Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 989: Emperor Qi Xuan was furious

And Emperor Qi Xuan specially pointed out this memorial, and ordered someone to go to the Hanlin Academy to invite Shao Bianxiu, and he wanted to personally examine the matter in court.

Master Tian and the others who met several people all felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

The emperor said "please", which shows that he really values ​​this new champion!

Everyone is a little depressed and puzzled. The emperor has been on the throne for more than 40 years, and the champion is once every three years. What's so strange? Okay, this one is the youngest and looks good, it will make people pay more attention, but why is this so?

Originally thought that as soon as this memorial went up, the emperor would dislike that Shao Yunyun and dismiss him from office, but he did not expect that he would actually interrogate him in person.

Several ministers who were friends with Master Tian couldn't help but secretly complained that he was too careful. Isn't this matter already over? Why bite and hold on?

He was a first-rank official of the dynasty. Originally, it was because of his own fault that he made an oolong. In the end, the emperor personally mediated. It's too much, it's too impersonal!

Some people are even more secretly vigilant. The Tian family is so careful, and they should be more careful in the future. God knows when they will offend them and make them hold grudges...

Shao Yunyun came to the court hall, Qing Jun's posture was calm and magnanimous, he bowed his head to pay homage, and was graceful and graceful.

When Emperor Qi Xuan saw it, he felt a little bit of appreciation and satisfaction in his heart, and subconsciously became biased.

As soon as Shao Yunyun stood up, the impeaching Liu Yushi immediately stared at him with two cold lights, and shouted in a deep voice, "Shao Yunyun, you have bad conduct, bad morals, disrespect to your elders, and no self-discipline. , I've lost all the face of scholars all over the world, and I haven't confessed my guilt to ask the emperor's forgiveness! If you are still obsessed with it, hum!"

"Presumptuous!" Emperor Qi Xuan was furious, grabbed a memorial and smashed it on Liu Yushi's head, snarling: "I haven't spoken yet, it's your turn to show your prestige! I said that I want to personally judge you. You want to convict people, what are you! How dare you pass me!"

The courtiers were all startled, and they bowed their heads, held their breaths, and did not dare to come out.

Liu Yushi was stunned, his brain was buzzing, his face was pale, and cold sweat "swish" all over his back.

"Your Majesty!" Liu Yushi's knees slumped to the ground, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com trembled: "Wei Chen dare not, Wei Chen is wronged! Wei Chen is just, just can't be angry with him, Shao Bianxiu is like this To be a pie, I couldn't hold back the impulse, and this is the only time I made a statement, ask the emperor for a clear lesson!"

"Sophistry! Full of nonsense!" Qi Xuandi was not moved by his explanation at all, kicked him fiercely, and sneered sullenly: "You are just deceiving him when he is young and ignorant, trying to scare him by surprise and scolding him, so that In a panic, he didn't know how to justify it, and he confessed his guilt in a confused way! Oh, playing me as a fool? Playing with such prudence and small calculations in front of me, I think you are impatient!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Wei Chen dare not, Wei Chen has absolutely no intention to ask the Emperor to investigate!"

Liu Yushi was almost paralyzed on the ground, his voice was hoarse and trembling with fright, and he kept kowtowing.

All the courtiers are old oilers. When Liu Yushi suddenly attacked Shao Yunyun before he could stand firm, it was naturally ill-intentioned and wanted to scare him and take him down by surprise, but he didn't want his thoughts to be broken by the emperor in public. !

(End of this chapter)

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