Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 413: Le Zhengxiao feels like a dream

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 413 Le Zhengxiao Feels Like a Dream

Hua Mama laughed: "Of course not, they haven't even seen the master!"

Le An suddenly raised his head and glanced at Hua Hua, thought about it, and said carefully: "Aunt and sister? If they were, they really, really met the master yesterday..."

Le An told what happened in the woods yesterday.

Doctor Tang hurriedly said: "So, the master was in a coma at the time, and no one knew if they had done anything? I wonder where the two aunts and sister-in-law are, can you please come and see them?"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone thought that Doctor Tang seemed to be a little crazy.

The lady smiled and said, "Doctor Tang, this, this is unlikely..."

"The old man also thinks it's impossible, so we have to find out what's going on."

"Could it be that the medicine prescribed by Doctor Tang finally worked, so—"

"Impossible, the old man knows the medicine he prescribed by himself!"


"I see it this way, these aunts and sisters are looking for, the master and his wife, Hua Hua, etc. should also think about it carefully and see if they have taken any medicines for the master this time or before. What treatments have been used, what special foods have been eaten, etc. As long as the cause is found, maybe the master's injury can be completely cured!"

Everyone's spirits are lifted.

"Doctor Tang, didn't you say that the master is getting better? Look carefully for the master, is there any way to cure it?"

Doctor Tang smiled wryly: "If it is possible, I don't need the wife to speak, the old man will do it. The fact is, the old man can't. Even if the master's condition is improving, the old man cannot make it better, and we must, must find the reason not... ..."

Madam nodded: "Okay, in that case, I understand!"

Doctor Tang hurriedly said: "If you find the reason, please be sure to tell this old man!"

"That's for sure!"

Doctor Tang sighed and regretted and left.

Madam told Hua Hua to think carefully, and immediately ordered someone to go back to the city and call her son.

Her son is better at finding people.

Her son is Le Zhengxiao.

Le Zhengxiao was in the study clattering about with the abacus to settle accounts, and when he heard his mother looking for him, he told him to go over immediately, his hands trembled in fright, and the abacus beads were immediately messed up.

He immediately panicked, wondering if his father's condition was not good, and immediately went out in a hurry.

After all, his mother had never sent someone to call him in such a hurry.

When he arrived at Zhuangzi, he heard his mother say that his father's condition was getting better, and Le Zhengxiao was overjoyed.

No wonder she was so anxious, she couldn't wait to tell him the good news!

Mrs. Lezheng repeated what Dr. Tang said briefly, and smiled bitterly: "Now we are all like flies without heads, and I don't know why your father's situation has improved. You help to find two people, a couple. Auntie..."

Le Zhengxiao listened carefully~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just, why did he feel a little weird...

Madam Qiao, Miss Shao? Aunt? It's not, it's not-

How could they come to their own village? Fortunately, by accident, he cured his father's illness?

No... When will the sister-in-law even treat the disease? ?

Le Zhengxiao felt like a dream.

"Hey, are you listening?"

Mrs. Lezheng saw her son's eyes were straight and his expression was erratic, so she was angry and patted him.

Le Zhengxiao returned to his senses with an "ah" and said with a smile, "Listen, I'm listening! Are you looking for two people? Don't worry, I will definitely find them for my mother!"

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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