Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 974: Asking for but not getting such a taste

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

When she said this, Tian Shanshan raised her voice a little but not too high, just so Qiao Xuan could hear it.

Qiao Xuan looked up at her.

The pitiful, weak and slender appearance looked at Shao Yunyun so intently and nervously, as if waiting for his verdict.

Gee, why is it so dazzling?

This guy's scheming is deep. When he asked this in front of him, Shao Yunyun's answer would be a thorn inserted into his heart if he hesitated a little.

Even if she knew she was playing tricks, she couldn't pick out the slightest mistake.

Fortunately, Shao Yunyun answered almost without thinking, "I won't marry."


Tian Shanshan finally lost her composure, and the questioning that implied anger raised her voice unconsciously.

"Because there is no such possibility, Miss Tian, ​​you asked a meaningless question. My wife in this life, Shao Yunyun, will only be Qiao Xuan."

"What about the next life?"

"I won't take care of it in my next life. If I take care of it, I naturally look forward to continuing the fate of this life."


Tian Shanshan choked, she suddenly felt sad and sad, and she felt lost.

It turned out to be such a taste.

She never thought that one day she would also taste such a taste!

She thought bitterly that this man would probably never be forgotten in her life, because it was he who made herself taste this way.

Tian Shanshan pursed her lips, took a deep look at Shao Yunyun, turned around and left slowly.

When she passed by Qiao Xuan, she stopped, her lips parted slightly, and she said something in a low voice, then left without looking back.

Qiao Xuan's expression was light, threatening? oh, so scary...

Qiao Xuan sighed softly and smiled at Shao Yunyun: "Is there no one else coming tonight?"

Shao Yunyun smiled and walked slowly to Qiao Xuan, holding her hand: "Whether you come or not, it won't change anything."

Qiao Xuan giggled and chuckled: "If there are Xianggong's words, no matter how many people come, I won't be bothered."

Shao Yunyun laughed, "Then I'm annoying, it's getting late, it's time to rest."


No one came again that night, both of them seemed to be in a somewhat broken and shattered mood, and they slept quite sweetly.

Early the next morning, Shao Yunyun put on the champion uniform sent by the Ministry of Rites, and went to the palace to attend the Qionglin Banquet.

The Qionglin Banquet was held in the Imperial Garden. It is the time when all kinds of purple and red flowers are in full bloom, and the good spring is dazzling and happy.

The grand event and the grand scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ complement each other!

The palace maids and eunuchs were busy under the command of the officials of the Ministry of Rites and palace deacons. When Shao Yun arrived, many new scholars had already arrived.

The relationship of the same department makes everyone feel close to each other. Whether they know each other or not, they greet each other and make a reserved and enthusiastic relationship.

In the future, they will all be colleagues, and the friendship of the same department is incomparable. No one knows who will come forward in the future or whether they will need help from others. At this time, it is natural to have a good relationship.

It is always better to be kind to people than to be evil.

However, when Shao Yunyun stepped into this imperial garden, the jinshi who were talking and laughing all kept silent, and countless pairs of eyes fell on Shao Yunyun, either exploring, or avoiding, or mocking, or Disdainful, or obscure.

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