Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 917: amazed his world

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun had never been in the house at night. In the past, Lixia and Liqiu would have gone back to the house to rest by themselves.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other with some hesitation.

Qiao Xuan laughed: "Go, I'll just wait for my husband."

Deep disgust in the words.

When Shao Yunyun came back, the two had to have something to say. What are they doing here?

Li Xia and Li Qiu smiled and then retired.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the deep night sky was soaked with chills that seemed more mysterious and deep. Qiao Xuanan sat quietly under the light, quietly waiting for Shao Yunyun and the future she could still look forward to.

When Shao Yunyun gently pushed open the closed door, he saw such a picture.

Under the faint yellow light, the woman sat there quietly, with a gentle body. She heard the movement and turned her head, and when she saw him, she immediately smiled and raised her eyebrows. The bright eyes shone brightly.

She stood up, her waist was slender and her eyes were full of light, like a peony blooming under the moon, with a graceful appearance.

In the eyes of Shao Yunyun, his world was amazed.

"Ma'am!" Shao Yunyun's heart softened, he was eager to step forward, and his feet couldn't help staggering.

In order to get the father-in-law drunk, he didn't drink less, and he was a little drunk after all.

When Qiao Xuan saw that he had finally returned, her heart that had always been a little uneasy was finally settled in the same place, which made her feel at ease from the bottom of her heart.

She didn't miss him after all!

Who would have thought that this man looked quite normal at first glance, but when he opened his mouth, his tongue was knotted, and when he walked around, he staggered—it was clearly the appearance of a drunk person.

Qiao Xuan hurriedly called out, "Xiang Gong!" She stepped forward to support him, the strong smell of wine rushed to her face, which was not what she liked, but at the moment she was only happy, she helped him sit down with a smile: "You How much did you drink? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not uncomfortable!" Shao Yunyun sat on the couch, leaned against her, raised his eyes and smiled at her, his tongue was still big when he spoke: "Master Qiao, drink more!"

Qiao Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Let's not mention him, I'll pour you some water, drink some water and let's go to sleep. If there's anything else, we'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

"Hmm..." Shao Yunyun replied vaguely, his eyes were half-squinted, he still leaned on Qiao Xuan, and his drunkenness seemed to be getting heavier.

It can be seen that he had been trying to stay awake before, and after seeing his wife, he let go of his heart, his vigilance decreased, and his drunkenness gradually increased.

Qiao Xuan hurriedly helped him walk towards the bed: "Master, wake up, I'll help you lie down."

Shao Yunyun vaguely said yes, opened his eyes and glanced at Qiao Xuan, then lowered his eyes and let Qiao Xuan help him walk around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he lay down, he held Qiao Xuan's hand, Looking at her, she said vaguely: "Miss, I didn't care about that, that woman, I didn't, I'm sorry, you..."

Qiao Xuan's heart was so sweet and soft, she couldn't help but bring up a big and bright smile on her lips, "Really? That woman is so beautiful, don't you like it?"

"...girl, pretty...like..."

Before he could finish speaking, he closed his eyes, his breathing became heavy and long, and he was obviously asleep.

Qiao Xuan sat there looking at him, couldn't help laughing out loud, reached out and squeezed his face lightly.

It's nice to pinch, just squeeze it again.

Her heart moved slightly, she looked around subconsciously, and like a thief, she leaned over and kissed his face quickly...

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