Star Coach

Chapter 4 Efficacy

Facing the Atletico Madrid match, Jiangshan sat in the audience.

He has been thinking about the influence of management on the team. In the previous life, he watched countless game videos, had experience in all major leagues, and studied countless tactics and player characteristics. But he has never seriously studied the influence of management on the team.

Like Valencia, the top management is not in harmony and often messes up the coach. In recent years, it has been a rare peak period; like the fan-like chairman Moratti, he spends money without blinking and smashes Inter Milan into a black hole for stars; like Manchester United, the top management is stable, the coach is stable, and the results are also stable.

Like Atletico Madrid this year, the chairman Hill was arrested, which had a greater impact. Yes, in Spain, there must be problems such as tax evasion and money laundering.

Atletico Madrid's forward line has Hasselbaink and Kiko who score like eating; the midfield has Belleron, Baraja, Juninho, Solari, and the back line is equally luxurious, the best central defender combination of Ayala and Gamara in the 1998 World Cup, the standard of the Paraguayan national team, and Spanish internationals Aguilera and Capdevila.

This lineup is a championship lineup no matter how you look at it. Let's look at the coaches. They have been used very aggressively this season. The first one was Ranieri, who had just led Valencia into the Champions League zone the year before; then Sacchi, the founder of the Milan dynasty; and later the team legend Antic.

Such a player configuration and such a coaching lineup led the team into the relegation zone, which was awesome. It was more shocking than the sinking of the Titanic.

Even in the face of the self-destructive Atletico Madrid, Cooper still dared not neglect it, and was always thinking about not making any mistakes.

"Jiangshan's pre-match arrangement is really useful. Their every move is within our calculations." After the opening, Cooper was so excited. The pre-match preparations were very sufficient, and the team had the upper hand at the start.

He glanced at Jiangshan unconsciously, a little apologetic. Jiangshan was just a part-time scout, and the team didn't have time to arrange an assistant coach seat, so he could only sit in the audience.

Shortly after the start of the game, Valencia took the lead. Mendieta broke through to the penalty area and passed the ball to Angulo, who easily hit the ball into the goal.

"Good!" Cooper roared, extremely satisfied.

This tactical design was prepared before the game, and it was based on the back of Atletico Madrid's central defender Gamara. Atletico Madrid was absent-minded throughout the season, and the overall team was very loose and could not be combined. The two central defenders were under great pressure and easily made mistakes.

When Cooper saw the goal, he recognized Jiangshan a little more and clenched his fists, "Data analysis, this is our secret weapon, and it is also a super weapon. At least before the end of this season, we can't let other teams know too much."

Cooper's ambition is rapidly expanding. The team's hope of winning the league championship is slim, but there is still a chance in the Champions League. As long as they cross the hurdle of Barcelona, ​​they can reach the Champions League final.

Thinking of this, he did not return to his seat, but rushed to the audience and found Jiangshan not far from the coaching seat.

The camera faithfully recorded this action. Cooper whispered in a young man's ear, looking pleading. The young man thought for a while and finally nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, I will call Wukang University at the end of this season to recommend your creation." Cooper promised.

Jiangshan didn't care and continued to watch the game. Football video editing has been around for more than a decade. In recent years, some people have tried data analysis. For example, Benítez attaches great importance to it, but he is limited to coaching in the Spanish Second Division and does not do it systematically.

Data analysis will be popular in the near future, and there is nothing to hide. Since Cooper asked him, Jiangshan also gave him face. Besides, Jiangshan also wanted to play big and see how big his butterfly effect could be.

At that time, football broadcasts were mostly broadcast on TV, and the domestic broadcasting system was not well developed. Otherwise, Jiangshan would probably become an Internet celebrity with the footage just now.

These days, the most broadcast domestically is the Serie A game, which has produced a large number of Serie A fans. Serie A in the 1990s was known as the Little World Cup, and there were also the Seven Sisters of Serie A in the mid-1990s. There were many strong teams, so it was normal to be popular.

Back on the field, Mendieta scored another goal before halftime, leading 2:0. Judging from Atletico's performance this year, Valencia has already secured the victory in advance.

During the halftime break, Jiangshan also appeared in the locker room and observed Cooper's midfield mobilization and deployment from a close distance. The players also welcomed him. After fully understanding yesterday, Atletico's style of play was restrained by Valencia today. Valencia led in the first half, proving that the data analysis brought by Jiangshan is effective.

Jiangshan dare not take credit, just facing Atletico. In fact, the bigger factor is that the players are quick to accept new things, and the smooth game is considered to be the credit of data analysis. In fact, data analysis is only an auxiliary tool. If the data analysis effect is so good, what does the team need the coach for?

"In the first half, our performance was very stable, especially Mendieta and Angulo, who were very active. In the second half, they will definitely strengthen the counterattack. Everyone should pay attention to protecting the defense line." Cooper praised the players and reiterated the tactics for the second half.

Finally, Cooper did not forget to point out Jiangshan, "Every coach has a different style, you have to have your own thinking. I focus on defense and counterattack, so when I choose players, I pay more attention to the players' execution. In my opinion, the players' execution is the most important."

Jiangshan nodded and said nothing. Every coach has a different style, and football will be exciting. At the same time, Ferguson played both wings at Manchester United, Van Gaal played offensive football at Barcelona, ​​and Bosque switched between 532 and 352 at Real Madrid, leading the trend. Later, there would be Mourinho's bus, Ancelotti's Christmas tree, and Guardiola's "backwards". Various styles intertwined and influenced each other, promoting the continuous development of football tactics.

The second half was uneventful. Atletico surrendered early. Valencia continued to work hard and scored another goal. In the end, they won the game with 3 goals.

The expected victory against Atletico, Valencia's players have a higher degree of recognition of Jiangshan's data analysis, and Jiangshan's work has made a good start.

But his busy life has just begun.

He has to work part-time in Valencia and go to Wukang University to study. If he was a part-time scout, it would be fine, easy, but now he has become Cooper's assistant, which is a bit overwhelming.

He lives in Murcia, where Wukang University is located. Like Valencia, it is located in the southeast of Spain, on the Mediterranean coast, but the two cities are more than 200 kilometers apart. It is hard to travel every week.

He lived in England for many years. After his adoptive mother passed away, he went to Hong Kong to play football. After retiring, he lived in Spain most of the time, learning the concept of mainland football. After being admitted to Wukang University, he lived in Murcia.

Murcia is one of the big cities with history in Spain, but there are many young people and full of vitality.

Jiangshan lives here, and the rent is much cheaper than living in Valencia, about 30,000 pesetas a month; food is not expensive, and it is controlled within 20,000 pesetas a month. The key is that he occasionally cooks, which saves more money.

His weekly salary is 100,000 pesetas, and after deducting taxes, there are 70,000 to 80,000 pesetas, which is more than enough to cope with life. Unfortunately, his friends are not around, and he can't share the joy of winning the competition with others. He can only make a few phone calls to show off.

When Jiangshan returned to Murcia, it was already late at night. He looked at the time, hesitated for a while, and forget it, he won't look for a big horse today.

Riding a foreign horse is his attitude and habit.

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