"Oh, if you can't beat me, just say you're cheating. I rely on my skills. Do you know how to use high-end operations?" The silver mecha made a sound for the first time. It was a modified female voice with a very impolite tone.

"On the contrary, I think you are the one who is cheating. Can you explain why your mecha performance is so high?

Otherwise, she wouldn't be chased all over the place.

Luo Yu shook her head calmly.

"Have you heard of Gramer Iron Cavalry? Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you. I am connected with the mecha soul and have reached the highest level of human-machine unity, which makes the mecha soul very happy, so it can burst out with power that ordinary people like you cannot understand."

Silver mecha:"……"

Who would believe this nonsense! Do you think I really don’t know Gramer? The last orphan of the Gramer Empire is in our team!

The silver mecha couldn’t stand this kind of provocation, and swooped down and rushed towards Luo Yu again, with scattered blue particles all over its body. The two machines collided again and continued to attack each other, and the sound of weapons colliding continued in the ears. The silver mecha’s attack was so fast that it could only capture the phantom of energy dissipation, but it was only powerful for a few seconds.

She found that the performance of Luo Yu’s mecha had increased several times again, and the successive attacks were extremely fast. The defense was so terrifying that it couldn’t break through the defense. Before she could teach the opponent a lesson, she was suppressed by the opponent’s mecha again.

The silver mecha was chased away and fled everywhere, and the exasperated language was uttered out loud.

"You guy, you dare to cheat but you don’t dare to admit it, right?"

"Don't frame me, I am a combination of man and machine."Luo Yu corrected again, followed closely behind the silver mecha and stabbed it with a sword, then scolded

"On the contrary, you, who have been found to be cheating, still dare to continue to destroy the balance of the game so brazenly."

The silver mecha dodged the attack in a thrilling manner, but she refuted loudly without showing any weakness:"You are talking nonsense! This is my operating skills!"

She kept dodging, from being furious at the beginning, to changing her strategy later, and was also being chased and fleeing, but this time, although she was suppressed and beaten, she taunted without showing any weakness.

"Oh no~ I didn't get it again. Even if I cheated, I'm still so bad. I'm just a small fry in the game. I'd better go back to sleep and stop learning to play games."

Originally, Luo Yu was happily playing the game of hunter chasing prey. After hearing this, the mecha stopped in the air and stopped chasing.

"That's because I don't need to be serious when dealing with you."The silver mecha saw Luo Yu stop moving, but continued to shout and taunt.

"You are very courageous. Luo Yu's tone finally changed and he spoke slowly.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities."

As soon as the voice fell, the energy power of the trailing machine increased sharply. The golden mecha no longer cared about the silver mecha, but flew up to the sky like a meteor, raising its hands to grab the sky.

The silver mecha saw that the other mecha suddenly flew so high that the human figure became unclear, and was a little confused about what it was doing.

The next moment, with Luo Yu as the center point, the clouds in the sky rolled and rotated in a huge vortex. The sky turned upside down as if it was going to press down on the ground. Thunder rumbled, and the color of the entire sky changed. The thick golden light and thunder roared hidden in the vortex-shaped clouds.

"Destroy the balance of the game, maliciously attack innocent players with malicious language, and most importantly, because of their own selfish desires, they use cheats to wreak havoc on the game and destroy the hard work of others. Am I right? Malicious cheats are bad players who are very bad and stubborn."

Luo Yu stood high in the sky and issued a just judgment. The vortex clouds in the sky dissipated, and the golden color that was covered in the sky was completely revealed. The golden sword tip of the judgment pierced through the clouds, revealing a huge mecha that was hundreds of times more magnificent, with a great visual impact.

The magnificent golden sword of judgment fell from the sky, and even a distant gaze could not take in its full view. At this moment, the silver mecha looked up at the sky in astonishment.

No, this is a bit too exaggerated.

There is nowhere to hide, and the golden light is reflected in her pupils and continues to expand.


Deafening explosions, earth-shattering tremors, golden light covering everything, looking from afar in the universe, the huge golden energy on the surface of the planet rose, bloomed and spread, and finally turned into a mushroom cloud.

The original arena and the surrounding areas, as far as the eye can see, have all turned into a world like broken glass. The world shattered into countless tiny fragments, and below is an empty endless black.

The silver mecha, there is no residue left, yes, the malicious players who opened the cheat have been eliminated, and the metaverse has restored the beautiful and harmonious gaming environment.

In the sky, Luo Yu looked at his masterpiece, raised his hand, and the broken world was reorganized to restore its original intact appearance. He drove his mecha with great joy out of the arena.

He could guess who the silver mecha was.

‘The Metaverse is not a game made up of code, but a real other universe. Hackers and plug-in software are not capable of such a great feat. Hacking into the Metaverse can only be done by the 'Ether Editor' that can rewrite reality.


The horrific attack tore him into pieces without any resistance, but the screen in front of him did not disappear, but a prompt appeared again:

【You are attacked by the Sword of Judgment】

【Your account has been blocked】

【Remaining time to unlock: 3649999 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes]

In the dark room, the combination of multiple chassis and screens of the gaming device emitted the only light.



The silver-haired girl sitting on the chair in front of the game table took off her helmet and slammed it on the game table in front of her, screaming out in frustration, her chest heaving violently.

"Didn't you cheat too? You even blocked my account! I'm so mad... I'm so mad!"

The girl looked young, with silver-gray hair tied into a very powerful spiral ponytail at the back of her head. Her facial features were cute and delicate, and her figure was slender, but her clothes were fashionable and bold, with a shirt with a small suspender, lace and shorts. The rest of her clothes were full of the punk style of a rebellious girl. At first glance, she was a rebellious duck.


Silver Wolf's hand was pinching the helmet, his voice was trembling with anger, his fair little hand was pinching the helmet hard as if the helmet was the hateful bastard on the opposite side. If you have the ability, you can ban her account.

The other side is obviously a GM, and as an internal staff, he maliciously cheated to bully other players, and said such irritating words. What are you so righteous about? Aren't you cheating like me!

No... No, I didn't cheat, I only relied on game skills, and 'Ether Editor' is also part of my strength.

I'm so angry! I'm so angry!

The angry Silver Wolf noticed that there were two unread messages on the game device in front of him

【Kafka: Baby, are you there?】

【Kafka: I'll need your help next. 】

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