Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 959: she waits and sees

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Tian Shanshan glanced at Fu'er and chuckled: "I don't know, but so what? I know he must be on this list! Look, isn't this funny?"

Fuer scratched his head and smiled, his face ignorant.

She didn't see how interesting it was...

But the lady said that it must be interesting, she didn't see that she was stupid.

"Miss said yes, it must be, ha ha!"

Tian Shanshan glanced at her and smiled.

The little girl is stupid, cute is very cute, but stupid is really stupid. Of course she wouldn't understand, and she wasn't interested in explaining it to her.

Her vision is not that bad, the person she likes can't even be a jinshi. She is still looking forward to him being the champion.

She believed that his name must appear on this imperial list at this moment. She looked at the names and thought that there was a man she liked and who might become her husband, and she felt even happier.

This mysterious and mysterious feeling called "Fate" is really wonderful, she just needs to enjoy it quietly.

Think about it, if she is with him in the future, and then recalls what happened today, what a wonderful fate!

The palace exam will start soon, she will wait and see...

Although the atmosphere of the palace exam was not as tense as it was during the exam, but since all the hard work has come to this point, everyone is naturally looking forward to being able to get a good ranking in the exam.

When the day came to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony, everyone was solemn and solemn.

The ranking test is not so much to worry about for the family. Therefore, Qiao Xuan's waiting for this day seemed quite easy.

Cook food at home and wait for Shao Yunyun to come back and enjoy it together.

After several days of waiting for the list to be released, the two of them visited many places in and out of the city, enjoyed a lot of beautiful scenery, and bought a lot of special products, and they had a lot of fun.

Neither of them thought that Shao Yunyun would be the champion...

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were all dumbfounded when they got the news, when the officials who announced the good news came to the door to announce the good news, surrounded by countless neighbors and lively crowds...

It was not until the officials, Lu Min, Gu Zhiyou, etc. who had come to say congratulations, and the courteous neighbors who were watching the lively greeted each other, they closed the door, and Li Xia and others knelt down and kowtowed happily. , After the reward was released, the two were still a little dizzy in disbelief.

Shao Yunyun knew that he played well, and he felt that his ranking should be higher, but he did not expect that he would be at the top!

Did he become the champion? This is something he never thought of, and even now, he is still in a trance...

Qiao Xuan said in a daze: "Xianggong, I have become Mrs. Zhuang Yuan? God! I have become Mrs. Zhuang Yuan!"

Shao Yunyun made her laugh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hugged her and turned around a few times: "Yes, you are now Mrs. Zhuang Yuan! There is only one Mrs. Zhuang Yuan in three years!"

Qiao Xuan giggled.

Shao Yunyun held her hand: "In the future, there will be better ones, all of them are yours..."

Qiao Xuan's smile couldn't be stopped, her face was radiant and her eyebrows were bright.

The two looked at each other, their hearts were full of emotions, and they were very happy.

The Office of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, however, was in a frying pan.

Tian Shanshan drew a portrait of Shao Yunyun the day before the list was released, and asked her father to inquire if the champion was this person.

Tian Shanshan is proficient in qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, among which, she is particularly good at painting. Just from memory, she draws Shao Yunyun's appearance to life.

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