"Aiya! What are you doing!"

In the helpless look of Natasha, Seele rubbed Hook's face in frustration, causing Hook to let out a series of wails.

After a few minutes, Seele stopped, leaning against the wall, looking up at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.

She suddenly had the urge and grief to give up her identity as the leader of the Earth and Fire, and let anyone who wanted to be the leader be the leader, and she would never be the leader again.

Ah... So annoying, so sad.

I'm not going to work anymore! Seele was venting her anger thinking about going on strike today. Anyway, she had already arranged today's affairs, and she was going to go to the upper area to find Bronya to go out and play, go shopping and relax.

I'm so angry! I'm so angry! I'm not going to work today!!


After leaving Panyan Town, Luo Yu came to the mechanical settlement. Seeing the changes around him, he soon met Clara and Swarro.

Seeing him again, Clara's happy face was slightly red, and they talked about what happened recently.

The population of the mechanical settlement is far less than that of Panyan Town, and the material wealth is not as good, but compared with Panyan Town at that time, the mechanical settlement is very stable, and most people are in a good mood, which is much better than the depressed and desperate atmosphere of Panyan Town.

It may be because of the entertainment of mechanical soldiers and pets, and Swarro's surveillance to maintain law and order, the mental outlook of most residents in the mechanical settlement is much better than other places.

And because of the company of machines, almost everyone in the mechanical settlement has some ability to repair machines.

After the whole people started the construction, other people in Panyan Town were doing hard labor, but people in the mechanical settlement could directly enter the technical position, and each of them had some knowledge about machinery, just like a large-scale mechanical repair training market.

Although there are few people, the quality is quite excellent. After solving the star core and the rift, opening the ban and starting a period of rapid development, the mechanical settlement has been developing quite rapidly.

"……The mechanical settlement has become much better during this period, all thanks to the help of my elder brother."

Clara described the changes in the mechanical settlement, her soft voice full of gratitude and happiness, and her hopeful eyes carefully stayed on Luo Yu while she spoke.

"It is true that I have helped with materials, but Clara, the achievements of the mechanical settlement today are all the rewards of your efforts."

Noticing Clara's hopeful eyes like a young animal, Luo Yu saw her inner emotions, touched her soft white hair and praised her gently.

Clara felt the warmth on her head and the gentle praise in her ears, and felt a tingling of joy in her heart, but her shy personality made her blush and pinch the corner of her clothes.

Seeing this scene, Swarovski, who was standing aside, stared at Luo Yu with his scarlet electronic eyes.

Swarovski is watching you.jpg

"It's good to work hard, but you should also relax occasionally."However, Luo Yu didn't care at all. Instead, he gently rubbed the shy Clara's hair, and invited Clara to go out and play to relax her tense mood.

Clara was immediately excited when she heard this, but she quickly held back and whispered:"But there are still many things to do in the mechanical settlement."

"It doesn't matter, just leave it to Swarovski, he will be happy."Luo Yu said with a natural smile.

Xier fainted in the toilet.

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he looked up with smiling eyes and met Swarovski's scarlet electronic eyes that had been staring at him.


"Is this really okay?"Clara looked at Swarovski hesitantly, her hands on her chest. She felt that it was not a good idea to leave everything to Mr. Swarovski, but she couldn't help but feel a desire to go out and play.

After a few seconds of silence, Swarovski made a mechanical synthesized sound without fluctuations.

"According to data analysis, it is best for humans not to be under too much stress when they are young, as this is not conducive to their psychological growth. So go ahead, Clara, some relaxation is good for your body."

"Thank you, Mr. Swarovski!" Clara couldn't help showing a look of joy.

After putting down her work, she followed Luo Yu to go out and play.

In other words, Swarovski is a robot and has no emotions. His judgment is based on data. Otherwise, seeing Clara hand over everything to him and then leave happily with another man, as an old father, he must have made a sharp and furious roar.

Relaxing walks, food shopping, visiting the new city under construction, Luo Yu took Clara to relax and play in the upper and lower areas for half a day in the afternoon.

During the play, Clara's face was full of joy and excitement, but the introverted Her personality makes her always control her emotions. When she sees something she likes, her face becomes red with joy and she holds Luo Yu's arm tightly. Her simple expression makes it easy to guess her inner thoughts.

In fact, Luo Yu just thought that since he had nothing to do, he would take Clara, a cute, sensible but somewhat lonely little girl, to play around. But when he was playing with her, he found that it seemed quite interesting.

There was a sense of spiritual relaxation without any intrigue.

Clara was also very happy. She was a little reluctant to return to the mechanical settlement, but she still happily said goodbye to Luo Yu in the end.


Luo Yu left the lower district, feeling that his soul was cleansed when he was with this innocent little guy, which made him feel relaxed after a long time. After walking in the square of the upper city for a while, Luo Yu came to the upper district museum and visited it alone.

With Pera's careful design and Luo Yu's generous sponsorship, the museum is very large, with solemn and elegant decorations, but the exhibits are not attractive to Luo Yu, so he just strolled around.

After all, these exhibits were put up by him.

Looking at the glass display case on this side, Luo Yu remembered something.

Did he promise Pera something, that he would visit the completed museum with her when he had time ?……

"Hello, Mr. Luo Yu." At this moment, someone suddenly greeted him. It was a nice female voice, polite but calm.

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