Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 975: Shao Yunyun has no regrets

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

All the jinshi were looking at him openly or secretly, but no one stepped forward to talk to him, at most they just nodded at him with a slight smile and a slight smile.

He rejected the olive branch offered by the Tian family, which was almost equivalent to quitting his career. He would never think of a successful career in this life, and no one was optimistic about him.

Moreover, at this juncture, whoever takes the initiative to befriend him is equivalent to fighting against the Tian family, and no one would have the courage to joke about their future.

At such a time, it is good to be able to avoid falling into the trap.

Most people think that he is really stupid, even if there are a few who secretly admire him, they think it's not worth it for him to do so.

As it is at this moment, a good champion should have been admired and admired by everyone and admired by all the stars, but when the object appeared, it should have been crowded by countless people to greet him, chatting and laughing around him.

As a result, he was avoided by everyone like a snake and scorpion, and it was taboo to even greet him.

I don't know how he feels at the moment, or whether he has any regrets.

Of course, Shao Yunyun didn't regret it.

No matter how others treat him, he is still the champion of the current division. Standing here, he is still unmatched by others.

Shao Yunyun didn't go to join in the fun, he found a convenient place to sit down, and waited with a cup of tea.

No desires, no desires, no worries, no worries.

After a while, Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou came together and greeted everyone with a smile, then they greeted Shao Yunyun with a smile, and came to sit next to Shao Yunyun.

"Brother Shao, this is not kind, why don't you wait for us to come together?"

"No, we went to Brother Shao's house to find out that Brother Shao went out first!"

Shao Yunyun cupped his hands and said with a smile, "It's my fault, I must treat you back and apologize to the two brothers!"

The three looked at each other and laughed.

"That's a must!"

"We won't be polite to Brother Shao!"

The three of them talked and laughed and talked about other things.

Shao Yunyun didn't invite the two of them to go together, naturally he didn't want to implicate or embarrass them. The two of them also knew it well, and those words just now were equivalent to expressing their position.

Shao Yunyun was grateful, he didn't recognize them in vain.

Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou really didn't take it too seriously. The two of them came from the same place as Shao Yunyun and have always been on good terms. If the Tian family's little belly is going to be angry, even if they are with Shao Yunyun at this moment. Breaking the robe and cutting the seat is of no use.

If the Tian family were not small, they wouldn't care if they still interacted with Shao Yunyun.

After all, they were originally friends!

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ simply be as open as usual, save trouble and worry.

One after another, all the new Scholars arrived. In stark contrast to Shao Yunyun's treatment as the champion, it was the second place and the third flower.

When the two entered the venue, they were greeted with countless compliments and warm greetings.

It's a pity that these two are both over forty years old, and most of the second place has gray hair. The difference between the appearance and Shao Yunyun is not one or two points.

Lord Tian and other adults soon came, and all the new scholars held their breaths and respectfully stepped forward to greet them.

More people's eyes fell on Shao Yunyun intentionally or unintentionally.

Shao Yunyun was calm and composed, and there was no difference in saluting with everyone.

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