Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 217 217. Xia Versailles Luo? Check out Gusta's research!

With Charlotte's efforts to save it, the two of them finally did not destroy this pot of food.

Next, pour the contents of the pot into a rectangular mold, cool and then cut into pieces. It will be a little easier to make.

"Remember, the chopped nuts must be added little by little, otherwise it will be very easy to stick to the pan." Charlotte emphasized again.

In fact, for veterans, it doesn't matter what they do, because they are skilled in their skills.

But for these beginners, they must do it slowly, otherwise they will easily fail.

Throughout the afternoon, Charlotte taught them how to make these most basic snacks.

First, she explains and demonstrates by herself, and then randomly selects people to perform operations while she makes random comments next to her.

By the end of the afternoon, these boys were stuffed to the point of vomiting.

There was one snack after another, and Charlotte almost didn't eat it, and all of it went into their stomachs.

It was fine at first, but by the end of the meal it was really boring!

Even if Charlotte’s formula has reduced sugar and salt, they still can’t bear it!

It feels like snacks and desserts will become their psychological shadow for a long time to come.

However, this indiscriminate teaching method does have some effects.

At least after this afternoon, some of these boys can now take charge of themselves and lead everyone in making those simple snacks.

For example, Gao Zirui and Qi Yingkai are relatively strong in practical skills, and Shangguan Yan and Qin Shaoyang are not too weak either.

As for Chu Pengfei... just do odd jobs, he has no talent.

One afternoon was enough for Charlotte to make this "sentence" to him.

"Charlotte, don't you need to practice it yourself?" Shangguan Yan asked as he watched Charlotte take off her apron.

Charlotte put away her apron and replied, "No, I'll be fine."

Everyone who had been tortured by her all afternoon: "..."

Alpha: Master, you are truly the Versailles.

Charlotte walked out of the large exhibition hall on the first floor and returned to the dormitory.

Because large-scale mechas are of use these days, Charlotte is unable to conduct on-machine training.

For other practical courses, since the teachers all have their own celebration tasks, it is not convenient for Charlotte to conduct them.

So when she had nothing to do, she simply stayed in the dormitory to review theoretical knowledge.

No matter how familiar something is, there is no harm in looking at it more.

And recently, taking advantage of the free time, Charlotte started learning new content.

She began to read Professor Gusta’s research works, including various books and published papers.

Since the first to third grade courses were all introductory courses, she didn't care whether she got guidance from Professor Gusta.

But starting from fourth grade, Charlotte will begin to study advanced-level courses.

At this time, Professor Gusta's guidance is indispensable, otherwise it will be difficult for her to improve academically.

Charlotte has almost mastered the basics. After becoming a senior, what she needs is more personalized guidance.

To this end, Charlotte needs the help of Professor Gusta to give him guidance and polish her various skills.

To achieve this goal, she must know herself and the enemy.

For Charlotte, she needs to understand all the research content of Professor Gusta first. In this way, when the two of them communicate, she won't be at a loss for words.

From what she observed, Professor Gusta's character was not kind. If you act too stupid in front of him, he will ignore you.

The first step is to do what you like.

Understand his research direction and research results, and arm yourself with relevant knowledge.

I believe that only in this way, they will have more common language between them, and I can barely get into his eyes.

If there are three of us traveling together, there must be someone who can teach me, let alone a top scientific research talent like Professor Gusta.

Charlotte believes that she can definitely learn a lot from him.

Charlotte had known before that Professor Gusta had a large number of research works, but now that he has actually studied them, he has a deeper understanding.

Authoritative core journals such as "Federal Science and Technology (Military Edition)", "Nature and Science", "Mecha New Era" and other authoritative core journals, if others publish a paper in them a year, it is already very good.

Professor Gusta publishes multiple research papers in these core journals every year, which is quite productive.

There are now many professional books on Charlotte's desk, all of which are Gusta's research works, which she borrowed from the library.

In addition, she downloaded all his papers from the library's journal database, printed them out, and bound them into volumes.

For Charlotte, she still prefers the learning method that relies on paper media.

The most influential subject of Professor Gusta is the series of "Application of Genetic Engineering in Mecha Field".

This series includes the first-level main topic and many extended and expanded second-level sub-topics.

After reading his research works, Charlotte clearly realized that Professor Gusta is really a rare talent in the field of scientific research.

It's no wonder that when this topic was first brought up, it aroused heated discussions in the entire federal mecha academic community, and even alarmed the top leaders of the federal military department.

If this series of research can achieve results, Charlotte thought, then the field of mechs may undergo earth-shaking changes.

Mechas and genes are clearly two fields of research that have little overlap.

Professor Gusta really learned from others, maybe this is his advantage, other scientists who study mechs can't do this.

Not only in genetics, but also in many fields of scientific research.

If it weren't for Professor Bilbo Adolf, Gusta might not have focused on mecha research.

Because there are so many scientific research fields that he is good at, he is an out-and-out scientific research genius.

It is precisely because Professor Adolf studies this aspect that he firmly embarks on this path.

However, it may not be so easy to achieve results in this series of scientific research topics.

It requires experts in biological genes to participate in it. No matter how capable Gusta is, it is not the main focus, which is not enough to support the in-depth construction of the entire project.

However, the problem should not be too big. The scientific research team led by Professor Gusta has already applied for the highest level of federal scientific research funding.

With the support of the patron's father behind him, what else can't be done?

He tried his best to invite the top team of experts in this field to conduct cooperative research with his own team.

Because the two teams are responsible for two different research areas, there should not be too many conflicts of interest after the research results come out.

Although Professor Gusta has always acted out of common sense, has a bad temper, and has no intention to deal with complicated interpersonal relationships, but if it is for his scientific research career, Gusta should be patient and cooperate with others.

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