Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 990: Liu Yu Shi Dun hit the top like 5 thunders

Giving him a big embarrassment in public!

All the courtiers secretly wake up, the emperor has always been moody and mean, and no one will keep his dignity!

Emperor Qi Xuan was unmoved at all, and sneered: "Shut up, I don't listen to nonsense! My court can't tolerate a villain like you, who has a sinister mind and a despicable and shameless mind! Come on, take off his black gauze hat. , take off his official uniform and drive me out of the Golden Palace!"

Liu Yushi was struck like five thunders, "Your Majesty..."

He still wanted to beg for mercy, but how could he dare to meet Emperor Qi Xuan's cold and gloomy eyes?

If he dares to talk more, I am afraid that the emperor will scold him for some reason and roar in the court.

He was paralyzed all over, and he was taken off his black gauze cap and official uniform, and he was dragged out just like that.

Master Tian felt that he had been slapped **** the face, and it was extremely painful.

However, the most uncomfortable thing is that even if he is uncomfortable, he has to pretend that nothing has happened and it has nothing to do with him.

Otherwise, the face is even more unbearable!

"Shao Aiqing don't need to be afraid, I'm not a tyrant, but I really can't see a person with a bad mind and a ghost in front of me pretending to be a ghost in front of me." When Emperor Qi Xuan turned to talk to Shao Yunyun, he became pleasant again.

He motioned to the little **** to show Shao Yun the memorial for his impeachment against Shao Yun.

"After reading it, what can be distinguished, just say it, I have my own judgment."

"Wei Chen Xie Emperor Long En!"

Shao Yunyun respectfully knelt down and kowtowed, got up, and took the memorial with both hands.

Things went more smoothly than he expected.

After only a short glance, Shao Yunyun smiled bitterly, and briefly explained how he brought his wife to visit Qiao's house, but was humiliated and kicked out, and his wife was beaten.

He added: "Wei Chen has evidence, the Qiao family wrote a severance letter and signed it to Wei Chen and the Qiao family, indicating that there will be no connection from now on. But they are the Qiao family's family, and Wei Chen can't bear to take it. This severance book talks about things. I originally thought that the people who are clear will clear themselves, and it will be fine after a while. But I didn’t want things to get worse, and it actually alarmed the emperor. This is really the fault of Wei Chen…”

All the ministers were all surprised, and Lord Tian was even more angry.

Why didn't you take out the severance book earlier? What's wrong with taking it out early?

Shao Yunyun asked for instructions again, and he went back and brought the severance book.

Emperor Qi Xuan sneered: "No need, I already know about the Qiao family. The Qiao family was afraid that the two of you would come to fight the autumn wind, so they wrote this letter of severance and humiliated them in every possible way. Now they are jealous when they see you being the champion. Smearing everywhere shows despicableness! I know you have been wronged in this matter!"

Shao Yunyun: "..."

This, is this the end?

"Wei Chen thank the emperor for being sympathetic!"

Emperor Qi Xuan sighed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are the new champion of the new division appointed by me. If anyone dares to humiliate you for no reason, just go to the prince or a few princes and let them do justice for you! Hmph, I want to see, who dares to cover the sky with one hand! "

His new champion has no background, and he refuses to abandon his scumbag wife, so he will be bullied by others? This is so outrageous!

"Weichen thank the emperor for his grace!"

Shao Yunyun hurriedly saluted and thanked him.

"Be flat!" Emperor Qi Xuan waved his hand and glanced at the courtiers with cold eyes: "Do you have anything else to say?"

All the ministers shook their heads in unison to express the emperor's sage!

Who dares to say?

Who doesn't have eyes and can't see what the emperor means?

(End of this chapter)

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