The two sides of the river are in chaos, and the two sides are in chaos.

Linhai Hotel

"Mr. Yamamoto, I don't want any problems to occur at this banquet!"

At the cocktail party on the first floor, General Okamoto of the Ume Agency looked at Yamamoto Benjiro beside him and gave an order!

This dinner was to bid farewell to Kenichi Iimoto and return to his homeland!

All the well-known figures in Shanghai came to the dinner!

If there is any accident!

That would be the face of their Ume Agency and the Special High Section!

"General Okamoto, please rest assured. I have sent people to search the entire banquet hotel!" Yamamoto Benjiro also knew the seriousness of the matter. He had sent people to the hotel to investigate in advance!

Not only the tenants of the hotel during this period, but also the hotel staff, were all checked one by one!

There will definitely be no problems!

As for the participants in the meeting!

He notified those local Japanese in advance!

And he notified those city hall officials on the last day to ensure that the news of this dinner would not be leaked!

"The old fox Yoshikawa is watching, you should be careful!" Okamoto Jin glanced at Yamamoto Benjiro. As an intelligence agency, he also did not have much good feelings for the dispatched troops like Yoshikawa!

As the war expanded, the power of the dispatched troops grew!

On the territory of China, it was like a local emperor!

Their Mei Agency, the Special High Section, was ordered by the mainland, how could they hand over the control to this group of people!

Yamamoto Benjiro and Okamoto Jin were communicating here, while Su Mu and Nakano Osamu were toasting at the cocktail party!

By the way, Su Mu also activated his telepathic ability to try to find out if there was any useful information!


Most of the people present now are well-known figures in Shanghai!

There are spies from the Special High Section watching around!

A small figure like Su Mu can't get close to people like Yamamoto Benjiro!

"It seems that we can only rely on Shanghai Station!"

Muttering in his heart, he has no way to carry out this assassination!

He can only rely on the assassination team of Shanghai Station!

On the first floor of the hotel, outside the utility room

"Brother Li, Iimoto Kenichi's location has been discovered!"

A figure who was cleaning said in a low voice, and then quietly stuffed a note into the passing dining cart!

"Everything is carried out according to the plan!"

The passing figure whispered, and then pushed the dining cart away with an unchanged expression!

He found an unmanned corner, took a look at the content on the note, and the waiter who was pushing the dining cart had a cold murderous intent in his eyes!

Iimoto Kenichi, this bastard!

How many innocent people were killed when he was the chief of staff of the 16th Corps!

We must not let such a person return to Japan to enjoy life!

"Huh!" With a deep sigh of relief, Li Xiaobing swallowed the note, and then his face returned to normal, and he continued to push the dining cart towards the banquet!


Yamashiro, Intelligence Bureau Headquarters

"What time is it? Is there any news?"

Sitting in front of the office, Boss Dai looked at his watch a little anxiously, asking in his mouth!

This assassination!

It was the order of the old man himself!

A butcher like Kenichi Iimoto!

We can't let him leave anyway!

Mao Cheng stepped forward, handed over the tea, and shook his head, "There is no news from Shanghai Station, I think it hasn't started yet!"

He also looked at the time on the watch. At this time, the Japanese dinner has not ended yet!

If you want to know the result!

At least you have to wait until the dinner is over!

"National hatred and family feud, this assassination cannot fail!" Boss Dai took a sip of tea and said slowly and solemnly!

No matter it is national hatred and family feud, such a butcher must not be let go as long as there is a chance!


Special High Section in Shanghai, Intelligence Group

"Ring, ring, ring......."

As the phone rang, the head of the intelligence group of the Special High Section, Kameda Tsuruji, suddenly froze!

He glanced at the phone in the intelligence room and picked it up without any hesitation!

"The killer from Yamashiro has entered the hotel!"

On the other side of the phone, with the familiar code coming, the information revealed made Kameda Tsuruji look horrified!

The killer from Yamashiro has entered

Entered the hotel? !


After hanging up the phone, Kameda Tsuruji couldn't help but get anxious!

This call came from their insider Sashimi lurking in Shanghai Station!

The other party contacted him in an emergency way!

It was enough to show how critical the situation was!

"Quick, contact the section chief immediately!"

Without any hesitation, Kameda Tsuruji didn't care about anything else at this moment, he picked up the phone and called the Linhai Hotel!

The killer in Yamashiro is already in the Linhai Hotel!

If the report is too late!

It is estimated that the trouble will be big!

For a while!

With Kameda Tsuruji's actions, he directly called the Linhai Hotel in a short while!

After a report, the special high section agent stationed in the Linhai Hotel also changed his expression and went directly to Yamamoto Benjiro to report the matter!

Outside the hotel banquet

"Susan, since you are my friend, if you have any trouble in the future, you can just tell me my name!" Under Sumu's flattery, Nakano Osamu waved his hand and started bragging directly!

"It is my honor to be my friend of Nakano-kun!" With a licking smile, Sumu also looked like a lackey, constantly trying to please the other party!

Lu Xiong is doing well in the city hall now!

Once the other party leaves!

Without Nakano Osamu's protection, his days in the police station may not be easy!

"Nakano-kun, I know a few here..."

Sumu was about to discuss with Nakano Osamu how to comfort the injured women of the Great Japanese Empire. The next moment, he suddenly remembered his voice, which made Sumu's words stagnate!

Voice: The damn Yamashiro agent actually sneaked into the hotel. If something goes wrong, we will be in trouble!

What's the situation?

How did the Yamashiro agent get exposed?

He glanced at the figure that hurried past him. The other party was obviously an agent of the Special High Section!

Damn it!

The operation was exposed!

This is dangerous!

What should I do?

What should I do now?

Su Mu did not expect that the plan that Shanghai Station had worked so hard to prepare was directly exposed to the Special High Section before it even started!

"Susan, what's wrong with you?" Nakano Osamu on the side glanced at Su Mu who was stunned and asked a question!

This is discussing the key department!

You should tell me about those good places!

Listening to Nakano Osamu's question, Su Mu glanced at the other party, hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind!


The situation must be disrupted!

Otherwise, the members of the assassination team of Shanghai Station will not be able to find the problem at all!

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