Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 985: go their separate ways

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

"This is a potato from the West. It looks like a rarity. When you bring it to your office, just cut this seed into pieces and plant it like a taro. Maybe it will grow well?"

"Since it's called potato, I think it's the same as our taro. It can be steamed, cut into pieces, fried, or boiled. I don't know how it tastes, but I don't think it will be bad. Think about it!"

Qiao Xuan struggled for a long time before she was willing to divide the potato seeds among them.

The Tian family is so stingy, and the place assigned to them is so remote and poor, the people suffer from hunger all year round and live very hard.

Potatoes have a large yield, and they don't choose the land. As long as they find this out after planting this year, they will naturally promote it. The seeds blessed by her powers must be more resistant to insect pests and adapt to the environment, and the results will definitely be more. Therefore, even if there are only a few of them, a single spark can start a prairie prairie.

And one of them is still in the south. Maybe if you look for it, you can find more potatoes?

Lu Min was in Fujian and sent people to search carefully. Maybe he could get more potatoes for seed.

All in all, Qiao Xuan has already helped them who should have helped them. What happens in the future depends on their fortunes.

If they promote this potato locally, it will greatly improve the situation of the people to fill their stomachs, why not be promoted and have no future?

It's just about how good the potatoes are, Qiao Xuan can't say it too thoroughly, and if she talks too much, she won't be able to come back.

Seeing this, Shao Yunyun smiled and said, "You all take it. This is your sister-in-law's treasure. She keeps it in person, and no one else is allowed to touch it!"

Everyone laughed.

Lu Min thanked them both.

Qiao Xuan told them again and again, and both of them complied.

After sending the two away, Shao Yunyun said to Qiao Xuan, "I want to thank the lady for your generosity this time!"

Without Qiao Xuan, where would he get so much money?

Qiao Xuan hooked the corners of her lips and joked, "I am one with Xianggong and husband, and Xianggong's words are treating me as an outsider!"

"No, I really appreciate you!"

"Well, you're welcome!"

The two smiled at each other.

If there is no Shao Yunyun and everyone in the Shao family, even if she has supernatural powers, it will not be easy for her to live in this world.

It is impossible for supernatural power to be revealed to people, otherwise it will inevitably lead to disaster.

Then, in the eyes of the world, she is just a weak woman, not to mention that it is not easy to make money, even if she has countless money and is coveted by others, she will be in constant trouble, and it will be annoying.

Unless you hide in the deep mountains and old forests, you won't see anyone from the world.

But how boring is that?

Together, they have more excitement and taste!

Silver is really nothing to her! She has such a skill~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not difficult for her to make money.

After sending off Lu Min and the others, the other colleagues also left the capital one after another to take up their posts, and all the colleagues working in the capital also reported to their respective yamen one after another.

Shao Yunyun also went to the Hanlin Academy.

No one dared to gossip about him and Miss Tian anymore, but they still crowded him out intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, everyone is clear in their hearts, no matter how this matter is resolved, but it is a fact that the Tian family and Miss Tian have lost face.

How could the Tian family really let Shao Yunyun go?

It's just for the sake of appearance.

Let's wait and see, Shao Yunyun's life will not be easy. The official luck is even more visible, and it has come to an end!

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