"It's okay to send someone, but just keep an eye on it. My identity will not be passed on to the National Army. As for the Red Party, I don't need to say it. They also understand in their hearts. With such a special identity, they dare not report it directly."

Gao Feng thought for a while and said.

"Well, okay, I'll make arrangements now."

After Zhuang Xiaoman finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, don't worry about this, let's arrange it tomorrow, and you're still wearing a nightgown."

Gao Feng stopped Zhuang Xiaoman.

"it is good."

Zhuang Xiaoman was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.


On the other side, Minglou and the others returned to the hiding spot. After entering the hiding spot, Mingcheng, who was at the back, closed the door, and then looked at his elder brother Minglou, while Uncle Li also looked at Minglou and asked suspiciously, "Ming group. Sir, what happened to you this time?"

Hearing Uncle Li's words, Minglou's face showed a touch of complexity. He reached out and pressed it between his 29 eyebrows and said, "Takahashi Masao is the mysterious person we have been looking for, and his real identity is Gao Feng."


"how can that be!"

Uncle Li and Mingcheng exclaimed.

"It's true, Uncle Li, Masao Takahashi is the officer of the National Army who lived next door to me two years ago. Our previous guesses and judgments were correct."

Cheng Jinyun also said aloud at this time.

"What exactly is going on?"

Uncle Li asked with a frown.

Then Cheng Jinyun told everything that happened.

Listening to Cheng Jinyun's remarks, both Uncle Li and Mingcheng's eyes widened, and their expressions were the same as those of Minglou and Cheng Jinyun before.

Soon Cheng Jinyun finished the whole process.

After speaking, the room fell into silence.. Everyone was digesting the news.

"No. No! Gao Feng is the team leader of a team. When Wang Tianfeng took over a team, the description of that team member was completely different from Masao Takahashi!"

Ming Cheng thought of something at this moment and said hurriedly.

"That should just be a plan by Gao Feng, or a fake action group."

Ming Lou frowned and said in a deep voice.

The question Mingcheng asked just now, he thought about it when he came back, and quickly understood it.

Hearing what his eldest brother said, Mingcheng suddenly widened his eyes and said, "If it is a fake action team, doesn't it mean that he deceived the board and everyone? How dare he have to be!"

"What do you think? I think if I'm not mistaken, he also did the disappearance of the seat last time."

Minglou said.


Hearing Minglou's words, Mingcheng took a deep breath!

"But why did he do it?"

Cheng Jinyun frowned at this time.

"Because he was going to be transferred, he had such a good identity, and he didn't want to be transferred, so he made a plan, and this plan included everyone, including me, including Wang Tianfeng , including the seat of the bureau, and even the principal!"

When Ming Lou said this, his eyes were full of complexity.

And Uncle Li, Cheng Jinyun and others were even more shocked!

"The so-called drug factory and penicillin formula are also fake? Is it also his plan?"

Uncle Li said at this time.

"I haven't judged this yet, but I know that since Gao Feng has promised so many drugs to his superiors, it means that he has the ability and can guarantee to obtain these drugs in absolute safety. Maybe the drug factory is real!"

Minglou said.

After he finished speaking, Minglou thought of something and said: "Also, he also knows the identity of my Red Party, but he didn't say anything, plus he has assisted the Red Party many times before, so my preliminary guess is that he is not interested in me. The party is still very fond of it, but if this matter is reported to the superior, Uncle Li needs you to go to the headquarters in person and tell the chief in charge that the current intelligence conditions of our party are still very poor, and we will be watched all the time. At the same time, we must not reveal Gao Feng's identity because of our negligence! This is not only a huge loss to our party, the national army, but also the whole country!"

"Well, I know about this. I will leave Shanghai tomorrow and go to the headquarters. I will meet the head of the headquarters alone."

Uncle Li nodded and said.

"That's fine."

Minglou nodded.

"Brother, do we need to report the identity of Gao Feng to the National Army?"

Ming Cheng asked at this time.

After he finished speaking, he saw Minglou looking at him like a fool.

"Reporting to the National Army will expose our relationship with our party? Are you stupid?"

Minglou said.


Suddenly Mingcheng touched his head in embarrassment and stopped talking.

"Okay, let's go here first today. The first cargo transaction between the national army and the John named John is tonight. I'm going to prepare. Remember that tonight's affairs must be kept secret."

"Well, don't worry."

Then everyone dispersed.

the next day..

Gao Feng got up early in the morning. After breakfast, Gao Feng arrived at the consulate by car.

At the door of Masao Muto's office, Gao Feng knocked on the door, and then there was Masao Muto's voice inside.

"Come in.."

After hearing the sound, Gao Feng pushed the door and walked in.

"Hehe, Takahashi, you are here, take a seat first."

Masao Muto said with a smile.


Gao Feng nodded and walked to the sofa next to him and sat up. Then he picked up the tea set on the coffee table and waited while brewing tea.

After a while, Masao Muto stood up from behind the desk. He sat down opposite Gao Feng and said, "Takahashi has something for you to do."

"Hey! May I ask what's the matter?"

Gao Feng asked suspiciously.

"I need you to prepare a villa for me, an independent villa, absolutely safe, the villa should be large, and it should be able to accommodate at least six people, is that okay?"

Masao Muto said.

"Hey, okay father, I'll tell my subordinates directly, and it can be done today."

Gao Feng said hurriedly.

"No, you can't let your subordinates do this. I need you to do it yourself. In addition, the location of the villa must not be disclosed to anyone. Is it clear?"

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Masao Muto hurriedly shook his head, and then said sternly.

"Hey! Got to know my father."

Gao Feng nodded.

"Well, then you can arrange it now, and let me know as soon as it's done."


Gao Feng stood up and left the office. .

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