When some generals knew about this, they went to report to Su Huai.

The original intention was to let Su Huai know that he made a big mistake in this matter, and he shouldn't have done it, so that he has made such a mess now.

Don't want to, Su Huai didn't think of this level at all, so naturally he didn't feel ashamed or remorse, instead he was furious.

He ordered strict inspections of people entering and leaving the city, and ordered the tracing of the fleeing people. Once they were found to be captured, they would be punished in public for beating the board, and they would also be fined taels of silver, which would be redeemed with money.

Su Huai's troubles made the already chaotic situation even worse! People are more confused.

The generals couldn't help but stand up and persuade countless people, but Su Huai insisted on going his own way and couldn't listen at all. If there is any more long-winded, he will be questioned by him if he deliberately shakes the hearts of the army, and he will be demoted and punished.

The generals dared not to speak out, some were angry, disappointed and disheartened, and some were loyal and heartbroken to the court. At this point, no one was optimistic about Su Huai, and no one was willing to follow him.

Not long after that, when Zheng Sangge and Qin Wuyou launched a general attack, and when the team that had successfully detoured by sea was attacking Su Huai, the generals under Su Huai had no intention of fighting seriously at all, and there were even some people. Going against Su Huai's intention, he secretly released all the people who Su Huai planned to use as meat shields!

There is no need to fight this battle at all, it has been completely lost!

Many people simply surrendered!

Su Huai took his cronies and tried desperately, but, what's the use?


Su Huai was not reconciled, screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood, and was desperately left by his son and his loyal subordinates, and fled into Taihu Lake in a hurry.

Later, he died in a reed forest on a small island in Taihu Lake.

At that time, there were only less than twenty people left by his side.

More than half of the twenty people were injured to varying degrees.

Later, some of these people died, and some sneaked away. Seeing that the situation was over, Su Huai's son did not dare to return to Jiangning, let alone show his face, for fear of being arrested. In this way, like a mouse in the gutter, he lived incognito for a lifetime.

The city of Huzhou was also taken down by Zheng Sanger and Qin Wuyou.

At that time, the second prince and the Sun family, who had been fighting with the fourth prince for half a year, and who had lost quite a few places in general, felt a fire in their hearts.

Can't kill the fourth prince, can't you kill the third prince?

The second prince and the Sun family were aggressive, and they would not stop until they won Jiang Ning.

Zheng Sanger, Qin Wuyou, etc. together, sent people to write a letter to Shao Yunyun overnight with a suggestion: Grab the site!

They said that the vitality of the third prince has been exhausted, and the third prince at this time is an empty shelf~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't resist it for long.

The second prince can't be cheap for nothing! Why don't you just take this opportunity to grab some territory.

Zhang Wenshu also means this. He has already made preparations. Hangzhou City and the surrounding area are completely under control, even if he eats a few more cities, it will be no problem!

Thanks to Su Huai's mess, the third prince's court has long since lost the people's hearts, and even the people have lost confidence in the Qin Dynasty, and compared with the stability and tranquility of Huaixi, it will be very easy to appease the conquered city.

Shao Yunyun agreed to the plan of Zheng Sanger and others.

As a result, Zheng Sanger, Qin Wuyou, and logistics transfer Zhang Wenshu, etc. immediately launched an attack on other cities in the south of the Yangtze River.


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