"It’s just that she……"

Lord's eyes fell on the"intruder" tied up like a caterpillar on the ground, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes. Is this really an intruder?

It's not that Lord didn't have a sense of crisis, but Silver Wolf's appearance was too deceptive. She looked like a young girl. Generally speaking, adults have a higher tolerance for children.

Luo Yu saw her thoughts, chuckled, and slowly revealed Silver Wolf's identity.

"Lord, don't underestimate her because of her appearance.

She is a famous wanted criminal in the universe, the first female killer in Siberia, the Silver Wolf of the Ural, who once killed a mission target without any weapons, only with a pair of stockings.

"The resume was told one by one.

At first, Silver Wolf didn't feel anything, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

Silver Wolf is Silver Wolf, and Ural is a messy prefix.

It's too ugly, it sounds like someone's dog, and what the hell is Siberia? And when did she kill anyone with stockings?

"Silver Wolf……"

This keyword reminded Lorde. She looked at Silver Wolf again and recognized her identity.

"Is she the Star Core Hunter Silver Wolf?"

The reputation of the Star Core Hunters is very big in the universe, because all the members of the Star Core Hunters have wanted orders with the highest amount of money in the universe.

Even Lord, who has just been in contact with the universe, can hardly be unaware of it.

When her famous name was recognized, Silver Wolf, who was tied up tightly and lying on the ground, only felt embarrassed and ashamed.

She felt like crying but had no tears.

It would be better if no one recognized her like this.

She, Silver Wolf, was in trouble this time. She couldn't use all her strength and didn't even have a chance to escape.

As for who the other party was, this was Yalilo No. 6. She had already guessed the other party's identity. Why was she so unlucky.

The real strong people in the universe are pitifully few compared to the base number of countless civilizations in the boundless universe. Otherwise, she, Silver Wolf, would have overturned long ago if she had been making trouble on countless planets.

Suddenly, the rope in her mouth dissipated in the air. Silver Wolf took a breath and was finally able to speak.

"Humph, since you have caught me, it is my bad luck. You can get any information from me or give it to the company for the reward. Of course, I cannot guarantee that the information I tell you is true.

She looked at Luo Yu stubbornly, raised her lips, and said with a nonchalant attitude. Although her body was tied up, her mouth was still hard.

"Judging from your appearance, you are just an intern member of the Star Core Hunters. What information can you know?"Luo Yu shook his head and waved his hand to Lord.

"Pull it down and chop it off."

""Hmm? You, don't try to scare me. You caught me for other purposes!" Silver Wolf was shocked. His nonchalant attitude turned into nervousness in an instant. His heart was pounding, but he still pretended to be calm and said

"Unfounded inference, what? Are you nervous?"Luo Yu looked at her nervous expression, his eyes were high in the sky, and then he said word by word

"Lord, pull it down, from foot to head, cut it section by section"

"!!!"Silver Wolf's eyes widened. Seeing Lord walking towards him after accepting the offer, he struggled in fear, no longer caring about his face, and quickly shouted

"Wait! Who said I was an intern? I am a formal member! I really know a lot of information, you can ask me anything you want!"

However, Luo Yu was not moved at all, and Silver Wolf's heart suddenly sank.

No way! I am not really going to fail here!

"You can hand me over to the company to collect the reward, which is a lot of credit points!" She hurriedly continued to explain her value. If she was caught by the company, she would not be finished immediately. Kafka and others would come to save her later.

However, Luo Yu remained unmoved. Did he lack those credit points?

"!!!"Seeing Lord approaching her, Silver Wolf's face turned pale, her eyes wide open with panic. She was really panicking.

"No problem, I can join you. Beloberg must be in great need of help right now! My abilities are very useful! I can do anything!"

"You are a member of the Star Core Hunters, how could you possibly join someone else? Do you believe this?" Hearing this

, Luo Yu shook his head.

"Of course I believed it! The Star Core Hunters only gathered for various purposes, without any feelings. I used to be alone in the universe, and I only agreed to invitations that could provide convenience for myself."

"Now that there is a better and more powerful organization, of course I am willing to join. I once swore that when I look for a boss, I must find the best and most powerful being in the universe."

The words finally caused a response, and Silver Wolf quickly increased the credibility of his words, making up all kinds of promises.

As long as he could get a chance to delay, it would be fine. Anyway, it was just a verbal promise, and there would be a chance to escape later.

Silver Wolf looked at Luo Yu's response nervously, but the other party was not convinced. Instead, he seemed very dissatisfied with her behavior and shook his head in disappointment.

"Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal, who would dare to employ you with such a character, you'd better be dragged out and chopped off."

Silver Wolf quickly defended himself, with a serious face

"Don't! Don't! I'm loyal. I just like better things. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with abandoning the uninteresting Star Core Hunter? This place is more formal and legal, with strong financial resources and unlimited development prospects. It's also the time for the organization to use people to show themselves. Most importantly, this is where I have the dream I once swore."

"The best and most powerful being in the entire universe!"

"The strength of an organization depends on its leader. With the best leader in the universe, there is no other organization better than this one.


She was silenced by these"sincere" words and looked at Silver Wolf with a strange expression.

After he finished speaking, Silver Wolf held his breath and nervously observed Luo Yu's reaction. Life or death depended on these few seconds.

A moment later, the ropes on her body suddenly dissipated, turning into crystal particles of light that dissipated in the air.

Silver Wolf's expression suddenly brightened. Her bound body was untied, and the long-lost sense of ease and freedom filled her whole body. She was about to burst into tears.

But she was not really safe yet. She stood up with a sincere face and made promises. Chong Ma Yali's milky voice was full of trust.

"Don't worry , boss. I will work hard, study hard, make outstanding contributions, and take you, the best and most powerful in the universe, as my role model for the future."

Luo Yu had a big smile on his face, but he waved his hand and said seriously,"Don't talk nonsense. The most powerful existence in the universe is the Star God."

"Right! I was not rigorous. You are the second most powerful being in the universe."

You accepted the title of the number one outside of Star God without blushing or beating your heart!

Silver Wolf shouted in disbelief in his heart, but immediately corrected his mistake on the surface.

""Yeah." Luo Yu nodded in satisfaction, but soon frowned again.

"The second most powerful... it doesn't sound very good."

Silver Wolf: Why is this person so troublesome!!!

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