"Of course I won't leave any for you. After all, you are already a traitor and don't need mercy." Luo Yu answered as a matter of course. After he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Silver Wolf with suspicion.

"Why would you care about what happens after betrayal? No……"


"How is that possible! I'm just a little worried that you, the boss, will feel pity for me. I'm relieved. I completely agree that traitors should be severely punished, the more severe the better."Silver Wolf's heart started beating fast, and he immediately started to explain.

"Of course I believe you, and your idea coincides with mine. The more cruel the punishment for traitors, the better."Luo Yu smiled again and nodded to Silver Wolf with a promising face.

"I am also updating the punishment method recently. What do you think about adding a self-destruct function to the guild panel? When the traitor cannot resist, he will watch all his power being recycled, and finally watch the explosion countdown decrease second by second in fear, and regret painfully before death."

Are you a devil?!"

Silver Wolf opened his eyes wide and looked at Luo Yu as if he saw a devil.

"But there is no need for this matter at the moment, so don't be too anxious."

Luo Yu thought about it and shook his head again, giving up the idea of executing it immediately, and smiled optimistically at Silver Wolf,"I believe in your awareness, Silver Wolf, you will definitely not do such a stupid thing as betrayal, right?"

""Yes, yes, yes!" Silver Wolf quickly expressed his opinion, nodding like a chick pecking at rice.

"Being able to join here is what I have always dreamed of. This is my dream. How could I betray you?"

""Not bad, you are very conscious. With a pillar of your consciousness, the guild will be able to develop better in the future."

Luo Yu looked very satisfied and raised his hand. Silver Wolf immediately felt his power coming back. At the same time, the data in front of him gathered and turned into a familiar weapon style, which fell into Silver Wolf's hands.

It was Prometheus!

Silver Wolf was surprised to see the weapon in his hand. She thought that 'Prometheus' had been completely decomposed, but she didn't expect it to be returned. It still carried the four electronic companions she made, and she still cherished it. After a brief test and finding no faults, Silver Wolf showed a relaxed smile on his face and put it away.

【Reputation +150000]

Suddenly, Silver Wolf received news of another reputation gain. The large amount of reputation made her eyes widen, and Luo Yu's unhurried voice came to her ears.

"You just came to Beloberg, so this is an advance reward for your living expenses."

Silver Wolf's heart started beating faster.

He knew he was a jerk, but the way he threw money was damn charming and handsome. Damn it! He was actually a little touched!

"Well, then what should I do?��"Silver Wolf asked quietly about his responsibilities.

Luo Yu slowly explained the arrangements:"You can follow Lord to get familiar with the work first."

"Silver Wolf, you are excellent. I did not choose you to let you do some work like a machine. That is a waste of your talent. The future of the organization is like a blank sheet of paper. What I do is just a line on this blank sheet of paper, reaching the end."

"The organization is your home, and the places on the paper that are not marked with lines are undeveloped blanks. These are all opportunities for you to show yourself, create benefits for the organization, and prove your talents in the future."

"Of course, in the process, you will get what you want, your starting point will be higher than others, and you will be trained as a cadre. Silver Wolf, don't let me down."

You have been taught the responsibilities of a boss. Isn't it just to make her think of the organization as her home and herself as a beast, always thinking about creating benefits for the company? Do you really think that she, Silver Wolf, is as easy to fool as she looks?

Silver Wolf curled his lips in his heart when he heard this, mumbling in his own little drama, but on the surface he still responded with a happy and serious look, and glanced at Lord next to him.

At first glance, this woman is the type who is too serious, and she will never get along with such a person.

"Well, I will give you a salary increase based on your performance, and your contribution and reputation will also increase your reputation points accordingly, so perform well."

What?! Increase your reputation points?

Silver Wolf immediately threw the idea behind his mind, since it can actually increase your reputation points! How can this be called a pie in the sky? You can see the benefits immediately, right?

"Well, there is not much work today. You can walk around the manor to get familiar with it. You will come here often in the future."Luo Yu waved his hand and said, then he calmly said to Silver Wolf word by word.

"Also, wash the sheets you just stepped on."

"Forehead……"Silver Wolf was speechless for a moment. You actually still remember this.

She used ether transfer and had energy to protect herself. It was not dirty at all. There was obviously no mark on the bed sheet. It was stepped on by a beautiful girl like her. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a reward.

Humph, really tactless. Do you have to be so mysophobic?

Although he complained in his heart, Silver Wolf still took the bed sheet away obediently. He asked the maids in the manor all the way and walked to the bathroom.

After stuffing the bed sheet into the laundry machine, Silver Wolf couldn't help but open the guild panel to see the contents inside.

Speaking of which, her strength has returned. If she finds an opportunity, can she transfer and escape?

She clicked on the guild mall and looked at the eye-catching and dazzling products. Her heart was pounding. She clicked on another"Guild Development" and saw the contents displayed inside.

【Training Academy (lv: 10): Gain 40% + 400 points of work efficiency improvement】

【Talent Development (lv: 12): Gain 48% + 480 points of learning talent improvement】

【Training Facility (lv: 12): Gain 48% + 480 points of combat attribute improvement】

【Member dormitory (lv: 11): Reduces fatigue accumulation rate by 11%, gains 110% rest recovery rate. 】

Silver Wolf couldn't help swallowing his saliva again, breathing rapidly.

You use this to test the cadres? Which cadre can withstand such a test?!

After washing the sheets, Silver Wolf wandered around the manor, visiting everywhere, complaining in his heart that this place is really big, high-profile and atmospheric without being luxurious and earthy. The key is that it is so big that it can be used to make a map in the game.

The corrupt and evil rich people really know how to enjoy themselves.

Time passed by little by little.

I'm so hungry...

The sky gradually darkened. Silver Wolf, who was walking around the manor, touched her white and smooth belly exposed to the air without a trace of fat. The feeling of hunger kept coming, making her fall into silence.

A few minutes later, the door of Lord's room was knocked and pushed open. Silver Wolf coughed dryly and asked calmly

"Ahem... um, where is there a place to eat here? And where am I going to sleep at night?"

Lord, who opened the door, looked a little confused when he heard this. There is food in the reputation mall, so he shouldn't be so hungry. He can just use his reputation points to buy some. It's nutritious, clean, cheap and delicious.

"Well, my reputation has been spent, it's all gone." Silver Wolf said in an embarrassed whisper, his face slightly red with shame.

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