Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 918: Mrs. Qiao sleep at ease

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

This secret kiss made Qiao Xuan's heart skip a beat, and her cheeks gradually warmed up.

She couldn't help covering her face with her hands and groaning in embarrassment, she would do such a thing!

Slowly letting go of his hands, he couldn't help but looked at the man again, feeling sweet and shy, and a little proud and proud.

How could her man be so good!

Crazy thoughts tossed in her mind for a while, then Qiao Xuan remembered to pour water.

With great difficulty, he fed the deeply drunk man half a glass of warm water, and Qiao Xuan lay down beside him in her clothes.

For fear that he will be drunk and uncomfortable, and he will have to travel early tomorrow morning, and he will travel with a hangover, it will be even worse. Qiao Xuan then held Shao Yunyun's hand and silently introduced the power into his body little by little.

Since her supernatural ability can detoxify and heal the muscles and veins, she must be able to hangover, right? There's no harm in trying it anyway.

Mrs. Qiao's people secretly stared at Qiao Xuan's residence in the middle of the night. Seeing that Qiao Xuan was quiet and did not go out and did not cause trouble, they reported back to Mrs. Qiao, and Mrs. Qiao was finally relieved.

Let's just say, on her own territory, what does she think of Qiao Xuan? She is also very rude and unforgiving, but when it's useless to talk about it, what else can she do?

Madam Qiao slept peacefully.

The two old ladies were ordered to look at Qiao Xuan's small courtyard.

However, it is only mid-February now, and the sun is shining brightly at times during the day and the temperature has risen, but the nights are still cold.

The wind whistled, and after standing in the cold wind for a long time, I shivered and shivered.

Now that the madams are relieved, they just let them watch. Unless they are stupid, the two old ladies will stay at the gate of Qiao Xuan's small courtyard with the cold wind blowing all night.

The two waited symbolically, then went back to sleep.

On this night, everyone who should have slept slept. Second Miss will not go out of course.

Therefore, they did not see Shao Yunyun go back.

That night, the backyard of the county government can be said to be quite peaceful.

The next morning, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun got up.

Qiao Xuan smiled Yan Yan, and her eyes were particularly intimate and gentle, which surprised Shao Yunyun, and of course she was more than happy.

He rubbed his forehead and felt that he was in a great mood and full of energy!

Originally, I was worried that I drank a little too much last night, and I would not be able to wake up today, or would feel dizzy after waking up, but who knows!

No discomfort at all!

He was reassured and pleasantly surprised, it seemed that he had underestimated his alcohol intake. His alcohol intake is very good.

Facts in the future have proved that, sure enough, his alcohol intake is indeed very good!

"Xiang Gong, it's getting late, we still have to hurry, so let's go earlier!"

"it is good!"

Qiao Xuan didn't mention that ginkgo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Her husband came back alone, which proves that nothing happened. That being the case, there is no need to mention it.

But Shao Yunyun wanted to tell her: "By the way, last night..."

"...I had no choice but to get Mr. Qiao drunk and let the Ginkgo girl stay to take care of him..."


Qiao Xuan was stunned...

Then he covered his mouth and laughed, his brows twitching with laughter.

"Xianggong, you are so thoughtful! Hahahaha!"

She was wrong, really wrong. She thought that her husband would reject Ginkgo at most, but she didn't expect that he not only refused, but also gave Ginkgo back to Master Qiao!

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