"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

On the contrary, they appear to be even more disgusting and cruel.

Joe's family is even more angry...

But there is no argument, and the more you describe it, the darker it gets.

Madam Qiao was too angry to eat again.

So under the provocation of the two daughters-in-law, you and me, I sprayed the blood of the Qiao County magistrate and Mrs. Qiao, calling them unreliable, and taught Qiao Xuan to be an anti-bone spirit who specializes in fighting against the family. The family will be killed!

Even Qiao Hongxi, who was their son, was implicated, and he failed to get a good look from Mrs. Qiao for several days.

The big room and the second room are even more dissatisfied.

Qiao Hongxi was angry and ashamed, but he didn't blame Mrs. Qiao and the first and second rooms, only Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun.

It's all they've hurt themselves!

Even though he has nothing to do with his own family, he can still harm himself, which is absolutely disgusting.

It's a pity that he doesn't even know where the two of them live, and even if he wants to find them, he can't do anything about it.

Just hold on!

On the contrary, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun have been paying attention to the movements in Liuzhi Hutong. When they heard the Qiao family's self-defeating behavior, Qiao Xuan laughed very happily.

That's what's interesting!

Well, it will be more interesting when her scum father and scum mother return to Beijing.

As the days of spring are getting closer and closer, the candidates for the exams in the capital are basically all ready, and various gatherings of various sizes are becoming more and more frequent.

The impetuous and anxious atmosphere also spread more and more severely.

Shao Yunyun, Lu Min, and Gu Zhiyou were quite disgusted by this, and in order not to be affected or mixed in, they attended fewer parties.

But it's not going anywhere.

For example, at the grand party held in Beicheng Liyuan that day, the three of them went to participate together.

I originally thought that this was a high-level gathering with a lot of content about the essence of learning, but who knew that everyone was chatting and talking about the topic and then crooked.

Shao Yunyun was a little tired of hearing this, so he got up and went for a walk in the pear orchard by himself.

Not to mention, the scenery here is still very good. A large area of ​​pear orchards are blooming and snow-white flowers are in their prime. The wind blows through the white petals like snow, and they are very beautiful in the sun.

Shao Yunyun thought about it, why don't he bring his wife over for a stroll tomorrow, if it's a few days later, Pear Flower will be thanked.

Passing through the pear orchard, it is a lakeside with lush reeds and circling water birds. Reflecting the water, light and clouds, it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

As he was walking, he suddenly saw a jinpa hooked on a clump of low bushes. The embroidery on the silver-blue brocade is extremely exquisite. No matter the texture or embroidery, it is definitely not something that ordinary girls can use.

Shao Yunyun was a little hesitant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are many people here today, and there are naturally many people who take a walk in the pear orchard to enjoy the scenery. This Fang Jinpa is so conspicuous, if someone picks it up - if it is a person with good morals, it will be fine. If it is not very virtuous, it may cause some trouble.

In case a good girl was harmed for nothing because of this, it would be somewhat innocent.

Shao Yunyun was struggling to pick it up and destroy it later.

But he subconsciously refused to touch such a thing, so he was hesitant to stand there.

While he was struggling, he suddenly saw two young handsome men, a master and a servant, hurriedly approaching, as if they were looking for something in a hurry.

Shao Yunyun's heart moved, he bent down slightly and stretched out his hand, quietly put the jinpa into his sleeve, and walked towards the two of them: "Is there something you are looking for, Xiongtai?"

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