Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 970: he won't regret

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Taking a look at the clothes and the arrogance naturally revealed by this person, we can see that most of them are from the Tian family.

Butler Tian didn't take the two of them seriously at all. In his opinion, the reason why the Qiao family didn't get things done was because they didn't explain the stakes thoroughly, and they didn't understand the combination of favor and power. He didn't believe it at all, so he just took it No one live!

Butler Tian didn't have time to talk nonsense, so he spoke coldly and proudly, saying everything he had to say at once.

At the end, he said coldly: "Master Zhuang Yuan should have understood it, right? If you don't understand, you won't be the champion, you will only understand better than what the little old man said!"

"Master Zhuang Yuan, this splendid avenue is right in front of you, you can nod your head and you will be able to go straight to the blue sky, and you will be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime, and even your family and family have risen from the sky, and everyone is envied! This is a good thing that others can't even dream of. Is it possible that the champion is still hesitating?"

"You can think clearly, this is the real - the difference between clouds and mud!"

Butler Tian didn't say a single threatening word, but every word contained a gloomy sense of coercion.

At this point, Shao Yunyun's heart was surprisingly calm.

He has his ambitions and aspirations, and it is impossible to say that he is willing.

However, he will not regret it!

He couldn't do such morally depraved, shameless and despicable things, and he never thought of entering the officialdom through nepotism.

Otherwise, even if the official residence is a rank, he will not feel at ease in this life.

In this world, there are people who are on the ropes, who are only profit-seeking, and who are innocent and upright.

"I'll think it over."

Shao Yunyun was silent for a while and said slowly.

Qiao Xuan glanced at him and said nothing.

Butler Tian's eyes flashed with pride and satisfaction: "It doesn't seem to need to be considered, right? Master Zhuang Yuan had better give an answer now, our master and wife are still waiting to hear the little old man's answer."

Shao Yunyun: "This is a big matter, I have to think about it."

Butler Tian choked, staring at Shao Yunyun unhappily, and finally defeated, "Okay, that's the case, the little old man will come back tomorrow, and I hope that the champion will give the little old man a satisfactory answer."

As for Qiao Xuan's attitude, whether she is willing or not, Tian Da's housekeeper doesn't care or care at all.

In his opinion, Qiao Xuan has no right to express her opinion on this matter.

She is only worthy to accept or not to accept.

Shao Yunyun didn't speak any more, but Tian Da's housekeeper sneered slightly and walked away.

Qiao Xuan looked at Shao Yunyun, "You—"

"You listen to me first," Shao Yunyun put both hands on Qiao Xuan's shoulders, forced a smile and said gently, "Let's leave the capital!"

Qiao Xuan's eyes widened abruptly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I want to go to the Qionglin Banquet the day after tomorrow to make a last-ditch effort. If it doesn't work, we will leave the capital! I'm not happy, but I don't regret it. "

The five flavors in Qiao Xuan's heart were mixed, and the internal organs seemed to be rubbed together.

This was the worst case scenario, the two of them discussed it, but when the moment was really coming, Qiao Xuan found that her heart was beating fast and disorderly, and her legs were a little weak.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Silly," Shao Yunyun chuckled, gently wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingertips, bowed his head and kissed her forehead, and said solemnly: "Tomorrow I will let Songshi go out quietly and find an inn, the day after tomorrow you go to the inn Live here, don’t live in this place anymore.”

The Tian family is so bullying, no one knows what they will do.

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