

But when it comes to action, none of them can be trusted.

The third prince ordered three people in a row, but people found reasons to evade him. He was full of fire, but he couldn't force anyone to go.

It's about the selection of candidates. After several days of wrangling, I haven't been able to come up with a reason.

Then, before they could draw a conclusion, Su Huai came back.

Su Huai looks like a ghost, full of bandit spirit, and looks more ferocious and terrifying than before.

He didn't come back alone, but he didn't bring everyone back.

He originally had five sworn brothers, but now there is only one left. Half of the sons of the sworn brothers failed to come back, and few of his confidant subordinates followed.

And of his two sons, only the eldest came back.

Second Youngest Su was not dead, but was seriously injured and could not travel quickly, so he had to put him down and let him come back slowly.

Su Huai went to the palace overnight to meet the third prince, and asked the third prince to allocate money for horses and horses. He wanted to take back the city of Hangzhou and avenge the dead brothers!

When the third prince heard this, he was furious.

Dare to come back? Still have the face to ask him to ask for food for troops and horses as soon as he comes back? How dare you avenge his brothers?

What does he think his court is? Is it his reserve?

Opening one's mouth and closing one's mouth is full of bandit anger!

Why did he recruit this gang of bandits at that time!

A fierce quarrel broke out in front of the monarch, the minister and the imperial court. The little eunuchs and palace maids serving on the side were so frightened that they did not dare to come out.

At this moment, Su Huai is like a gambler who has lost a red eye.

As long as you give him enough capital, he will definitely be able to win it back!

The third prince did not agree, how could Su Huai give up?

He firmly believed that he was fooled by Zheng Sanger and Qin Wuyou because of his negligence. If they faced each other face to face, he would definitely win.

They can let themselves be fooled the last time, it is absolutely impossible to deceive themselves again!

After all his hardships, he finally returned to Jiangning, what would he do if he didn't let him take revenge?

Su Huai was not afraid of the third prince at all, and even less patience now, the third prince did not agree to him, he had the courage to fight against the third prince.

The two were arguing and arguing. Su Huai's brows were cold and ferocious. The third prince quickly extinguished his arrogance and trembled. Finally, under Su Huai's coercion, he had to write an imperial decree with his hands shaking with anger.

As for recruiting Shao Yunyun to surrender? That is no need to think about it, because Su Huai does not agree.

Not to mention that no one was willing to take this trip as a messenger in the first place. Even if there were, Su Huai was not allowed to go, who would dare to go?

Don't want to live?

"Your Majesty, rest assured, this minister will definitely take revenge and bring Hangzhou City back to the Emperor! Not only Hangzhou City, but also the whole world, the minister will take it back from the Emperor!"

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