Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 688 688 Wei Wei avoids her? Everything you say seems pretentious! She asked him to endure it

Charlotte didn't say much, and quickly checked Ares' situation.

Almost immediately, she noticed the injury to his right hand.

The Flying Tiger Claw that was originally bound to his right arm now only had some debris left.

Even the part where his coat was worn was a little worn out.

The back of Ares' right hand was severely scratched.

When I looked at it, it was bloody, and I didn't know if there was any muscle injury.

Ares noticed Charlotte's gaze, but didn't say much.

He just silently dismantled the device that accommodated the "Tiger Claw" and cleaned up all the debris.

Now that the "Flying Tiger Claw" has been damaged, there is no need to keep it as a burden.

Charlotte was silent for a moment, and was about to step forward to check the condition of his right arm.

Being able to smash the "Flying Tiger Claw" like this is not an ordinary shock.

However, Ares avoided it slightly.

He just said lightly: "When I left the tunnel just now, my right hand blocked it. It wasn't the injury I suffered when I landed."

This sentence can be regarded as taking the initiative to answer the doubts that Charlotte might have.

In this way, Charlotte understood.

Just now, she was busy blocking the big piece of metal, and didn't pay attention to other situations.

Now it seems that the situation is not good.

In a hurry, he made a desperate choice for a violent landing.

And during this process, there were probably some residues and fragments that hit them due to the impact of the explosion.

At that time, it should be difficult for him to free up his hands to deal with it.

In addition, the energy sword was still in her hand at that time, so he directly blocked it with his right hand.

But...the right arm was injured because of this, so what about the back of the right hand?

Charlotte knew very well that it was caused by protecting her during the series of falls.

She was silent, thinking for herself.

This person blurred the truth, specifically pointing out that she was not injured when she landed, but in fact to avoid her self-blame.

However, in the final analysis, whether it was during the violent landing or the last moment of landing, his injuries were inseparable from her.

If it wasn't for her inconvenient hands and feet, they would be able to act independently.

That way, he will definitely not get hurt.

Charlotte has a very clear understanding of this.

Moreover, even if Ares didn't say anything, and didn't show anything, Charlotte had already made a judgment.

The blow he blocked with his right hand must have been serious.

Flying Tiger Claw is not a device that can be destroyed casually.

However, the clothes on his body were dark, and Charlotte couldn't see the specific situation clearly, only the worn part of the coat could be seen.

And because of his intentional avoidance, Charlotte couldn't distinguish the wear and tear carefully.

"Let's bandage it first." Charlotte still said.

But as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she only realized later that she couldn't even bandage her at this moment.

The situation was too sudden just now, and he didn't bring the military backpack with him when he left.

All first aid supplies are in the backpack.

With heavy eyes, Charlotte sighed heavily: "Be patient, let's go out as soon as possible."

Now there is no other way but to step up action.

Good or bad has arrived here, and the next obstacle will probably be smaller.

Charlotte thought that this tunnel should be the last barrier set up by the builders.

The following sections will be much safer, at least according to the information on the map, Charlotte can analyze these.

Ares had no objection to this.

He just stood up silently, with an ordinary look on his face.

Charlotte glanced at his condition again. Except for his right hand, there seemed to be no other injuries.

Still, she wasn't quite sure.

After all, Charlotte felt that she was responsible for Ares' injury.

However, it seemed hypocritical to say anything now, so she didn't speak.

The rigidity of the right leg was still severe, and Charlotte stood up on the left leg.

It was just an insignificant movement of getting up, and Ares keenly captured it.

He quickly thought about it, his eyes were heavy, and he seemed to be thinking.

When he checked it for the second time before, he found that the black patch on her right leg should be quite troublesome.

It's just that the situation along the way is critical and there is no professional medical environment. Ares can only do his best to share it for her.

Hope with his help, the two can get out as soon as possible.

During the action, Ares found that, apart from the condition of her hands, her right foot was obviously more blocked than before.

Thinking about it, her right leg must be deteriorating further.

After successive changes in the tunnel, the bandage on Charlotte's right leg was mottled and messy again.

The oozing blood stains were of different colors, some were darker brown, while others were more intense blood red.

Coupled with the smoke and dust generated by the explosion in the tunnel, the original whiteness of the bandages has long since disappeared.

Ares was silent for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Let me see the condition of your right leg."

He was asking for her opinion, about to take a third look at the wound on her leg.

Charlotte looked him straight in the eyes without refusing.

Anyway, they are already grasshoppers on the same rope. Knowing each other's physical condition is more conducive to future actions.

At the end of the tunnel, the ambient light is still on, and everything can be seen clearly.

Ares moved very quickly, and the bandage had already loosened a circle with the slight movement of his fingertips.

However, his movements were still fast and steady, and he didn't touch Charlotte's wound.

Only some of the bandages on Charlotte's legs had been removed, but the black, rigid patches on her legs could already be seen.

The plaque spread all the way from the wound on the calf, and now the area is very large.

In order to treat the injury to his leg, Charlotte had already removed all the clothing from the calf of his right leg.

Because of this, those black patches are clearly visible.

The ossified patches look so ominous, spread over a large area.

Almost the entire calf is already this black.

Not only that, more parts spread upwards, eventually disappearing into the fabric above the knees.

Even if he couldn't see the situation on her thighs, Ares could still analyze and judge.

He pondered for a moment and quickly understood Charlotte's current situation.

Her right leg is very unsatisfactory.

With her ability and willpower, her right leg has already become obviously sluggish, and the real state must be worse.

Perhaps, if it is allowed to worsen, it will only be a matter of time before the entire right leg loses its ability to move.

Not only her right leg, but also her left hand could barely move.

When she was in the tunnel before, she stopped several giant black arrows for him.

She even stopped the last one with her bare hands.

Ares saw all of this, and he didn't miss any detail.

With his eyesight, it was not difficult to see the attack of those black arrows.

Since then, she has hardly moved her left hand, and the injury is probably serious.

Ares judged that the only things she could move now were her right hand and left leg.

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