Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 991: Mr. Tian dare not say that he does not know

The emperor made it clear that he was protecting Shao Bianxiu!

This Shao Bianxiu is really lucky, why did he just vote for the emperor's fate! The emperor sent a message, and he will not be allowed to walk sideways in the Hanlin Academy in the future.

"You are good at serving in the Hanlin Academy," Emperor Qi Xuan encouraged Shao Yunyun again, frowned, and said in disgust, "That Joe in the Hanlin Academy—what's up with Joe?"

The Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials replied quickly: "Your Majesty, it's Qiao Hongxi."

"It's him, it's not good! Outsiders don't know the inside story, doesn't he know? It's just because Shao Bianxiu is soft-hearted and easy to bully! Virtue doesn't match! Relegating him to an unranked sage, if he were to be bullied again. Without progress, I see that he will not stay in this Hanlin Academy!"

"Things with unprovoked conduct, don't spoil the atmosphere of the Hanlin Academy!"

The Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials bent over, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Yes, Your Majesty..."

Emperor Qi Xuan had a big seizure, and his heart was smoother, he snorted coldly, and ordered to retreat. Before leaving, he glanced at Master Tian and ordered him to see him.

Master Tian replied respectfully, and his face felt even hotter.

Shao Yunyun followed all the ministers out of the Qianqing Palace hall, bowed his hands and said goodbye to all the ministers, and went back to the Hanlin Academy.

All the courtiers, look at me, I look at you, or shake your head or sigh or laugh.

The luck of this Shao Bianxiu is really good! It's okay from now on, don't mess with him...

That Qiao family is really too much.

Since you despise people, look down on people, and can't wait to shove off books, what qualifications do you have to arrange people?

In this matter, the Qiao family and Qiao Hongxi are indeed too unkind.

Stupid enough.

Is it possible for them to arrange random things like this with black and white evidence? Don't think about what will happen when the truth is revealed one day?

In the Dongnuan Pavilion, Mr. Tian stood respectfully at the bottom, and Emperor Qi Xuan had an ugly face.

"Do you know why I called you?"

Master Tian dare not say that he doesn't know, and it's not that he doesn't know.

Mr. Tian hurriedly knelt down: "Wei Chen is guilty! Although this matter was not instructed by Wei Chen, but Wei Chen...isn't open-minded enough, not generous enough, I kept a little careful thought and deliberately kept silent. Talk and watch the changes. If it wasn't to please Wei Chen, those people would definitely not embarrass a newly arrived editor. Wei Chen is wrong, please forgive the emperor!"

Master Tian kowtowed to the ground.

He is worthy of being a person, and these words are just right on the heart of Emperor Qi Xuan.

Qi Xuandi's anger disappeared instantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I felt that he was still a sensible and sensible man.

"It's not possible to commit a crime, but it's really not beautiful for you to do it! How many people have you made a joke! That incident has already passed, and I have already made a statement, haven't I? Dare to say half a word? Why embarrass our new champion? He is a talented and virtuous man, and I will use it in the future, so don't embarrass him any more!"

"If you know your mistakes are corrected, you will be great. This is not an example!"

"Yes, Wei Chen thanks the emperor for his grace! Wei Chen must bear in mind the emperor's teachings. Ashamed to say, that girl from the Wei Chen family... ah!"

Master Tian sighed softly.

Emperor Qi Xuan knew that the girl from the Tian family had always been outstanding and proud, and she was the best among noble girls.

He is also a boxing lover.

(End of this chapter)

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