After leaving the office, Gao Feng went downstairs directly.

His mind was thinking about what Muto Masao gave him just now!

According to the information obtained from Goro Matsushita before, it is not difficult to guess the reason why Masao Muto asked Gao Feng to prepare the villa.

It must be to entertain those military personnel who came from Lao Germany. Although Lao Germany and the Japanese army are semi-allies, Lao Germany did not start a war against the Communist Party. They are also fighting hard now, and they have no time to open up new ones. battlefield!

If their dispatch of military personnel is exposed, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the *****.

So their whereabouts must be kept secret.

Thinking about this matter, Gao Feng soon went downstairs. After getting into the car, Gao Feng drove directly towards Fenghe Chamber of Commerce.

Soon after arriving at the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters, Gao Feng got out of the car and went directly to his office.

After arriving at the office, Gao Feng asked Xiaohubei to come over.

"Mr. Takahashi."

"You go to a villa right now. If you want an independent villa, it's more concealed, and there are fewer buildings. When you find it, notify me immediately."

"Well, I see, Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohu nodded and hurriedly left.

After Xiao Hubei left, Gao Feng took out paper and pen and started to write randomly.

In fact, this is his way of thinking, which can bring together many miscellaneous things, and finally form an impossible thing.

after an hour..

Gao Feng put down the pen in his hand, he picked up the phone beside the table and shook a number.

"Let the vice president come to my place."

After talking to the other end of the phone, Gao Feng hung up.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.."

Gao Feng said.

The voice fell, the door of the office was pushed open, and then Zhuang Xiaoman walked in.

"What's wrong?"

"You contact the headquarters immediately, and tell the headquarters that we have collected from Matsushijiro, and ask the headquarters for its opinion." "


"Well, right now, go and send the telegram now."

Gao Feng nodded.

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

Zhuang Xiaoman quickly left.


Soon after the afternoon, Xiaohubei found the villa. After receiving the news, Gao Feng immediately drove to the villa.

After arriving at the villa, Gao Feng began to memorize every room in the villa carefully, as well as the layout and so on.

After the research was over, Gao Feng said to Xiaohubei beside him: "I remember that our Chamber of Commerce didn't get a few wired bugs from Baodao some time ago, right?"

"Ah... Mr. Takahashi, I don't know that."

Hearing Xiaohubei's words, Gao Feng frowned slightly, and then said: "Wait a minute, take a look, bring all the bugs, and bring people over to install bugs, I must be able to hear them in every room. the sound of."

"Okay, I know Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohubei nodded hurriedly.

Next, Gao Feng walked around the villa again and told Xiao Hubei several installation points for bugs that were highly concealed and would not be discovered.

Because bugs in this era are all wired, Gao Feng chose the light bulbs above his head, landline phones and other places.

After telling the place, Gao Feng left the villa.


At the same time, on the other side, in the office hall of the puppet government, in the office of the Ming Building.


The door was pushed open directly.

Ming Cheng hurried in.

Seeing Mingcheng's hurried look, Minglou thought of what happened yesterday, and he waited for Mingcheng's words with a trembling in his heart.

"Big brother, something happened to Mingtai!"

Mingcheng said hurriedly.

"What! Something happened? What's going on?"

Minglou's face changed greatly!

"Just now, I called the Academic Affairs Office of Mingtai School, and found that Mingtai checked in on time every day for the past few days and never left early. Brother, you know Mingtai's character, this is not something he can do at all. Later, I checked his flight to Hong Kong and found that Wang Tianfeng was also on that flight!"

Ming Cheng told the matter.

After listening to Mingcheng's words, especially when the name Wang Tianfeng was mentioned, the previous Wang's plan suddenly appeared in Minglou's heart!

Death plan!

In an instant, Minglou slumped back into the chair.

"Big brother Wang Tianfeng was originally a lunatic. He was completely mad because of Gao Feng's several blows before. Mingtai will definitely have problems in his hands!"

Mingcheng next to him looked at Minglou and said hurriedly.

"I know! I know this! Wait, I'll think about it..."

Minglou stood up and started walking back and forth in the office.

At this time, Mingcheng seemed to think of something and said in a low voice, "¨"Brother, why don't we find Gao Feng?"

"Looking for Gao Feng? No! This matter is not a business."

Minglou shook his head and said.

"Then what? What if we call Wang Tianfeng directly?"

Mingcheng asked again.

"I'll think about it first."

Minglou waved his hand to signal Mingcheng to leave.

Hearing Minglou's words, Mingcheng opened his mouth and couldn't help but say, "Brother, no, I'll send someone to pick up Mingtai."

"No! You can't send someone! If this mission is successful, it's okay to say, if it fails, you and I will both go to court-martial!"

Minglou directly refused.

"Then what are we going to do?"

Ming Cheng asked anxiously.

Although he was born by a nanny of the Ming family, not a member of the Ming family, the Ming family always treats him as a family member. Like Ming Jing and Ming Lou, he is very fond of Ming Tai (Qian Zhao).

"I've said this, let me think about it, okay, you can go out now."

Ming Lou waved his hand a little irritably.

Hearing Minglou's words, Mingcheng finally sighed and turned to leave.

That night..

Xiaohubei reported to Gao Feng that all wired bugs had been installed.

After hearing Xiaohubei's report, Gao Feng rushed to the villa overnight and checked all the monitors. After confirming that there was no problem, Gao Feng was relieved.

Returning to the villa again, Gao Feng saw Zhuang Xiaoman sitting in the living room chatting with Junko Muto as soon as he entered the villa.

After making a look at Zhuang Xiaoman, Gao Feng went upstairs.

"Junzi will talk later, I will report the work to the president first."

Seeing Gao Feng go upstairs, Zhuang Xiaoman stood up and said.

"OK, all right."

Junko Muto nodded. .

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