Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 676 The Wildness of the 676 Experimental Subject? Create a new species of biological and mec

Sure enough, the builders of this pyramid would not create any ordinary experimental subjects.

Every experimental subject has its own characteristics, and it's not a meaningless crude thing.

And obviously, these guys are no longer pure biological categories, but also combined with mechanical parts, which can be regarded as assembled into a new "thing".

Charlotte thought about just now, when these guys first appeared on the stage, she was very concerned about a detail.

At that time, they moved quickly from different positions, but none of them triggered the mechanism.

It wasn't until she shot down one of them and the opponent fell that the mechanism was triggered.

Could it be that...these guys know the right route? Familiar with the top, sides, ground, the safe points of all these levels?

Combining various details from previous battles, Charlotte came up with this bold guess.

No, if you think about it carefully, this guess is actually very reasonable.

It is precisely because they are familiar with the route that they will not trigger any mechanism when walking normally.

And the only time they landed in the wrong spot was when they were accidentally shot down by her.

Now, Charlotte already knows that the builder of this pyramid has very advanced technology, which can be seen from the existence of the "Little Queen".

Therefore, it is not difficult to do this.

Charlotte has not been in the interstellar era for a long time, just over two years.

However, she has a strong learning ability, and since she was enrolled in the Geworth Military Academy, she has a certain understanding of the technology of the interstellar era.

In this way, Charlotte further speculates, how did the builder behind it do this?

To allow these monstrous creatures to master safe routes and follow them faithfully?

These experimental subjects "produced" in the later period are actually very wild.

For example, the "No. 7 experimental body" before, and the so-called "Sennamov" 4th and 5th generation experimental bodies.

The experimental subjects that Charlotte encountered were all very bloodthirsty and in a state of starvation.

She thought that the experimental body combined with the mechanical part in front of her should be the same, and it would be difficult to be completely domesticated.

So how did the makers get them to do what they were told?

Charlotte pondered for a while, and quickly guessed several possible ways and means.

Those mechanical crawling feet of them are very noticeable, maybe there is something in the crawling feet?

For example, the mechanical crawler is made of special materials, so it won't trigger the pressure sensing device on the tunnel wall?

In other words, is there any signal emitting device inside the mechanical crawler, which can emit a special signal, so that all kinds of traps are always in a silent state?

Looking at the silver and slender mechanical crawling feet, the texture is excellent, and full of sense of technology, it really doesn't look like ordinary metal legs.

Moreover, as an experimental body, the creators behind it want to break the barriers of the creatures themselves and achieve the fusion of creatures and machines, and it is impossible not to endow these crawling feet with other functions.

Otherwise, a simple mechanical leg would be too low.

However, Charlotte also made other guesses.

If it wasn't for the role of the mechanical legs, and it wasn't for the mechanism traps actively ignoring their walking movements, there was only one possibility left—these guys really mastered the correct pointing route.

And to achieve this effect, would it be... Some kind of chip was implanted in their brains?

Manufacturers can use certain technical means to stimulate their brains, so that these wild and unruly guys can follow the established safe path.

Charlotte looked at the corpse lying on the ground, and thought deeply about the previous situation. It may also be a combination of various means to achieve this effect.

In short, under the condition of normal travel, these guys will not trigger any mechanism traps.

And once they fall due to abnormal reasons, the mechanism will be touched normally.

Of course, if they are lucky, the place where they fall is safe, and the organs on the upper, lower, left, and right walls of the tunnel will not be activated.

These are all inferred by Charlotte from the minutiae in the battle just now, and they are generally reasonable guesses.

However, it is not 100% sure.

At this time, Alpha took the initiative to introduce: "Master, this is the sixth-generation experimental body of 'Senamov', but it is still a juvenile body."

Hearing this, Charlotte raised her eyebrows slightly, "Senamov" 6th generation experimental body?

In other words, are they from the same series as the previous "Alien" and "Meatball Monster"?

However, from the appearance point of view, there are still obvious differences between the three.

Especially these "little guys" in front of them, compared with the 4th and 5th generation experimental bodies of the same series, they are not even a little bit worse.

Even if it's just a juvenile body, it shouldn't be so different.

Presumably anticipating that Charlotte would have this question, Alpha continued: "The 6th-generation experimental body of 'Senamov' is different from the previous generations. The creator is exploring the fusion and growth of biology and machinery."

Charlotte waited for the following, she knew that Alpha must have detected some information.

Sure enough, I heard Alpha continue to say: "This kind of research is not simply the superposition of low-end biology and machinery, but the iterative growth of the two after fusion. After they are fully integrated, the researched object is like a newborn. , new species characteristics will be born, just like creating a brand new species.”

Charlotte listened to Alpha's explanation, and sure enough, as she guessed, this sudden creature was fused with the machine.

Moreover, the degree of integration of the two will not be low.

But obviously, the technology is not that simple.

Charlotte confirmed this more precisely from Alpha's few words.

The "Little Queen", who had been gone for a long time and remained silent, finally interrupted Alpha.

"Hmph, layman, don't think that you have mastered everything if you find some information, everything here is not that simple." Bloody Queen's voice was full of disdain.

Alpha was interrupted by it to say what he was going to say next, and then said: "If you didn't come out to hinder me, I would only get more information. Among artificial intelligence, there is no layman to say, we all have our own areas of expertise .”

In the world of artificial intelligence, although they all have similar basic capabilities, such as the collection and processing of information, designers will also focus on giving them different special capabilities.

These special program settings are highly personalized, and artificial intelligence has gained a degree of differentiation.

Bloody Queen never showed her figure, but said in a haughty tone: "With your little ability, even if I don't stop you, you can't find anything."


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