The police station in Shanghai

Sumu sat in the office with a comfortable look on his face, drinking tea, smoking, and looking at the members of the action team outside from time to time!

Since relying on Lu Xiong and Nakano Ji, Sumu has been particularly relaxed and happy in the police station!

Although his position is the deputy captain of the action team, Sumu does not need to do the work of arresting anti-Japanese elements himself!

Especially helping Nakano Ji to complete a sulfa business, the latter was so happy that he specially told Lu Xiong!

"Brother Su, I have found out that Director Lu will be transferred to the City Hall next month!" Er Gouzi came hurriedly, whispered in Sumu's ear!

Hearing that Lu Xiong will be transferred from the police station next month, Su Mu couldn't help but sigh that Nakano Osamu is really efficient!

As long as you are willing to spend money!

He really works!

"What a pity, I wonder who the new director will be?"

Su Mu murmured in his mouth. Although he is currently helping Nakano Osamu, Lu Xiong left and the new police chief arrived!

Whether it is good or bad, it is unknown!

"Captain Su, the director asked you to go over!"

Just as Su Mu was thinking about it, he also heard the news that Lu Xiong was looking for him!

After tidying up his makeup, Su Mu was quite confused!

Since Lu Xiong dealt with Nakano Osamu!

During this period, he didn't look for me much!

Looking for me at this time!

Is there something wrong?

"Su Mu, go to a banquet with me tonight!"

As soon as he walked into the office, he saw Lu Xiong speaking solemnly!

Hearing the word banquet, Su Mu's heart couldn't help but jump slightly!


A banquet at this time!

Could it be the dinner of that guy Kenichi Iimoto!

With a thought, Su Mu did not hesitate and eavesdropped on the other party's thoughts!

Thoughts: Many big shots will attend this dinner, I have to make good friends with them!

Thoughts: I heard that General Okamoto of the Ume Agency and General Yoshikawa of the Military Police Command will be present. This is my chance!

Listening to Lu Xiong's thoughts, although Su Mu did not hear the location of the Linhai Hotel, he was very sure in his heart!

It can make Okamoto of the Ume Agency and Yoshikawa of the Military Police Command attend together!

Except for Kenichi Iimoto's dinner!

Basically, there will be no other possibilities!

"Wait for me in the office now!"

After giving Su Mu some instructions, Lu Xiong waved his hand and let Su Mu leave. He then studied the outfit for today's dinner!

Walking on the corridor of the police station, Su Mu was quite hesitant at this moment!

He had already given the address of the banquet to Shanghai Station!

Although I don’t know how Shanghai Station is going!

But tonight!

Linhai Hotel is definitely a place of trouble!

Go there by yourself!

Isn’t it asking for trouble!

But Lu Xiong asked me to go, if I find a reason not to go!

It would be bad if the Special High Section knew about it and left the seeds of suspicion!

"I can only take one step and see!" After hesitating for a moment, Su Mu decided to go!

I can only pray in my heart that the assassination at the dinner will not affect me!


Shanghai, Huajie, Linhai Hotel

"Don't run around and don't talk nonsense when you go in!"

In the car on the way to the hotel, Lu Xiong reminded Su Mu at this moment!

Those who attended the banquet tonight are all big shots in Shanghai!

Su Mu is a small translator, and he only needs to be responsible for translation!

"Director, don't worry!" Su Mu nodded obediently, and his obedient appearance made Lu Xiong nod with satisfaction!

After a while, as the vehicle stopped, Lu Xiong and Su Mu also walked out of the car!

"Stop, please accept the inspection!"

As soon as Lu Xiong and Su Mu approached, they were stopped by the military police outside and searched!

Items like firearms!

There is no possibility of bringing them in!

This situation made Su Mu worry about the operation of Shanghai Station!

The military police on the outside were on guard, and the special high section agents were guarding inside. Even a fly couldn't fly in. I hope the assassination of Shanghai Station will go smoothly!

"Yoshi, Susan, I didn't expect you to come too!"

As soon as I entered the banquet, I saw Nakano Osamu in military uniform, walking in with a smile.

Come over here!

"Mr. Nakano, I'm here to translate for Director Lu!" After the sulfonamide deal, the relationship between Sumu and Nakano Ji has also heated up rapidly!


After all, there was Lu Xiong on the side, and Sumu pointed at Lu Xiong and stated his identity!

"Sumu, you talk to Mr. Nakano, I'll go to the City Hall!"


Now Lu Xiong is also tactful. He glanced at the officials of the City Hall and came over with a smile on his face!


He wants to pave the way for his next visit to the City Hall in advance!

"Susan, the sulfonamide last time was very popular. You should keep an eye on that guy recently and tell me as soon as you have a source of goods!" Nakano Ji came here, of course, not to reminisce with Sumu!

The sulfonamide business made him taste the sweetness, and he also wanted to continue it!

"Don't worry, Nakano-kun. I will inform you as soon as there is any news!"

"Haha, Susan, you are really my good friend!"

Smiling in response, Sumu and Nakanoji are also getting closer at this moment!

Inner voice: Humph, traitor, if there is no mission this time, I will definitely kill you too!

Just as Sumu and Nakanoji were arm in arm and calling each other brothers, a voice suddenly sounded in Sumu's heart!

The sudden voice made Sumu's expression condense!

His eyes scanned the circle calmly, and then locked the source of the voice!


It's the agent of Shanghai Station!

Have they already sneaked in in advance?


This also solved himself!

What's going on!

In this day and age, as a hidden agent, do you still have to be beaten by your own people?

It's too difficult!

He complained helplessly in his heart, which is why Sumu didn't want to come to the banquet!

His own identity!

Only three people in Shanghai Station know it!

Who knows if he will be affected when the action team takes action!

What if he is killed by the gang!

He will lose a lot!


Helpless as he is, Su Mu also admires and respects these passionate patriots!

This Linhai Hotel!

Now it is guarded by the agents of the Special High Section and the gendarmerie inside and outside!

Even if the assassination mission is successfully completed!

It is definitely not an easy thing to escape!

A life or death!

This kind of dedication to carry out the mission at the risk of death!

Su Mu can't do this!

Taking a sip of the wine in his hand, Su Mu glanced at the figures in the hall and prayed for them silently!

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