Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 675 675 She doesn't talk too much, she just does it! The fighting instinct engraved in

But now, the long barrel is not so flexible.

That nimble and small "little guy" is opening its slender legs, revealing a light earth green belly, aiming directly at Charlotte's face!

Too close to snipe! Charlotte quickly came to a judgment.

However, she didn't panic in the slightest, she just held the butt of the gun firmly and swiped at the guy who rushed over!

The thick barrel gave the opponent a solid hit!

Charlotte was so strong that she swept the guy to the ground in one fell swoop.

As soon as Fang fell to the ground, there was movement in the tunnel!

In an instant, a faint blue tongue of flame spewed out from the slash!

Charlotte has sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately walked two steps to avoid it.

The long and thick tongue of flame is full of burning breath, as if it can devour all the wrapped objects!

The hot flame changed the surrounding temperature, causing the airflow to become unstable.

For a moment, Charlotte only felt waves of heat coming, and even the broken hair on her forehead was fluttering in the wind!

But Charlotte didn't have the time to worry about these things. The few steps she took to avoid them just now triggered a new round of traps!

All of a sudden, a series of dangers struck, and Charlotte had to be distracted to deal with it.

The "little guy" who was swept down by her gun barrel struggled a few times on the ground, and then straightened its body again.

It shook its long tail, and it had the tendency to pounce on it again!

With this series of actions, another mechanism was superimposed and touched.

Every mechanism that is triggered may become the fuse of the next mechanism.

This tunnel is much more complicated than the organ room that Charlotte first encountered, and the design of the two is not at the same level!

Every area inside hides various crises! You can't make a wrong step at all!

Although there are also safe spots for walking, overall, the number of safe spots is too small.

Therefore, if you want to move forward safely inside, any wrong step is a big taboo.

But now, Charlotte can't concentrate on her feet, nor can she concentrate on studying the layout of the mechanism below the tunnel.

While avoiding those organs, she also needs to beware of that "little guy" who is waiting for an opportunity.

Now Charlotte is multitasking.

As soon as he dodged a round of traps and turned his gaze, the guy on the ground took advantage of the situation and rushed over!

This time, apart from opening its 8 sharp slender legs, its abdomen also changed!

The light earth green abdomen actually split slowly from the middle, and separated to the left and right sides.

Finally, a vertical mouth is formed in the abdomen!

The mouth is densely covered with sharp small teeth, almost occupying its entire abdomen!

Charlotte narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her hand suddenly at that moment, and directly stuffed the long barrel of R-CA8H into it!

She doesn't talk too much, she just does it!

No matter what kind of weird organ setting it is, in Charlotte's eyes, it's all the same.

Find the weak point and kill it!

Charlotte will not hesitate or pause for a moment because of that grotesque appearance.

After all, in the end of the world, she was used to seeing all kinds of strange "things".

Charlotte's fighting instinct and on-the-spot reaction have been engraved in his bones.

Her movements are fast and steady.

Even though the "little guy" moved very fast, Charlotte stabbed it right in!

In an instant, Charlotte saw some liquid covering the front end of the gun barrel.

She didn't go to investigate, and directly fired several shots.

Through this mouth that grew in the abdomen, Charlotte punched the guy's head through!

The next moment, the guy who was desperately holding onto the barrel of the gun and wanted to jump forward suddenly lost his vitality and hung directly on the barrel.

Charlotte didn't put down the barrel until the guy stopped moving.

She scanned the tunnel floor and put the guy in a safe spot.

In the fierce battle just now, Charlotte also did not forget the memory route.

She remembered all of the few safe positions.

The tense battle came to an end temporarily, and all 8 strange-looking "little guys" were killed by Charlotte.

Without these guys' troubles, the tunnel quickly returned to calm.

Charlotte lowered her head slightly, looking at the eighth guy closest to her on the ground, thoughtful.

The color of these guys is green overall.

Their bodies are a color between earth green and grass green, and their abdomens are light earth green.

What's weirder is their eight legs, which are not biological limbs, but mechanical legs.

As it got closer, Charlotte could be more sure that those silver-gray slender feet were very slender, just like the crawling feet of a spider.

Among the eight reptiles are their green bodies.

It has a relatively flat body and is very small, but it has a long tail behind it.

These guys seem to have no head, except for the body, just crawling feet.

Charlotte didn't even see their regular facial features such as eyes and ears, which are really different from ordinary creatures.

Look at the mouth located on the abdomen, which is still open at this time, but the inside is already bloody.

Faintly, a green liquid flowed out.

Charlotte looked at her gun barrel again, and the front end was also stained with a lot of viscous light green liquid.

This amount... When she pointed the gun at its mouth just now, did it spray this liquid from its mouth?

Charlotte checked it carefully and saw some clues.

She didn't directly wipe off the mucus on the gun barrel, but re-locked the safety lock of the R-CA8H to prevent it from going off.

Immediately, Charlotte shook it twice vigorously, shaking off part of the mucus on the gun barrel.

Charlotte soon saw better as the mucus diminished.

That is not a very obvious change. The front end of the barrel of the R-CA8H has very slight wear and tear.

This wear is not that noticeable, but it does happen.

Charlotte looked at the green slime again. There was only one explanation—the slime ejected from these guys' mouths was extremely corrosive.

R-CA8H is not a shoddy thing, it is made of very fine materials.

As far as the material of the gun barrel is concerned, it should be very strong, and it is absolutely impossible to be corroded by anything casually.

It is not easy for these "little guys" to do this, even if they only cause slight wear and tear.

Charlotte looked at all this coldly, as expected of some kind of unknown experimental body, with various characteristics different from ordinary creatures.

One of its characteristics should be the extremely corrosive nature of body fluids.

If Charlotte, a flesh and blood body, was sprayed by it, the contact surface would definitely rot into blood.

This bodily fluid may even seep into the blood, continuously spread and spread, causing a large area of ​​corrosion on the attacked target's body, and then quickly die.

With FD, you can brush it later tomorrow~

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