Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2299: Soldiers approaching the city

The sequelae of the third prince's inaction and Su Huai's death were more serious than Zheng Sanger, Zhang Wenshu and the others expected. Zheng Sanger and Qin Wuyou's army did not encounter any decent resistance at all along the way. It can almost be said that Unimpeded all the way to the bottom of Jiangning City.

The third prince has regretted to death! I can't wait to break Su Huai's body into ten thousand pieces!

At this time, the news of Su Huai's death outside had not come back, and the courtiers of the Third Prince's Xiaochaotang had no way to do anything with him, so they all poured their anger on the Su family.

There was not a day when Su's house could live a stable life. Minions who went out to buy goods would be beaten, and rotten eggs, rotten vegetables and other garbage began to be thrown at the door and gate.

Later, the news that Su Huai's entire army had collapsed and fled and disappeared, and the court was angry. Su Huai suddenly lost the foundation of the court!

Now that the troops are under the city, what should everyone do?

He just cut off everyone's life!

The angry courtiers rushed directly to the Su family, drove out Mrs. Su and others, smashed the Su family and set it on fire.

Zheng Sanger and Qin Wuyou's army had already reached the outside of the city, and the second prince was on the way. There was no decent resistance team in Jiangning City.

The third prince himself panicked at first. He knew that he would definitely be finished under the two-phase attack, so he once again staged the drama of abandoning the city and fleeing, trying to run to Zhenjiang and find a boat to escape from Daqin.

As soon as the third prince escaped, Jiangning City could not be held back at all! Zheng Sanger and Qin Wuyou were fortunate enough to attack Jiangning City before the Second Prince and the Sun family.

After three days, it basically stabilized before the Sun family arrived.

The Sun family was so angry that they ordered a strong attack.

Zheng Sangge and Qin Wuyou brought a lot of troops and horses, plus they gathered people's hearts and integrated the original troops of Jiangning City, and the Sun family did not take any advantage of defending the city.

The Sun family wanted to continue fighting, but they were stared at by another Huaixi army that came from Hangzhou City. As soon as they moved, they were attacked by both sides.

In fact, they have no certainty that they can win, and they can only hate to retreat.

So far, the entire Jiangnan has fallen into the hands of Shao Yunyun!

This made everyone in Huaixi excited as if they had been injected with a stimulant!

It will take a lot of time for such a large site to take over the integration and resettlement, and this year is bound to be very busy.

Shao Yunyun had to move An An to Hangzhou with Qiao Xuan, and also went to Jiangning.

After that, the two lived in Hangzhou City.

It is very close to Huaixi and Jiangning. Easy to manage.

Tao Tao and Zhao Shu are the happiest. After all, most of Zhao Shu's business is in the south of the Yangtze River, and Hangzhou has a lot of industries.

In the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he and Taotao stayed in Hangzhou City, and happened to be with Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun.

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan were still planning to take over Fang and the others when they were done working for a while, and the family would be closer in the future.

On the other side of Huaixi, Wuguan is still guarding Huaixiguan, which is an important place and cannot be relaxed. But Jia Heming's talent is still a bit wasted in Huaixi provincial capital.

Shao Yunyun chose two people from the scribes, one is the prefect and the other is the prefect, who will manage Huaixi together, and Jia Heming's family will go with them and go to Jiangning to take office.

Song Shi and Li Xia stayed in Huaixi provincial capital, and they would take care of Qiao Xuan's business there. By the way, they could help watch some folk opinions. Such an arrangement is very appropriate.


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