"Forget it, although he is a little stupid, his attitude is sincere." Luo Yu waved his hand, watching the arrogant kid change to a nice-speaking Silver Wolf, and raised his lips in satisfaction.

Although he is loyal on the surface but not in the heart, why does he need a heart? He just needs a body.

This is the benefit of strength. As long as a gun is pointed at them, Indians will become good at singing and dancing.

"You are lucky, you have good abilities, and you joined at a clever time. Come on, I will give you the benefits of joining, which is something everyone in the universe dreams of."

Luo Yu waved at Silver Wolf, indicating that she was lucky.

There are benefits?

Silver Wolf hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and walked over with an unchanged expression, but in his heart he snorted and laughed maliciously,"When Kafka and the others come, I will take your benefits and run with you, let's see what your expression will be then."

As for revenge, she had never thought about it at all. She had no room to resist in front of the other party. Even if Kafka and the others came just to save her and escape, there was a possibility of overturning. At that time, running as far as possible would be the most rational choice. However, when

Silver Wolf walked in front of Luo Yu, he did not see the other party take out anything, but was just touched on the head, with his hand placed on his head like a priest giving a blessing.

The corner of Silver Wolf's mouth twitched. She made up that she admired Luo Yu, but the most coveted benefit in the universe was a pat on the head! This is too stingy! She thought she would get some special reward, and she made some unhappiness to the other party when she ran.

As Silver Wolf was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came to her from the depths of her soul and startled her.

【Received an invitation, do you want to join Liyue Technology’】


Something that looked like a familiar game frame appeared in front of her, because she herself liked to use the 'Ether Editor' to create something like this.

Silver Wolf looked up at Luo Yu and saw that he was waiting and looking at her, and she also realized that it was a similar power. It was also very ceremonial.

She really liked this kind of game-like thing. It would be great if everyone in the Star Core Hunter was so interesting and not so old-fashioned.

At this time, Silver Wolf only thought that Luo Yu had used special power to display something like her, and she didn't realize the shock of this matter.

She immediately agreed, and the game frame in front of her did not disappear. Instead, it expanded into the guild page, which contained an introduction to Liyue Technology and a constantly jumping huge amount of guild total reputation.

It was made quite well and delicately. Huh? There was even a menu, made just like the real thing.

Silver Wolf's consciousness moved, and when he entered the guild mall and saw the rows of content inside, Silver Wolf blinked and gradually opened his eyes, and finally felt that something was wrong.

This... can't be possible...

Silver Wolf looked up at Luo Yu and then looked down at the panel. A thought came to his mind that he couldn't believe.

This thing... can't be real! No, how could this be possible? This is not in the game.

"What, are you doubting whether it's true? Haha, I'm not the kind of person who would use unrealistic fantasies to deceive."

Silver Wolf was thinking, when he heard a magnetic and slow voice in his ear. Luo Yu stood behind him and whispered softly without knowing when. The distance was very close, and the breath between the words hit his ears, which made him clearly feel the scorching temperature.

But Silver Wolf couldn't pay attention to this at all at this time. Luo Yu's voice seemed to carry a fatal temptation, which firmly attracted her mind. Silver Wolf stared at the movements of Luo Yu's hands, breathing rapidly, and his mouth opened unconsciously.

Listening to the whispers and watching the hand pass across the panel in front of her, her reputation value increased by 20,000, and then fell on the physical fitness and destiny energy in the mall, confirming the purchase.

【Gain Constitution +100】

【Gain destiny energy +100】

"!!!"At the moment of the prompt, Silver Wolf opened his eyes wide and clearly felt the power and fullness coming from his body. The power was rising steadily, and the power of destiny also poured into his body. He felt the power of destiny again.

"Um……"Since Silver Wolf's original power was blocked, this sense of improvement was particularly obvious. It continued to improve as if every cell in her body was emitting a sense of pleasure, causing her body to tense slightly. She couldn't help but let out a comfortable suppressed moan.

"How is it? Is it what everyone in the universe dreams of?"Luo Yu's whisper with a smile came to her ears again. Silver Wolf looked at the panel in front of her with rapid breathing. This infuriating voice fell into her ears at this time and she felt so wonderful.

Silver Wolf swallowed her saliva.

Although her original strength was stronger than this, this improvement was too simple, was it really just like drinking water to improve like playing a game?

Although she called herself a player and regarded the universe as a game, it was only because of her power"Ether Editing" to rewrite reality, and her"Compilation Hacking" to treat the universe as a game with loopholes, but this ability was of course It is impossible to do whatever she wants. At most, she is just a destiny walker with special abilities. She regards the surroundings as a game, just imagination.

Even she herself once imagined that if one day the game system really appeared in reality, she would become the protagonist of the game on the spot.

But at this moment, the thing she has always imagined is right in front of her.

Silver Wolf stared at the panel and couldn't move his eyes away.

At this moment, it was like a magical girl experiencing a tentacle monster, a person who believes in light encountering a divine light stick, a time traveler seeing the system, and a Star Iron player seeing the 20 five-star games of his choice every month.

"You have just joined and have no source of income, so how about giving you 100,000 reputation points as salary every month, and then increase it after you get familiar with it."The charming voice of Luo Yu came again.

One hundred thousand?

Silver Wolf's breathing stagnated, and she turned her head to look at Luo Yu, swallowed her saliva and looked at the panel. She felt her heartbeat accelerate. This was a dream that could only appear in her dreams. Is everything in front of her real? Is she dreaming? If so, I really hope I will never wake up.

Silver Wolf even saw the terrifying price and description of the fate. It was a fate, the key to upgrading to a star god.

As long as she saved up nine years' salary, she could even become a star god directly?

This kind of thing was something she didn't dare to think about!

"Such a powerful thing is so simple, and you just leave it to me?"

Silver Wolf turned his head to look at Luo Yu, his voice stuttering a little. She just joined.

"Hehe, I never care about such trivial matters. If anyone dares to betray the guild, I will directly remove her from the guild and take back all the rewards she has received. Don't worry, if that happens, the guild will not suffer any losses."

Luo Yu waved his hand and said, indicating that the other party should not worry about such trivial matters. The guild has already made perfect arrangements and will definitely not suffer any losses.

Remove! Take back all?!!

Silver Wolf opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and his originally excited heart suddenly cooled down. His little mouth kept opening and closing and trembling as he said,

"Just, just, not leaving any for me at all?"

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