Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 687 687 Wrap her in your arms? It is impossible for him not to be in pain! Tried and tested

They were only about 50 meters away from the end of the tunnel.

Charlotte's energy sword picked up the flying debris again, and her right hand was so numb that she almost lost consciousness.

Originally, after blocking the arrow with bare hands, Charlotte's right hand was not much better, and she couldn't bear such high-intensity movements at all.

Now under these twists and turns, the severity of the injury to the right hand is getting worse, and Charlotte is almost unable to perceive the condition of the right hand.

In the left hand, there is only a little feeling.

At the moment, Charlotte's left and right hands are actually like a pair of suffering brothers and sisters, and their condition is getting worse.

As she breathed, the pain in her chest became more and more intense.

It seems that the more you move, the more obvious the pain will be.

But Charlotte still gritted her teeth and persisted without saying a word.

Her complexion was already pale to the point of shame, and bursts of cold sweat were breaking out from her body.

With 20 meters left, this time, Ares locked on to a position near the end of the tunnel.

Because it is near the end point, the damage is not so serious, and there is still a strong point at the top of the tunnel.

The Flying Tiger Claw on the right hand aimed at the target area far away, and after the claw head was clasped firmly, Ares galloped away with Charlotte!

In theory, with such a short distance, with the help of the Flying Tiger Claws, there is no problem for them to successfully reach the end of the tunnel.

However, the change happened too suddenly!

The series of explosions is coming to an end, and the last few blows are obviously going to completely blow up the entire tunnel!

At that time, there will be nothing left in the tunnel! Including places for them to stand or cling to!

Within this final distance, the dangers facing Charlotte and Ares have not diminished but increased!

Below the tunnel is a dark space of unknown depth, full of strangeness and danger.

If they accidentally fall, it will definitely not be a good thing waiting for them.

Charlotte looked at the end of the tunnel, which was still intact.

As long as they set foot on that place, they will be able to get out of danger and go to their real destination!

Just stick to the distance of less than 20 meters!

Inside the tunnel, everything has always been chaotic.

Violent explosions, scalding hot air flow, turbid gas, charred fragments and residues...

All kinds of things are mixed together, confusing people's five senses, making it difficult for people to concentrate.

Not to mention that in this chaotic situation, it is necessary to find a foothold decisively, quickly, and accurately, and resist the shock waves of various explosions and the debris left by the bombardment.

Under such circumstances, not everyone can move forward smoothly, which requires strong real skills!

Charlotte and Ares, their mutual combat abilities have been repeatedly tested in this link.

Fortunately, they cooperated well and did not get stuck.

Even if Charlotte's combat power is now reduced, she is still doing her best.

Another violent explosion, in the messy field of vision, the ground has been completely destroyed, and there is no longer a foothold!

Without hesitation, Ares turned his feet in an instant and stepped directly on a certain position on the side wall of the tunnel! That tiny little place that hasn't been completely destroyed!

The whole movement is connected very smoothly, as if there is no need to think at all, what a terrible instant response ability!

With the support of that place and the help of the Flying Tiger Claw in his right hand, Ares exerted strength on his feet, and finally jumped towards the finish line!

His explosive power was amazing, this jump, even with Charlotte, shortened the distance to less than 10 meters!

According to this trend, it should not be a problem to successfully reach the finish line.

However, it happened that within the last 5 meters, another strong explosion hit from the side!

Charlotte immediately discovered the large piece of metal, which seemed to be the residue of a mechanism.

She looked at the end of the tunnel very quickly, then raised her right hand and swept away!

In an instant, the large piece of metal that was about to be smashed was directly missed by her!

At that time, Charlotte was only focused on clearing the roadblocks, but did not take into account the direct impact of the explosion wave.

She missed the big piece of metal just now, and the next moment, she felt someone slam her back!

The hand that was originally placed on her waist quickly shifted its position.

That powerful palm pressed against her back, forcing her to get close to him!

Charlotte hurriedly looked at Ares next to her, but she only had time to see his calm face with a look of determination.

The flames caused by the explosion irritated Charlotte's eyes, making her unable to see the surrounding situation clearly.

The heat wave came in bursts, and I only felt my face hurt.

In the thick smoke, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Charlotte knew that he had already withdrawn the Flying Tiger Claw in his right hand, and hugged her with both hands instead.

And the purpose of his doing so, she also guessed immediately.

The next moment, Charlotte felt another hand covering the back of her head.

Immediately afterwards, her whole body hit the ground!

The strength of that force directly smashed the energy sword she was holding in her hand!

Because there were a pair of arms protecting her back, Charlotte didn't feel too much pain.

However, this fall is very strong in the end.

Charlotte rolled many times on the ground! Roll straight dizzy, race a spinning top!

It shows how rough it was when it landed just now!

Charlotte could already figure out the chaotic situation just now, it was a forced landing as a last resort.

The two of them were next to each other and fell a long distance.

Charlotte could even hear the dull sound of his body hitting the ground.

However, under this violent impact, Ares still firmly protected Charlotte.

He always held her in his arms, holding her as tightly as possible to prevent her from falling out.

The palm protecting the back of her head never let go.

Charlotte only felt that her face was pressed hard against his chest, which was really awkward.

However, at this time, Charlotte didn't make any extra moves.

If you move around casually, it will only make things worse and drag him down further.

This solid series of falls hit people hard!

There is no doubt that Charlotte would have fallen even harder if she hadn't been protected by Ares.

But until it stopped, Charlotte didn't hear even a "hum" from him.

That kind of rolling and hitting, brutal and brutal, it was impossible for him not to be in pain.

Charlotte knew that it was nothing more than amazing willpower.

After the stop, Charlotte quickly looked around.

Now, they have successfully reached the end of the tunnel, also far away from the scope of the explosion.

Looking back, the tunnel no longer exists, only a dark space with no end in sight.

Everything was completely destroyed in the chain explosion just now.

Ares let go of Charlotte's hand, and she sat up.

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