Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 984: Brother Shao must be more careful

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Not only the environment is different, but the degree of attention of the court, whether they can make political achievements better, and whether the path to promotion is broader and faster, are all different.

Shao Yunyun fell into the eyes of Emperor Qi Xuan, and the Ministry of Personnel did not dare to release it. His official position was the seventh-rank editor of the Hanlin Academy. Even though Master Tian could not wait to give him an unprofessional sage, but he also has a face, so he can't do such a careless thing.

He could only pinch his nose and give him a seventh-grade editing.

But for fellow villagers who are close friends with Shao Yunyun, Master Tian is not so good.

Lu Min was sent to Fujian, and Gu Zhiyou was sent to the bitter cold place in the northwest. Both of these places are remote and backward, and the environment is harsh. They are places that everyone avoids and tries their best not to go.

Shao Yunyun felt very guilty because of this, so he specially invited the two of them to dinner, feeling very sorry.

Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou felt a little bit uncomfortable in their hearts - especially after the appointment was made, many people said some sarcastic things, and even brought it to Shao Yunyun intentionally or unintentionally, which made them even more depressed.

But the two of them didn't blame Shao Yunyun because of this.

"What did Brother Shao say? This is the appointment of the imperial court. What does it have to do with Brother Shao?"

"That's right, our ranking was originally low, and we didn't have any background connections, so we didn't expect any bad luck. This is expected!"

"Haha, no matter what, it is also a parental official in the same place. This reading is finally read, and it is worthy of grandparents! This is a good thing, a good thing!"

"Yes, who can say what will happen in the future? It's right and wrong to be far away from the capital, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Speaking of which, I'm curious about the scenery in the south."

"Haha, I think the north side should be interesting too! It's Brother Shao, this is a long way to go. We don't know when the three of us will meet again. People in the capital are sinister, and Brother Shao is even more—cough, this is a bit special, Be more careful in the future!"

"That's it. Brother Shao must be more careful!"

Shao Yunyun was very grateful, nodded in agreement, and talked with them a lot.

After this gathering, the two of them should set off the next day. The real thing is that they will be long in Japan!

After he was full, Shao Yunyun took out two envelopes, placed one in front of the two of them, and said solemnly, "There are 20,000 taels of silver in each of these envelopes, the two brothers must not refuse, you are on your way. It will definitely come in handy! We don't need to care about our friendship. If you are sure you feel bad about it, you can return it to me later."

Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou were both stunned.

"Brother Shao, this—isn't it a bit too much!"

The two of them can afford to read books, and their family background is not bad, but that is the level of the well-off in the local area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the end of the year, they can earn twenty or thirty taels by living frugally at home.

For them, 20,000 taels is a huge amount!

Shao Yunyun smiled and said, "I won't know how much until the place is used. In short, there's no harm in bringing more self-defense. This is the intention of your sister-in-law and I, don't refuse."

It's really outrageous to be twitchy at such a time. The two of them were moved within five years, and they accepted the two envelopes generously at the moment.

"Brother Shao, thank you very much!"

"Let's all be well, there will always be time to meet again in the future! Brother Shao, take care."

"You take care too!"

Qiao Xuan also gave them a cloth bag with five potatoes in each bag.

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