Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 411: Shouldn't it be a flashback?

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 411 Could it be a return to light?

Tao Tao was very happy, and her crisp laughter was extremely proud.

Qiao Xuan was also proud and sighed in her heart, this is the celebrity effect, the husband owes the eldest son of the Xie family a big favor!

However, Young Master Xie is not the kind of person who opens his eyes and talks nonsense. Since he praised his husband, then his husband must also have something to praise.

So...the next year's autumn season is quite sure?

Qiao Xuan was elated.

There is no better news than this!

The next day, the four of us had breakfast together.

The Wenhui is still going on today. Shao Yunyun didn't drink much yesterday. After a night's rest, he was fully awake. At breakfast, he smiled and asked where Qiao Xuan and Taotao went yesterday.

Qiao Xuan didn't say anything about the manor, but only said that she was walking around the city.

Seeing that Shao Yunyun was looking at him and was about to speak, Qiao Xuan took the lead and said with a smile, "We're in the suburbs, we're just wandering around in a place where there are people, we won't go far!"

Shao Yunyun also smiled, and then gave up, "Don't go to remote places."

After breakfast, Shao Yunyun and Xiaoqi went out. Qiao Xuan and Taotao stayed at the inn for a while, and went out to go shopping.

There are quite a few beautiful scenery in the city, it is worth visiting for leisure and leisure, enough for two people to spend time.

In the manor outside the city, the unconscious master was quickly rescued.

The old man was seriously injured in an accident before, his legs were disabled, and other functions of the body were also damaged more or less. Most of the time he lay in a drowsy state every day, coma or labor pains were commonplace.

There are times when things are relatively good.

At times like this, if the weather is just right, he will sit in a wheelchair and order the boy to push him out for a walk. What he loves most is the piece of the garden that he planted with his own hands more than 30 years ago. of precious trees.

When the master woke up, he saw his wife sitting in front of the couch with red eyes, and smiled at her, "I've got old problems with this, look at you, I'm not used to it yet!"

The lady smiled reluctantly: "How can I get used to this? Master, you must be good in the future, don't scare me."

She is not afraid of taking care of him, not afraid of staying in this garden to accompany him dull and monotonous, but she is afraid that he will die, faint and never wake up again.

The doctor said that his body was already very weak, and his internal organs were severely damaged. Over the years, he had only relied on precious medicinal materials to continue his life. In fact, it was still deteriorating a little bit, and one day, his body could not bear it. At that point, it would be the end of his life.

Madam didn't dare to let him know about these words~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but it was her heart disease, as if a knife was hanging over her head, and she didn't know when it would fall.

Especially in the past year, his body has deteriorated more and more, and if there is any trouble, it will make her heart skip a beat.

However, although he was in a coma today, the spirit of the master was very good, and he ate a few more bites and half a bowl of soup for dinner.

"It's probably been a long time since I went out. It seems that going out is still beneficial. Why do I feel a lot better physically and mentally?"

Madam not only was not happy when she heard this, but she was terrified!

This, this should not be a return to light, right?

She forced a smile and said, "It's been so long, I think it's getting better, this, this is good..."

That night, the eldest lady slept in the bedroom next to the master, and she hardly dared to close her eyes all night.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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