Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 958: It's a former love

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

How could Qiao Hongxi dare to trust Qiao Xuan easily?

In his eyes, today's Qiao Xuan is simply a devil!

So after hearing this, he was not relieved, but even more vigilant: "What do you want?"

Qiao Xuan's "Hee!" smile was not too stupid.

"My idea is very simple, one thousand taels for one head, if you give another three thousand taels, you don't have to kowtow these three heads!"

Qiao Hongxi: "..."

Shao Yunyun coughed, clenched his fist to cover his mouth, and a condoning smile flashed across his eyes.

When did his wife become so wealthy? But he likes it!

The Qiao family is really poor, very poor. The lady is hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, wonderful!

Qiao Hongxi was really angry and angry: "Why don't you go grab it!"

"This is a former family price, where is the robbery?"

Qiao Xuan is very innocent: "You are the editor of the Hanlin Academy, a dignified seven-foot man, is it possible that a kowtow is not worth one thousand taels of silver? I also think at least ten thousand taels are worthy of your status! Yes! Do not--"

"One thousand taels is one thousand taels!" Qiao Hongxi was startled, how could she dare to listen to her continue? Can't wait to cut off her words: "That's it!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "Okay, black and white."

Qiao Hongxi snorted coldly, wrote quickly with a dark face, signed his signature, and left angrily.

When he walked out of the teahouse, he staggered under his feet and almost fell, staring at the sun, feeling dizzy, dazed, and chilled all over.

terribly upset......

All of a sudden... the four thousand taels of silver are gone.

Four thousand taels!

He was so distressed that he shivered! He had never received so much money in his hand before, even if his parents subsidized him privately, they would give him seven or eight hundred, four or five hundred at a time.

This time it's good, but all of a sudden, I'm allowed to go out for 4,000 taels.

I don't know if there is one there. if there is not--

No, there must be, there must be!

In the teahouse, putting away the black and white words, Qiao Xuan kept laughing.

"Xianggong, we are so lucky! We are full of good fortune, we carry wealth with us wherever we go!"

Seeing her smiling happily, Shao Yunyun was also in a happy mood: "This is all good luck for the lady!"

He was just dazzled.

Qiao Xuan said with a smile, "I don't know what kind of errand I will get if you are a jinshi. If you stay in Beijing, let's go back to the outskirts of Beijing to see the land, shall we? Although the price in this capital is higher than other places, it is four thousand taels of silver. I think I can buy a lot of land too. Let's add some ourselves, buy some more!"

Qiao Xuan is devoted to land reclamation and planting, so Shao Yunyun will not disappoint her, she said yes with a smile.

Thinking about the great gift that Qiao's family in the capital gave him and the money to buy land, Qiao Xuan felt at least twice as happy.

Office of the Ministry of Officials~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tian Shanshan's boudoir.

She sat at the round table, on the beautifully embroidered tablecloth, spread out a transcribed list of emperors.

Tian Shanshan smiled and looked at these names one by one, as if it was a very interesting thing.

Fu'er stood beside her, a little confused.

"Miss, you are not allowed to find out who that young master is. Can you see who he is by looking at this list?"

Although they separated from Shao Yunyun after a while in Liyuan that day, it was too easy for Tian Shanshan to find out Shao Yunyun with the power of the Tian family.

But Tian Shanshan didn't do that.

Not only did she not find someone, but she also rejected the family's intention to find someone.

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