【Silver Wolf: Not here】

【Kafka: Why are you replying so late? Are you playing games?】

【Silver Wolf: Don’t mention it!】

【Kafka: What? Someone made our famous Silver Wolf angry.】

【Silver Wolf: A nasty bastard】

【Silver Wolf: No! The more I think about it, the angrier I get! I'm going to teach that guy a lesson right now, we'll talk later. 】

Silver Wolf was getting angrier and angrier the more she talked to Kafka, and the angrier she got the more she took a step back. No! She had to get revenge. When had she, the famous Silver Wolf, ever suffered such an injustice? She was bullied by a game administrator. If she told anyone about it, the whole universe would laugh to death. She had to teach this nasty guy a lesson, or she would really be looked down upon!

Thinking of the other party seeing her begging for mercy and apology because she was scared, Silver Wolf raised the corner of her mouth and disappeared in the room like a projection of body data.

【Kafka: Silver Wolf? 】

On another planet, Kafka blinked her eyes. She sent out a message but to no avail. She poked the screen with her finger and a message popped up saying"Target is no longer in service area". She had no choice but to put down her phone.

Should it be... okay?


In the bedroom, Luo Yu opened his eyes and looked in one direction with a surprised and interesting look. He realized that if he wanted to enter the metaverse, he naturally didn't need any equipment.

After a moment, a figure gradually appeared in that position, like a projection print. From a virtual image to a physical entity, it was the silver wolf that was tracking this place.

"You're not lying.’?"Silver Wolf looked around, then looked at Luo Yu with a bad attitude. The surroundings were low-key and luxurious, and the other party was very handsome. His appearance and demeanor were very different from what she had imagined. Humph! He looked decent and well-educated, but he had a bad character. It was true that you could only judge a person by his appearance, but not by his heart. Humph!

"He was using cheats to criticize others, and used GM privileges to cheat. Wasn't he arrogant in the game just now?"

Silver Wolf raised his hand and a weapon named 'Prometheus' appeared. A blade popped out like an arm armor, and he slowly stepped forward, full of threats.

"I've already said that I'm not cheating."

Faced with the threatening action, Luo Yu shook his head calmly. The metaverse was created by him. Even in normal conditions, the entire universe can be reshaped by him at will.

Does it mean it's on if it's not turned off? This is a bit unreasonable.

""Hmm?" Silver Wolf's eyebrows jumped when he heard this:"You are still being stubborn?!"

She had already walked in front of Luo Yu who was sitting on the bed, raised her legs and stepped on the bed, lowered her head and looked down at Luo Yu and said, like a gangster's daughter

"Do you know who I am?"

In the eyes of Silver Wolf, she has completely gained the upper hand, as simple as cat and mouse, but this guy is a bit courageous, but this tepid attitude is very irritating, she has to scare the other party to see his expression of crying and begging for mercy.

However, with her notoriety in the universe, almost everyone will be scared to death as long as they recognize her.

Silver Wolf said, showing his power without hiding, and a scarlet pop-up window blockade appeared out of thin air in the spacious room, eroding and assimilating the pixelation of the surrounding objects, the game props, looked magical and mysterious, and people could not understand.

"Haha, then do you know who I am?"

Facing the intimidation of Silver Wolf, Luo Yu said with an interesting smile, what a cute threat


Silver Wolf was startled, and suddenly noticed that everything around him had changed without knowing when. It was no longer the magnificent bedroom just now, but a strange area full of brokenness and confusion.


Upon realizing this, Silver Wolf immediately jumped back to distance himself, and looked at Luo Yu standing opposite in surprise.

"Are you a rememberer?"

But then she smiled confidently again, and launched her own attack at Luo Yu with her thumbs down:"Humph! So what if you are a rememberer? Your methods are very wonderful, but they don't work well on me."

Her 'Ether Editor' is not afraid of the rememberer's methods.

However, nothing happened, there was no reaction around, and even the previous pixel blocks were slowly dissipating.

Luo Yu watched her performance quietly with a smile on his face.

Keep going.

What's going on!

This sudden change startled Silver Wolf. She shook her arms and quickly concentrated on controlling the 'Ether Editor', but no matter how hard she tried, it was useless, as if she had completely lost this power.

Silver Wolf finally panicked a little, and immediately raised 'Prometheus' and switched to cannon form to aim at Luo Yu. The blue-purple energy gathered in the weapon and fired!

The sound was like the sound effect of the game. It looked very abstract, but the pixel blocks had the terrible ability to rewrite reality.

However, this energy cannon only flew out two meters, and the attack dissipated in mid-air.

Silver Wolf:"!!!"

She continued to attack in panic, but the subsequent attacks were even weaker. The energy just came out of the gun turned into light and dissipated. She shook the weapon a few times and found in panic that even the"Prometheus" in her hand was beginning to dissipate.

At the same time, her destiny power also dissipated. No matter what Silver Wolf did, he could not stop it.

"Cheating in the game, offline threats, weren't you very arrogant just now?"Luo Yu walked in front of Yin Lang and said to him, the words seemed familiar, but the situation of the two people was reversed.

When Luo Yu walked in front of her, Yin Lang could no longer feel her own strength, and she had completely become an ordinary girl without the ability to resist. The other party didn't even make a move.

How is this possible? How did she do it! Why did it happen? Why did her power disappear!

Yin Lang opened her beautiful eyes wide, watching her own power and"Prometheus" dissipate, pointing at Luo Yu in disbelief, her mouth opening and closing, her voice trembling.

You...you are dead!!


""Boss, are you okay?" Lorde pushed the door open. She lived in the manor and rushed over immediately after sensing the unusual power fluctuations.

There might be an intruder!

"Woo woo woo~~~Woo~!!!"

However, she rushed to Luo Yu's bedroom. Luo Yu was safe and sound, sitting on the desk chair with a relaxed look. On the floor, there was a famous silver-gray-haired girl who was tied up like a caterpillar, twisting stubbornly, with her mouth tied with a rope, and could only make vague humming sounds.

"I'm sorry to have worried you. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Luo Yu looked at Lord who came over and said with a smile. In fact, it was very fast. He and the silver wolf had not been in contact for a long time. Lord observed Luo Yu and found that he did not have any injuries. Then he nodded and said

"Well, as long as you are okay."

She felt a little bit of urgency and depression in her heart. She knew that the boss was very strong and ordinary people could not hurt him, but what if the next intruder was also very strong and dangerous to the boss.

If someone could threaten the boss, she could not help him with her current strength, and it would be difficult to do so after a period of training.

It seems that she must learn some moves that can burst out powerful strength, so that she can at least help when needed.

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