Star Coach

Chapter 3 Watching Movies

Cooper took Jiangshan and went straight to the training ground.

Jiang Shan slandered that Cooper had already guessed it even if he didn't say it. Cooper was eager to show his data analysis. Tomorrow will be against Atletico Madrid. I don’t know how effective the data analysis tutorial will be today, but Cooper is still looking forward to it.

Cooper believes that analyzing the video will help players better understand Atletico Madrid players and respond better during official games.

Jiang Shan was a little excited thinking that this was the team that had reached the Champions League finals for two consecutive years. In two lifetimes, this is the first time for him to be on the stage of a top team, even if it's just behind the scenes.

He quickly searched for Valencia players in his mind, and the stars were dazzling. Mendieta is the undisputed number one star, a model who has transformed from a soldier to an ace player, as well as big players such as Herard and Gonzalez.

Soon we arrived at the training ground. The players of the first team are preparing for the game, and there are cheers and laughter from time to time. The atmosphere is very relaxed. Tomorrow they will face only Atletico Madrid, not Depor, who is at the top of the list.

The assistant coach gathered everyone, and Cooper was going to announce the new assistant. Jiang Shan was also a little surprised. Wasn't he a part-time scout as promised? Why did he become Cooper's assistant again? By the way, I have to go to university for further studies!

"During this period, you and I are working with the first team and experiencing the training and preparation of a strong team." Cooper said next to Jiang Shan, unable to hide a little pride, "It will be good for you to become a coach in the future."

Jiang Shan nodded, grateful, "I will do it well."

Soon, players such as Gazca Mendieta, "Little Bug" Lopez, Angulo, Illie, Pellegrino, Canizares and others stood in front. This makes Jiangshan feel a bit dreamy.

Of course he is not star-struck, but excited. Maybe his arrival will cause a butterfly effect and take the team to the next level.

"Hey, I thought the coach was picking up his son from school, but I didn't expect it was a new player." White-headed goalkeeper Canizares joked.

The others also laughed, obviously they are assistants, okay? What a new player. Just because Jiangshan is too young, the big names in the team don't take him seriously at all.

Del Bosque has a high opinion of Canizares. He believes that Spain can produce a Raul in 20 years, but it can only produce a Canizares in 50 years.

But what Jiangshan remembers more deeply is that this guy conceded 3 goals in the Champions League. And before the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, he said that after taking a shower and applying perfume, the perfume bottle dropped and he used his foot to catch it. The broken perfume bottle cut his hamstring and missed the World Cup. Later, someone revealed that he injured his hamstring after drinking and getting into a fight with someone. It was really embarrassing.

Cooper is ready to say a few words for Jiangshan. Buwan Jiangshan laughed loudly and said, "If the coach had a son as great as mine, he would wake up laughing in his dreams. I am here to help everyone win the championship."

Cooper smiled bitterly, this guy actually deflected the fire, but he was not shy about the players' jokes, and he had a sophistication that didn't match his age.

Just listen to Jiang Shan continue to say, "I grew up watching you play football, let's take a look! This is Mendieta, I believe Zidane will envy your ability."

Mendieta raised his head and his mood improved. This guy really knows how to tell the truth. He couldn't help but get closer to Jiangshan.

"Canizares, you are about the same age as me, why are your hair all gray? Is it a new fashion?"

Canizares is a veteran who has been around for a long time. He said he is young and feels great. Jiangshan followed suit, calling everyone by name easily and pointing out the technical features they were proud of.

The first-team players suddenly felt refreshed. This guy was not just talking empty words, he understood everyone very well. The technical characteristics of each player have been thoroughly understood, and a lot of homework must have been done.

Jiang Shan's short words eliminated the resistance of the first-team players and began to integrate into the group. The joking way of chatting made the players feel relaxed and a sense of closeness to the country was created unconsciously.

In fact, he is also very helpless. Now he is a low-key man and can only build good relationships with big names. It is impossible to suppress them as forcefully as Cooper, otherwise he will not be able to carry out his work.

Cooper is very satisfied with Jiangshan's ability to deal with players. "Okay, everyone knows that Jiangshan knows the technical characteristics of each of you very well, so I arranged a job for him. That is to analyze the technical characteristics of the players and the opponent's techniques and tactics."

"Now let's watch the movie together. I guarantee you will be shocked." Cooper smiled mysteriously.

This successfully aroused the players' curiosity. Isn't it video analysis? It's not restricted, the team already has it, and the video editor Kasaka does a fairly competent job. Several players shrugged at the same time, and the coach must be being cryptic.

A group of people walked into the video analysis room in twos and threes. The country is ready.

He first played a video, which was an analysis of the technical characteristics of Atletico Madrid players, especially the core frontcourt player Belleron. Jiangshan conducted an in-depth analysis of his technical characteristics.

Belleron's control of the ball, as well as his passing imagination and penetration are all top-notch. Even if he is not holding the ball, he is a very big threat to Atletico Madrid.

What Jiangshan showed was the last 10 games. Belleron's handling of the last pass almost created opportunities. The data is very detailed and more detailed and systematic than Casaca.

Seeing the data analyzed by Jiangshan, Valencia's players calmed down, put away their contemptuous attitude, and listened carefully. It turns out that every technical action of the player can be recorded, restructured, and clearly displayed in front of the player.

Beleron excels in technique but loses in physical strength. Everyone at the scene seemed to see the digitized players, and then thought about how to deal with them.

Cooper nodded from time to time. Even though he had watched the video, he now had new thoughts. Belleron was once his old player in Mallorca, but now he felt that his understanding of Belleron's skills was not as good as what Jiangshan showed in the video.

In the last link, Jiangshan showed Atletico's common skills and tactics. Like Valencia, Atletico also took the path of counterattack.

Atletico poached Ranieri from Valencia, an Italian coach who was good at counterattacks. But Ranieri led the team for most of the season, brought the team to the middle and lower reaches, and was dismissed. Valencia poached Cooper from Mallorca, and Cooper brought the team to the edge of the championship and was ready to make a big move.

Of course, the chaos within Atletico Madrid, more importantly, the team chairman Hill was taken away by the Spanish authorities. The team fired Ranieri and replaced the famous coach Sacchi, but it also failed. The team's meritorious veteran Antic was replaced, but still could not resolve the relegation crisis.

After Jiangshan analyzed the video, Cooper began to arrange tactics in a targeted manner.

After going back and forth, the players have a deeper understanding of the skills and tactics of both sides. The tactics arranged by Cooper are also easier to absorb, and the effect shown on the field is definitely better.

Jiangshan doesn't care about tomorrow's game. Facing Atletico Madrid, which is on the verge of relegation, losing the ball means failure. This game is already a sure win.

In the end, the players have a clear impression in their minds. Looking at Jiangshan, they all show recognition. This guy has some skills. Jiangshan is now the first person to start data analysis systematically. He must be different.

Cooper saw that the team's training effect was very good and was in a good mood. He arranged for Jiangshan to stay with the team and allowed Jiangshan to enter the locker room to see how he talked to the players and encouraged them.

That night, Cooper found Jiangshan again and systematically understood data analysis, learning like a primary school student. Cooper's coaching style is cautious and meticulous, and the more preparations he makes, the fewer unexpected situations on the field.

Jiangshan is not private either. He has made a detailed explanation of the extent that the current data analysis conditions can achieve. He also took the opportunity to ask a lot of questions, all about leading the team. What he wanted most was to be a coach.

The game started soon, Valencia played at home, and with the new preparations, the players were full of confidence.

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