Remember for a second【】

Chapter 412 Curious

Fortunately, the master woke up on time the next day, and his spirit seemed to be really better than yesterday.

It happened that the doctor came to see the doctor today and was shocked after taking the pulse of the master: "Master, madam, have you invited another doctor to see the doctor? Did you take some medicine, or did you do acupuncture, or something else?"



Both the master and the wife were at a loss.

"Doctor Tang's words... I don't know what it means? Our master only has Dr. Tang to see the doctor. The medication and medication are all according to the instructions of Dr. Tang, and there is nothing else!"

"Ms. is this true?"

"Naturally, how dare you joke about such things!" Madam said sternly.

Seeing this, Doctor Tang hurriedly said, "Madam, please forgive me, I have no other intentions. It's just that the old man has just seen the doctor for the master. The master's condition has improved and it is quite obvious, so I am puzzled."

Doctor Tang said, "Offend!" and pinched the calf of the master's left leg hard.

The master cried out "Ah", "It hurts, it hurts!"

Madam froze, Hua Hua and others suddenly widened their eyes, all of them were stupid!

"Master, what did you say!"

The lady's voice trembled inappropriately.

"It hurts! Doctor Tang, can't you be gentle? You—"

The master also reacted, with a surprised look on his face, dumbfounded, and muttered: "I-I'm not dreaming... hurry up, pinch me again! Hurry up!"

His legs have long since lost consciousness, not to mention pinching, even if he is stabbed with a needle or cut with a knife, he will not feel anything.

However, just when Doctor Tang pinched him, he felt pain.

He couldn't believe it was true...

Dr. Tang was as good as he was, and pinched him again.

"Hey! Ouch!"

The old man bared his teeth and gasped, "I said, Doctor Tang, can't you be gentle!"

Everyone laughed.

Madam Hua supported Madam beamingly: "This is a great thing, Madam!"

The congregation all congratulated with great winks.

The eldest lady laughed hard: "Okay, a great thing, a great thing! Everyone has a reward! Doctor Tang, what the **** is going on here? It's all your credit!"

Doctor Tang shook his hands: "No, ma'am, this has nothing to do with the old man! If the old man had such great ability, he would have healed the master's leg long ago! The master has not only improved his legs, but also the muscles that were blocked before. There are signs of patency, that is, the wounds between the internal organs have also improved, this is definitely not the work of the old man! The old man also wants to know who it is and who is so capable!"

Doctor Tang is infinitely longing.

The master and the lady looked at each other.


"Master, Think about it again, have you met anyone this time? Have you taken it, or done something?"

The master and the wife thought hard.


"Our master is recuperating in this village. Except for his son and daughter-in-law who will come to visit regularly, there are no foreign guests..."

Madam Hua said with a smile: "No, it's quiet here, the master is here to recuperate because he sees it being clean and undisturbed. If you have to say something to outsiders, it's only Mrs. Qiao and her sister-in-law, Miss Shao, from yesterday. Yesterday, I held hands to help the old slave bring his wife back."

Doctor Tang's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "That aunt and sister-in-law really didn't see a doctor for the master?"

There is no reason to say this, but Doctor Tang is really curious, especially wanting to know the truth, even the slightest possibility is unwilling to let go.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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