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However, if this is the case, Shao Yunyun will never want to enter the official career again in this life!

Yesterday, he was still the champion with a promising future, but even Qiao Xuan felt unwilling to lose everything after a short while.

The Qiao family angrily scolded Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun, and then frowned: What should I do?

How to explain to the Tian family!

You know, when the big housekeeper of the Tian family came to the door, they patted their chests as a guarantee.


That's it!

Too embarrassing.

This is still second, if they annoy the Tian family, they will not have any chance of making a comeback in the capital.

The Tian family is not happy, how can they not take revenge?

"Those two **** are really stinky and hard!"

"If you want me to tell you, the third brother and the three younger sisters don't know how to teach it. It's a shame that girl Xuan is so unvirtuous."

"What's the use of talking about it now?"

The family didn't have the courage to fight Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan, so they could only bite the bullet and go to the Tian family to scold them.

The big butler of the Tian family listened to the shameful reply of Master Qiao and the brothers, but he didn't say anything for a while.

He didn't quite believe it.

After all, as long as you're not a fool, you know how to choose at such a time.

Don't want the splendid future of one step to the sky, but insist on having a concubine as his wife?

Besides, the Tian family is not an unreasonable family, they just want the concubine to give up the position of the wife, it will come from her benefit!

That's it, don't want to?

"You really made it clear to them? Did you say anything?"

Butler Tian Da confirmed repeatedly.

The two masters of the Qiao family felt even more ashamed and embarrassed.

He can only bite the bullet and nod again and again to express his incompetence.

Butler Tian's face was indeed a little unsightly, and he snorted softly, "Forget it, don't worry about this matter."

The two masters of the Qiao family were in a hurry and said goodbye.

Where can I dare to mention something good? As long as the Tian family doesn't hold grudges, take anger, or hold them accountable, they will be thankful!

"Those two bastards, I think they owe a lesson, they should!"

"Who do they blame if they don't eat and drink for themselves? When Tian's family comes to the door, they'll know it's amazing!"

"I don't know happiness in the midst of happiness, it's really a low life!"

"Who said no!"

The two masters of the Qiao family were angry and depressed at the same time. Why didn't such a good thing happen to their son? Why did it fall on Shao Yunyun's elm-pumped head, wasted in vain...

Butler Tian reported to the Tian and his wife, and the Tian and his wife were also very unhappy.

Master Tian was a little hesitant at first, and didn't want to do it too much, but now Shao Yunyun's refusal angered him instead.

Do you really think that being the champion will be amazing and crazy? Even their Tian family dared to refuse!

Mrs. Tian was even more angry: "This is too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's really shameless! Master, we must teach them a lesson."

How delicate her daughter is, to be humiliated like this again and again, it's like bullying.

Master Tian sneered and looked at the big housekeeper: "You go to the Qiao family again - no, go and find that Shao Yunyun yourself! Do you know what to tell him?"

Butler Tian nodded quickly: "Old slave knows!"

"Well, let's go!"

"Yes, sir."

Butler Tian took an inconspicuous carriage to Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan's house.

As soon as they heard the unceremonious knock on the door, the two knew there was nothing wrong.

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