Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 947: Picked up 1 square handkerchief

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

The pair of master and servant was startled, and the servant subconsciously blocked his master behind him and glared at him vigilantly.

Shao Yunyun was stunned for a while, and immediately understood.

What kind of handsome man is this pair of master and servant?

It was simply a lady with her own maid.

Qiao Xuan would occasionally dress up as a man to go out on the street with him. Shao Yunyun was no stranger to women disguising as men. His wife disguised as a man was much more reminiscent than the one in front of her. Even so, she still couldn't stand close scrutiny.

The maid obviously regarded Shao Yunyun as a disciple, snorted and gave him a hard look: "What's the matter with you? Please get out of the way!"

Shao Yunyun frowned slightly, and was instantly disgusted.

However, considering that the other party is a woman, and to them, he is a strange man of unknown origin and character, it is understandable for them to be vigilant against themselves.

If the veil really belongs to this young lady, it will be given to others.

Shao Yunyun said bluntly: "I just found a handkerchief, I don't know--"

"Where is it? Take it out!" The master and servant changed their faces when they heard it, and the maid even scolded Shao Yunyun before she could finish speaking, and stretched out her hand to him, as if Shao Yunyun was threatening their master and servant. of.

Shao Yunyun was even more disgusted in his heart, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I don't know who the veil belongs to. Since the girl said it belongs to a girl, it is better to talk about what the embroidery on the veil is. If you are right, I will It will be returned to you of course."

The maid was furious: "You are—"

"Fu'er!" The young lady lost a smile when she heard what Shao Yunyun said, and looked at Shao Yunyun with interest, with a half-smile but not a smile: "Young master's request is not too much. What I embroidered on my handkerchief is The cat flutters under the peony flower, and there are embroidered on the edge of the word "Xiang Hua Yin Xi Wan Qing" and the word "Shan", do you want to check it, sir?"

This last sentence is clearly a joke.

Shao Yunyun didn't take a closer look, and returned the veil to her: "No need, it must be."

Said Bi Chong, she nodded slightly, turned around and left.

"Young Master!" The young lady stopped him, and giggled softly, "I haven't asked you about your surname yet, is your son also a member of this Spring Festival?"

Shao Yunyun paused, ignored her, did not look back, went straight, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the master and servant.

That young lady—Tian Shanshan giggled even more cheerfully, her beautiful phoenix eyes showed a little interest, and whispered, "This person is interesting, it's rare to see such an interesting young man with such a good character. …”

What I use for this brocade is Xiangyingluo, which is used by the royal family in the palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if you don’t know the goods, you can see that it is definitely not an ordinary material, and the embroidery on it is even more exquisite, the most skilled embroidery girl It also takes three or five days to embroider well.

He is a genius, not a fool. Naturally, he can imagine that someone who can have such a splendid handkerchief is definitely from a good background, and if this handkerchief goes outside, it will always be quite troublesome for him.

Spring is just around the corner, and everyone sharpens their heads and wants to find a relationship.

This shows that there is a great possibility that a good opportunity is in front of him, but he turns a blind eye, and he is not even willing to say a word to himself...

This guy is really funny! So funny!

Thinking of his handsome face, slender and tall figure like a bamboo, and those black eyes like black gems are even more charismatic and captivating. Tian Shanshan didn't feel that her face was slightly warm, and her heart skipped a beat.

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